[msc-thesis1617.git] / introduction.tex
1 \section{Introduction}
2 \Gls{IoT} technology is emerging very quickly. It offers myriads of solutions
3 and transforms the way we interact with technology.
5 Initially the term was coined to describe \gls{RFID} devices and the
6 communication between them. However, currently the term \gls{IoT} encompasses
7 all small devices that communicate with each other and the world. These devices
8 are often equipped with sensors, \gls{GNSS}\footnote{e.g.\ the American
9 \gls{GPS} or the Russian \gls{GLONASS}} and actuators%
10 ~\cite{da_xu_internet_2014}. With these new technologies information
11 can be tracked very accurately using very little power and bandwidth. Moreover,
12 \gls{IoT} technology is coming into people's homes, clothes and
13 healthcare~\cite{riazul_islam_internet_2015}. For example, for a few euros a
14 consumer ready fitness tracker watch can be bought that tracks heartbeat and
15 respiration levels.
17 The \gls{TOP} paradigm and the corresponding \gls{iTasks} implementation offer
18 a high abstraction level for real life workflow tasks%
19 ~\cite{plasmeijer_itasks:_2007}. These workflow tasks can be described through
20 an \gls{EDSL} and modeled as \glspl{Task}. The system will generate multi-user
21 web app from the specification. This web service can be accessed through a
22 browser and is used to complete these \glspl{Task}. Familiar workflow patterns
23 like sequence, parallel and conditional \glspl{Task} can be modelled using
24 combinators.
26 \gls{iTasks} has been proven to be useful in many fields of operation such as
27 incident management~\cite{lijnse_top_2013}. Interfaces are automatically
28 generated for the types of data which makes rapid development possible.
29 \Glspl{Task} in the \gls{iTasks} system are modelled after real life workflow
30 tasks but the modelling is applied on a very high level. Therefore it is
31 difficult to connect \gls{iTasks}-\glspl{Task} to real world \glspl{Task} and
32 allow them to interact. A lot of the actual tasks could be performed by small
33 \gls{IoT} devices. Nevertheless, adding such devices to the current system is
34 difficult to say the least as it was not designed to cope with these devices.
36 In the current system such adapters connecting devices to \gls{iTasks} --- in
37 principle --- can be written as \glspl{SDS}\footnote{Similar as to resources
38 such as time are available in the current \gls{iTasks} implementation}.
39 However, this
40 requires a very specific adapter to be written for every device and function.
41 This forces a fixed logic in the device that is set at compile time. Many
42 small \gls{IoT} devices have limited processing power but can still contain
43 decision making. Oortgiese et al.\ lifted \gls{iTasks} from a single server
44 model to a distributed server architecture that is also runnable on small
45 devices such as those powered by \acrshort{ARM}~\cite{%
46 oortgiese_distributed_2017}. However, this is limited to fairly high
47 performance devices that are equipped with high speed communication channels.
48 Devices in \gls{IoT} often have only \gls{LTN} communication with low bandwidth
49 and a very limited amount of processing power and are therefore not suitable to
50 run an entire \gls{iTasks} core.
52 \section{Problem statement}
53 The updates to the \gls{mTask}-system~\cite{koopman_type-safe_nodate} will
54 bridge this gap by introducing a new communication protocol, device application
55 and \glspl{Task} synchronizing the formers. The system can run on devices as
56 small as \gls{Arduino} microcontrollers~\cite{noauthor_arduino_nodate} and
57 operates via the same paradigms and patterns as regular \glspl{Task} in the
58 \gls{TOP} paradigm. Devices in the \gls{mTask}-system can run small imperative
59 programs written in an \gls{EDSL} and have access to \glspl{SDS}. \Glspl{Task}
60 are sent to the device at runtime, avoiding recompilation and thus write cycles
61 on the program memory.
63 \section{Document structure}
64 The structure of this thesis is as follows.
66 Chapter~\ref{chp:introduction} contains the problem statement, motivation,
67 related work and the structure of the document.
68 Chapter~\ref{chp:top} introduces the reader to the basics of \gls{TOP} and
69 \gls{iTasks}.
70 Chapter~\ref{chp:dsl} discusses the pros and cons of different embedding
71 methods to create \gls{EDSL}.
