[minfp.git] / int.icl
1 implementation module int
3 import StdEnv
5 import Data.Either
6 import Data.Functor
7 import Data.Maybe
8 import Data.List
9 import Control.Applicative
10 import Control.Monad
11 import Control.Monad.State
12 import Control.Monad.Trans
14 import ast
16 int :: Expression -> Either [String] Value
17 int e = evalStateT (eval e >>= printer) preamble
19 err :: String -> Eval a
20 err e = liftT (Left [e])
22 :: Eval a :== StateT EvalState (Either [String]) a
23 :: EvalState :== [([Char], Value)]
24 preamble =
25 [(['if'], Func 3 [] (Builtin ['if']))
26 ,(['eq'], Func 2 [] (Builtin ['eq']))
27 ,(['mul'], Func 2 [] (Builtin ['mul']))
28 ,(['div'], Func 2 [] (Builtin ['div']))
29 ,(['add'], Func 2 [] (Builtin ['add']))
30 ,(['sub'], Func 2 [] (Builtin ['sub']))
31 ]
33 sub :: [Char] Expression Expression -> Expression
34 sub ident subst (Let v a b rest)
35 = Let v a (if (isMember ident a) b (sub ident subst b))
36 (if (v == ident) rest (sub ident subst rest))
37 sub ident subst (Var v)
38 | ident == v = subst
39 sub ident subst (App e1 e2) = App (sub ident subst e1) (sub ident subst e2)
40 sub ident subst (Lambda v b)
41 | ident <> v = Lambda v (sub ident b subst)
42 sub _ _ x = x
44 printer :: Value -> Eval Value
45 printer (Func 0 args body) = eval (body args) >>= printer
46 printer a = pure a
48 eval :: Expression -> Eval Value
49 eval (Let ident as body rest)
50 = modify (\vs->[(ident, Func (length as) [] \e->zipSt sub as e body):vs])
51 >>| eval rest
52 eval (Lit v) = pure v
53 eval (Var v) = gets (lookup v)
54 >>= maybe (err ("Variable " +++ toString v +++ " not found")) pure
55 eval (App e1 e2) = eval e1 >>= \v->case v of
56 (Func 0 a b) = err ("Saturated function: : " +++ toString e1)
57 (Func n as b) = pure (Func (n-1) (as ++ [e2]) b)
58 _ = err ("Cannot apply " +++ toString e2 +++ " to " +++ toString e1)
59 eval (Lambda a b) = pure (Func 1 [] (\[arg]->sub a arg b))
60 eval (Builtin i as) = case (i, as) of
61 (['if'], [p,t,e]) = eval p >>= printer >>= \v->case v of
62 Bool v = eval (if v t e)
63 // _ = err ("first argument of if must be a bool but is " +++ toString v)
64 (['add'], [l,r]) = eval l >>= printer >>= \l->eval r >>= printer >>= \r->case (l,r) of
65 (Int a, Int b) = pure (Int (a + b))
66 // _ = err "add only defined for integers"
67 (['sub'], [l,r]) = eval l >>= printer >>= \l->eval r >>= printer >>= \r->case (l,r) of
68 (Int a, Int b) = pure (Int (a - b))
69 // _ = err "sub only defined for integers"
70 (['mul'], [l,r]) = eval l >>= printer >>= \l->eval r >>= printer >>= \r->case (l,r) of
71 (Int a, Int b) = pure (Int (a * b))
72 // _ = err "mul only defined for integers"
73 (['div'], [l,r]) = eval l >>= \l->eval r >>= \r->case (l,r) of
74 (Int a, Int b) = pure (Int (a / b))
75 // _ = err "div only defined for integers"
76 (['eq'], [l,r]) = eval l >>= printer >>= \l->eval r >>= printer >>= \r->case (l,r) of
77 (Int a, Int b) = pure (Bool (a == b))
78 // _ = err "eq only defined for integers"