rename faulty files and elaborate in the system chapter
[msc-thesis1617.git] / intro.problem.tex
1 The updates to the \gls{mTask}-system~\cite{koopman_type-safe_nodate} will
2 bridge this gap in the current system by introducing a new communication
3 protocol, device application and \glspl{Task} synchronizing the two. The system
4 can run on devices as small as \gls{Arduino}
5 microcontrollers~\cite{noauthor_arduino_nodate} and operates via the same
6 paradigms and patterns as regular \glspl{Task} in the \gls{TOP} paradigm.
7 Devices in the \gls{mTask}-system can run small imperative programs written in
8 an \gls{EDSL} and have access to \glspl{SDS}. \Glspl{Task} are sent to the
9 device at runtime, avoiding recompilation and thus write cycles on the program
10 memory.