72 Chapter~\ref{chp:mtask} shows the existing \gls{mTask}-\gls{EDSL} on which is
73 extended upon in this dissertation.
74 Chapter~\ref{chp:mtaskcont} shows the extension added to the
75 \gls{mTask}-\gls{EDSL} that were needed to make the system function.
76 Chapter~\ref{chp:arch} shows the architecture used for \gls{IoT}-devices that
77 are a part of the new \gls{mTask}-system. It covers the client software running
78 on the device and the server written in \gls{iTasks}.
79 Chapter~\ref{chp:conclusion} concludes by answering the research questions
80 and discusses future research.
81 Appendix~\ref{app:communication-protocol} shows the concrete protocol used for
82 communicating between the server and client.
83 Appendix~\ref{app:device-interface} shows the concrete interface for the
84 devices.
86 Text written using the \CI{Teletype} font indicates code and is often
87 referring to a listing. \emph{Emphasized} text is used for proper nouns and
88 words that have a unexpected meaning.
90 The complete source code of this thesis can be found in the following git
91 repository:\\
92 \url{https://git.martlubbers.net/msc-thesis1617.git}
94 The complete source code of the \gls{mTask}-system can be found in the
95 following git repository:
96 \url{https://git.martlubbers.net/mTask.git}
98 \section{Related work}
99 Similar research has been conducted concerning these matters.
100 For example, microcontrollers such as the \gls{Arduino} can be remotely
101 controlled by the \gls{Firmata}-protocol\footnote{``firmata/protocol:
102 Documentation of the Firmata protocol.''
103 (\url{https://github.com/firmata/protocol}). [Accessed: 23-May-2017].}. This
104 protocol is designed to expose the peripherals such as sensors to the server.
105 This allows very fine grained control but with the cost of excessive
106 communication overhead since no code is executed on the device, only the
107 peripherals are queried. A \gls{Haskell} implementation of the protocol is
108 also available\footnote{``hArduino by LeventErkok.'' (\url{%
109 https://leventerkok.github.io/hArduino}). [Accessed: 23-May-2017].}.
111 \Gls{Clean} has a history of interpretation and there is a lot of research
112 happening on the intermediate language \gls{SAPL}. \Gls{SAPL} is a purely
113 functional intermediate language that has interpreters written in
114 \gls{C++}~\cite{jansen_efficient_2007} and \gls{Javascript}%
115 ~\cite{domoszlai_implementing_2011} and \gls{Clean} and \gls{Haskell} compiler
116 backends~\cite{domoszlai_compiling_2012}. However, interpreting the resulting
117 code is still heap-heavy and therefore not directly suitable for devices with
118 as little as $2K$ of RAM such as the \gls{Arduino} \emph{UNO}. It might be
119 possible to compile the \gls{SAPL} code into efficient machine language or
120 \gls{C} but then the system would lose its dynamic properties since the
121 microcontroller then would have to be reprogrammed every time a new \gls{Task}
122 is sent to the device.
124 \Glspl{EDSL} have often been used to generate \gls{C} code for microcontroller
125 environments. For starters, this work is built upon the \gls{mTask}-\gls{EDSL}
126 that generates \gls{C} code to run a \gls{TOP}-like system on microcontrollers%
127 ~\cite{plasmeijer_shallow_2016}~\cite{koopman_type-safe_nodate}.
128 Again, this requires a reprogramming cycle every time the
129 \gls{Task}-specification is changed.
131 Another \gls{EDSL} designed to generate low-level high-assurance programs is
132 called \gls{Ivory} and uses \gls{Haskell} as a host language%
133 ~\cite{elliott_guilt_2015}. The language uses the \gls{Haskell} type-system to
134 make unsafe languages type safe. For example, \gls{Ivory} has been used in the
135 automotive industry to program parts of an autopilot%
136 ~\cite{pike_programming_2014}~\cite{hickey_building_2014}. \Gls{Ivory}'s syntax
137 is deeply embedded but the type system is shallowly embedded. This requires
138 several \gls{Haskell} extensions that offer dependent type constructions. The
139 process of compiling an \gls{Ivory} program happens in stages. The embedded
140 code is transformed into an \gls{AST} that is sent to a backend. The
141 \gls{mTask} \gls{EDSL} transforms the embedded code during compile-time
142 directly into the backend which is often a state transformer that will execute
143 on runtime.