process comments of proofread
[asr1617.git] / glossaries.tex
1 \newglossaryentry{dm}{name={Death Metal},
2 description={is an extreme heavy metal music style with growling vocals and
3 pounding drums}}
4 \newglossaryentry{dom}{name={Doom Metal},
5 description={is an extreme heavy metal music style with growling vocals and
6 pounding drums played very slowly}}
7 \newglossaryentry{FT}{name={Fourier Transform},
8 description={is a technique of converting a time representation signal to a
9 frequency representation}}
10 \newglossaryentry{MS}{name={Mel-Scale},
11 description={is a human ear inspired scale for spectral signals}}
12 \newglossaryentry{Viterbi}{name={Viterbi},
13 description={is a dynamic programming algorithm for finding the most likely
14 sequence of hidden states in a \gls{HMM}}}