[ss1617.git] / jml_esc / Bag.java
2 /* ESC/Java2 Exercise:
4 This class implements a Bag of integers, using an array.
6 Add JML specs to this class, to stop ESC/Java2 from complaining.
8 NB there may be errors in the code that you have to fix to stop
9 ESC/Java2 from complaining, as these complaints of ESC/Java2
10 point to real bugs in the code. But keep changes to the code to
11 a minimum of what is strictly needed.
12 Mark any changes you have made in the code with a comment,
13 eg to indicate that you replaced <= by <.
16 The only JML keywords needed for this are
17 requires
18 invariant
19 ensures
21 If you want, you can also use
22 non_null
23 as abbreviation.
26 While developing your specs, it may be useful to use the keywords
27 assert
28 to add additional assertions in source code, to find out what
29 ESC/Java2 can - or cannot - prove at a given program point.
31 */
33 class Bag {
35 /*@ non_null @*/ int[] contents;
36 int n; //@ invariant n <= contents.length && n >= 0;
38 Bag(int[] input) {
39 if(input == null)
40 input = new int[0];
41 n = input.length;
42 contents = new int[n];
43 arraycopy(input, 0, contents, 0, n);
44 }
46 Bag() {
47 contents = new int[0];
48 n = 0;
49 }
50 //
51 // The example below is a bit nasty.
52 // NB this is a constructor, not a method.
53 //
54 Bag(Bag b) {
55 //CHANGED: Initialize object with empty bag, then check for
56 // null and then add.
57 this();
58 if(b == null)
59 b = new Bag();
60 this.add(b);
61 }
65 void removeOnce(int elt) {
66 // CHANGED: off by one error
67 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
68 if (contents[i] == elt ) {
69 n--;
70 contents[i] = contents[n];
71 return;
72 }
73 }
74 }
76 void removeAll(int elt) {
77 // CHANGED: off by one error
78 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
79 if (contents[i] == elt ) {
80 n--;
81 contents[i] = contents[n];
82 }
83 }
84 }
86 int getCount(int elt) {
87 int count = 0;
88 // CHANGED: off by one error
89 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
90 if (contents[i] == elt) count++;
91 return count;
92 }
94 /* Warning: you may have a hard time checking the method "add" below.
95 ESC/Java2 may warn about a very subtle bug that can be hard to spot.
96 If you cannot find the problem after staring at the code for an hour,
97 feel free to stop.
98 */
100 void add(int elt) {
101 //CHANGED: Check that contents may be empty still
102 if (contents.length == 0){
103 contents = new int[1];
104 } else if (n == contents.length) {
105 int[] new_contents = new int[2*n];
106 arraycopy(contents, 0, new_contents, 0, n);
107 contents = new_contents;
108 }
109 contents[n]=elt;
110 n++;
111 }
113 void add(Bag b) {
114 // CHANGED: add null check
115 if(b != null){
116 int[] new_contents = new int[n + b.n];
117 arraycopy(contents, 0, new_contents, 0, n);
118 //CHANGED: off by one error on n
119 arraycopy(b.contents, 0, new_contents, n, b.n);
120 contents = new_contents;
121 }
122 }
124 void add(int[] a) {
125 this.add(new Bag(a));
126 }
128 //@ requires srcOff >= 0 && destOff >= 0 && length >= 0;
129 //@ requires src != null && dest != null;
130 //@ requires srcOff + length <= src.length;
131 //@ requires destOff + length <= dest.length;
132 private static void arraycopy(int[] src,
133 int srcOff,
134 int[] dest,
135 int destOff,
136 int length) {
137 for(int i=0 ; i<length; i++) {
138 dest[destOff+i] = src[srcOff+i];
139 }
140 }
142 }