[clean-tests.git] / gopt / gopt.icl
1 module gopt
3 import StdGeneric, StdOverloaded, StdClass, StdArray, StdChar, StdBool, StdList, StdMisc, StdFunc, StdTuple, StdString
5 import Data.List
6 import Data.Error
7 import Data.Func
8 import Data.Functor
9 import Data.Tuple
10 import Data.Maybe
11 import Control.Applicative
12 import Control.Monad => qualified join
13 import System.CommandLine
14 import Text
16 :: Opt a
17 = BinaryFlag (a -> a) (a -> a)
18 | Flags [(String, ([String] a -> (MaybeError [String] (a, [String]))))]
19 | Positionals [String a -> (MaybeError [String] a)]
20 | SubParsers [(String, Opt a)]
22 class bifmap m :: (a -> b) (b -> a) (m b) -> m a
23 instance bifmap Opt
24 where
25 bifmap fr to (BinaryFlag set unset) = BinaryFlag (to o set o fr) (to o unset o fr)
26 bifmap fr to (Flags fs) = Flags $ map (appSnd $ (\f s->fm (appFst to) o f s o fr)) fs
27 bifmap fr to (Positionals fs) = Positionals $ map (fmap $ \f->fm to o f o fr) fs
28 bifmap fr to (SubParsers sp) = SubParsers $ map (appSnd (bifmap fr to)) sp
30 fm f (Ok a) = Ok (f a)
31 fm f (Error e) = Error e
33 combine sel app p s t = p s (sel t) >>= \l->pure (app (const l) t)
34 combine` sel app p s t = p s (sel t) >>= \(l, as)->pure ((app (const l) t), as)
36 ar0 s f as = Ok o flip tuple as o f
38 generic gopt a :: Opt a
39 gopt{|Bool|} = BinaryFlag (const True) (const False)
40 gopt{|Int|} = Positionals [\s _->if (and [isDigit c\\c<-:s]) (Ok $ toInt s) (Error ["Not an integer"])]
41 gopt{|Char|} = Positionals [\s _->if (size s == 1) (Ok s.[0]) (Error ["Not a single character"])]
42 gopt{|String|} = Positionals [\s _->Ok s]
43 gopt{|RECORD|} f = bifmap (\(RECORD a)->a) RECORD f
44 gopt{|OBJECT|} f = bifmap (\(OBJECT a)->a) OBJECT f
45 gopt{|FIELD of {gfd_name}|} f = case f of
46 //Child is a boolean
47 BinaryFlag set unset = mapF $ Flags [(gfd_name, ar0 gfd_name set), ("no-" +++ gfd_name, ar0 ("no-" +++ gfd_name) unset)]
48 //Child is a basic value or a tuple
49 Positionals ps = mapF $ Flags [(gfd_name, ptoarg ps)]
50 //Child is another record, make the arguments ddstyle TODO
51 Flags x = mapF (Flags x)
52 //Child is a subparser
53 x = abort "Subparsers not supported"
54 where
55 mapF :: ((m a) -> m (FIELD a)) | bifmap m
56 mapF = bifmap (\(FIELD a)->a) FIELD
58 ptoarg [p] [] i = Error ["Not enough arguments for " +++ gfd_name]
59 ptoarg [p:ps] [a:as] i = p a i >>= ptoarg ps as
60 ptoarg [] as i = Ok (i, as)
61 gopt{|PAIR|} l r = case (l, r) of
62 (Positionals pl, Positionals pr)
63 = Positionals
64 $ map (combine PFst appPFst) pl
65 ++ map (combine PSnd appPSnd) pr
66 (Flags fl, Flags fr)
67 = Flags
68 $ map (appSnd $ combine` PFst appPFst) fl
69 ++ map (appSnd $ combine` PSnd appPSnd) fr
70 where
71 appPFst f (PAIR x y) = PAIR (f x) y
72 appPSnd f (PAIR x y) = PAIR x (f y)
73 PFst (PAIR x y) = x
74 PSnd (PAIR x y) = y
75 gopt{|UNIT|} = Positionals []
76 gopt{|CONS of {gcd_name}|} c = bifmap (\(CONS a)->a) CONS $ SubParsers [(gcd_name, c)]
77 gopt{|EITHER|} l r = case (l, r) of
78 (SubParsers sl, SubParsers sr)
79 = SubParsers
80 $ map (appSnd $ bifmap (\(LEFT a)->a) LEFT) sl
81 ++ map (appSnd $ bifmap (\(RIGHT a)->a) RIGHT) sr
82 gopt{|(,)|} l r = case (l, r) of
83 (Positionals pl, Positionals pr)
84 = Positionals
85 $ map (combine fst appFst) pl
86 ++ map (combine snd appSnd) pr
87 gopt{|(,,)|} f s t = case (f, s, t) of
88 (Positionals pf, Positionals ps, Positionals pt)
89 = Positionals
90 $ map (combine fst3 appFst3) pf
91 ++ map (combine snd3 appSnd3) ps
92 ++ map (combine thd3 appThd3) pt
94 consPrint (Positionals x) = "Positionals"
95 consPrint (BinaryFlag x _) = "BinaryFlag"
96 consPrint (Flags x) = "Flags"
97 consPrint (SubParsers x) = "SubParsers"
99 parseOpts :: (Opt a) [String] a -> MaybeError [String] (a, [String])
100 parseOpts (Positionals [p:ps]) [] a = Error [toString (length [p:ps]) +++ " positional arguments required"]
101 parseOpts (Positionals [p:ps]) [arg:args] a = p arg a >>= parseOpts (Positionals ps) args
102 parseOpts (SubParsers ps) [arg:args] a = case find (\(l,p)->l==arg) ps of
103 Nothing = Error ["Unrecognized subcommand"]
104 Just (l, p) = parseOpts p args a
105 parseOpts (SubParsers ps) [] a = Error ["One of these subcommands required: " +++ join ", " (map fst ps)]
106 parseOpts (Flags fs) [arg:args] a
107 | not (startsWith "--" arg) = Ok (a, [arg:args])
108 = case find (\(l,p)->"--" +++ l == arg) fs of
109 Nothing = Error ["Unrecognized option: " +++ arg]
110 Just (l, p) = p args a >>= \(a, args)->parseOpts (Flags fs) args a
111 parseOpts _ args a = Ok (a, args)
113 :: T =
114 { field :: (Int,Int)
115 , field2 :: String
116 , t2 :: C
117 }
118 :: T2 = {f :: Int}
119 :: C = A Int | B | C
120 //:: T2 = T Int Int
121 derive bimap Opt, [], (,), MaybeError
122 derive gopt T, T2, C
124 Start w
125 # ([argv0:args], w) = getCommandLine w
126 = parseOpts t args B//{field=(0, 0),field2="",t2=A}
128 t :: Opt C
129 t = gopt{|*|}