[fp.git] / infer.icl
1 implementation module infer
3 import StdEnv
5 import qualified Data.Map as DM
6 from Data.Map import instance Functor (Map k)
7 import qualified Data.Set as DS
8 import Data.Functor
9 import Data.Func
10 import Data.Either
11 import Data.List
12 import Data.Maybe
13 import Control.Applicative
14 import Control.Monad
15 import Control.Monad.Trans
16 import qualified Control.Monad.State as MS
17 import Control.Monad.RWST
19 import ast
21 :: TypeEnv :== 'DM'.Map String Scheme
22 :: Constraint :== (Type, Type)
23 :: Subst :== 'DM'.Map String Type
24 :: Unifier :== (Subst, [Constraint])
25 :: Infer a :== RWST TypeEnv [Constraint] InferState (Either TypeError) a
26 :: InferState = { count :: Int }
27 :: Solve a :== 'MS'.StateT Unifier (Either TypeError) a
28 :: TypeError = UnboundVariable String
30 nullSubst :: Subst
31 nullSubst = 'DM'.newMap
33 uni :: Type Type -> Infer ()
34 uni t1 t2 = tell [(t1, t2)]
36 inEnv :: (String, Scheme) (Infer a) -> Infer a
37 inEnv (x, sc) m = local (\e->'DM'.put x sc $ 'DM'.del x e) m
39 letters :: [String]
40 letters = map toString $ [1..] >>= flip replicateM ['a'..'z']
42 fresh :: Infer Type
43 fresh = get >>= \s=:{count}->put {s & count=count + 1} >>| pure (VarType $ letters !! count)
45 lookupEnv :: String -> Infer Type
46 lookupEnv x = asks ('DM'.get x)
47 >>= maybe (liftT $ Left $ UnboundVariable x) instantiate
49 class Substitutable a
50 where
51 apply :: Subst a -> a
52 ftv :: a -> 'DS'.Set String
54 instance Substitutable Type
55 where
56 apply s t=:(VarType a) = maybe t id $ 'DM'.get a s
57 apply s (Arrow t1 t2) = Arrow (apply s t1) (apply s t2)
58 apply _ t = t
60 ftv (VarType a) = 'DS'.singleton a
61 ftv (Arrow t1 t2) = 'DS'.union (ftv t1) (ftv t2)
62 ftv t = 'DS'.newSet
64 instance Substitutable Scheme
65 where
66 apply s (Forall as t) = Forall as $ apply (foldr 'DM'.del s as) t
67 ftv (Forall as t) = 'DS'.difference (ftv t) ('DS'.fromList as)
69 instance Substitutable [a] | Substitutable a
70 where
71 apply s ls = map (apply s) ls
72 ftv t = foldr ('DS'.union o ftv) 'DS'.newSet t
74 instance Substitutable TypeEnv where
75 apply s env = fmap (apply s) env
76 ftv env = ftv $ 'DM'.elems env
78 instantiate :: Scheme -> Infer Type
79 instantiate (Forall as t) = mapM (const fresh) as
80 >>= \as`->let s = 'DM'.fromList $ zip2 as as` in pure $ apply s t
81 generalize :: TypeEnv Type -> Scheme
82 generalize env t = Forall ('DS'.toList $ 'DS'.difference (ftv t) (ftv env)) t
84 infer :: Expression -> Infer Type
85 infer (Literal v) = case v of
86 Int _ = pure IntType
87 Bool _ = pure BoolType
88 Char _ = pure CharType
89 infer (Variable s) = lookupEnv s
90 infer (Apply e1 e2)
91 = infer e1
92 >>= \t1->infer e2
93 >>= \t2->fresh
94 >>= \tv->uni t1 (Arrow t2 tv)
95 >>| pure tv
96 infer (Lambda s e)
97 = fresh
98 >>= \tv->inEnv (s, Forall [] tv) (infer e)
99 >>= \t-> pure (Arrow tv t)
100 infer (Let x e1 e2)
101 = ask
102 >>= \en->infer e1
103 >>= \t1->inEnv (x, generalize en t1) (infer e2)
104 infer (Code c) = fresh >>= \v->pure case c of
105 "add" = Arrow v (Arrow v v)
106 "sub" = Arrow v (Arrow v v)
107 "mul" = Arrow v (Arrow v v)
108 "div" = Arrow v (Arrow v v)
109 "and" = Arrow v (Arrow v BoolType)
110 "or" = Arrow v (Arrow v BoolType)