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[msc-thesis1617.git] / introduction.tex
1 \section{Introduction}
2 \Gls{TOP} and \gls{iTasks} have been designed to offer a high abstraction level
3 through a \gls{EDSL} that describes workflows as \glspl{Task}. \gls{iTasks} has
4 been shown to be useful in fields such as incident
5 management~\cite{lijnse_top_2013}. However, there still lacks support for small
6 devices to be added in the workflow. In principle such adapters can be written
7 as \glspl{SDS}\footnote{Similar as to resources such as time are available in
8 the current \gls{iTasks} implementation} but this requires a very specific
9 adapter to be written for every device and functionality. Oortgiese et al.\
10 lifted \gls{iTasks} from a single server model to a distributed server
11 architecture~\todo{Add cite} that is also runnable on smaller devices like
12 \acrshort{ARM}. However, this is limited to fairly high performance devices
13 that are equipped with high speed communication lines. Devices in \gls{IoT}
14 often only have \gls{LTN} communication with low bandwidth and a very limited
15 amount of processing power. \glspl{mTask} will bridge this gap. It can run on
16 devices as small as Arduino microcontrollers and operates via the same
17 paradigms as regular \glspl{Task}. The \glspl{mTask} have access to \glspl{SDS}
18 and can run small imperative programs.
20 \section{Document structure}
21 The structure of the thesis is as follows.
22 Chapter~\ref{chp:introduction} contains the problem statement, motivation and
23 the structure of the document.
24 Chapter~\ref{chp:methods} describes the foundations on which the implementation
25 is built together with the new techniques introduced.
26 Chapter~\ref{chp:results} shows the results in the form of an example
27 application accompanied with implementation.
28 Chapter~\ref{chp:conclusion} concludes by answering the research question (s)
29 and discusses future research.
30 Appendix~\ref{app:communication-protocol} shows the concrete protocol used for
31 communicating between the server and client.