[msc-thesis1617.git] / intro.related.tex
1 Similar research has been conducted on the subject.
2 For example, microcontrollers such as the \gls{Arduino} can be remotely
3 controlled very directly using the
4 \gls{Firmata}-protocol\footnote{``firmata/protocol: Documentation of the
5 Firmata protocol.'' (\url{https://github.com/firmata/protocol}). [Accessed:
6 23-May-2017].}. This protocol is designed to allow control of the peripherals
7 --- such as sensors and actuators --- directly through commands sent via a
8 communication channel such as a serial port. This allows very fine grained
9 control but with the cost of excessive communication overhead since no code is
10 executed on the device itself, only the peripherals are queried. A
11 \gls{Haskell} implementation of the protocol is also
12 available\footnote{``hArduino by LeventErkok.'' (
13 \url{https://leventerkok.github.io/hArduino}). [Accessed: 23-May-2017].}. The
14 hardware requirements for running a \gls{Firmata} client are very low.
15 However, the communication requirements are high and therefore it is not
16 suitable for \gls{IoT} applications that operate through specialized \gls{IoT}
17 networks which often only support low bandwidth.
19 \Gls{Clean} has a history of interpretation and there is a lot of research
20 happening on the intermediate language \gls{SAPL}. \Gls{SAPL} is a purely
21 functional intermediate language that is designed to be interpreted. It has
22 interpreters written in \gls{C++}~\cite{jansen_efficient_2007} and
23 \gls{Javascript}~\cite{domoszlai_implementing_2011}. Compiler backends exist
24 for and \gls{Clean} and \gls{Haskell} which compile the respective code to
25 \gls{SAPL}~\cite{domoszlai_compiling_2012}. The \gls{SAPL} language is still a
26 functional language and therefore requires big stacks and heaps to operate and
27 is therefore not directly suitable for devices with little RAM such as the
28 \gls{Arduino} Uno which only boasts $2K$ of RAM. It might be possible to
29 compile the \gls{SAPL} code into efficient machine language or \gls{C} but then
30 the system would lose its dynamic properties since the microcontroller then
31 would have to be reprogrammed every time a new \gls{Task} is sent to the
32 device.
34 \Glspl{EDSL} have often been used to generate \gls{C} code for microcontroller
35 environments. This work uses parts of the existing \gls{mTask}-\gls{EDSL} which
36 generates \gls{C} code to run a \gls{TOP}-like system on microcontrollers%
37 ~\cite{plasmeijer_shallow_2016}~\cite{koopman_type-safe_nodate}. Again, this
38 requires a reprogramming cycle every time the \gls{Task}-specification is
39 changed. Hence, the \gls{EDSL} is used but the backend is not suitable for the
40 purpose of dynamic \gls{IoT} solutions.
42 Another \gls{EDSL} designed to generate low-level high-assurance programs is
43 called \gls{Ivory} and uses \gls{Haskell} as a host language%
44 ~\cite{elliott_guilt_2015}. The language uses the \gls{Haskell} type-system to
45 make unsafe languages type safe. For example, \gls{Ivory} has been used in the
46 automotive industry to program parts of an autopilot%
47 ~\cite{pike_programming_2014}~\cite{hickey_building_2014}. \Gls{Ivory}'s syntax
48 is deeply embedded but the type system is shallowly embedded. This requires
49 several \gls{Haskell} extensions that offer dependent type constructions. The
50 process of compiling an \gls{Ivory} program happens in two stages. The embedded
51 code is transformed into an \gls{AST} that is sent to a chosen backend. The
52 technique used in the novel system using the \gls{mTask}-\gls{EDSL} is
53 different, in the new system, the \gls{EDSL} is transformed directly into
54 functions. There is no intermediate \gls{AST}. Moreover, \gls{Ivory} generates
55 static programs and thus it is necessary to reprogram the devices when they
56 need to be repurposed. It would be interesting to explore the possibilities of
57 writing the client software in an \gls{EDSL} as well.