[rsss1516.git] / long / long.tex
1 %&long
2 \begin{document}
3 \maketitle
4 \tableofcontents
6 \section{Introduction}
7 \subsection{Setting and objective}
8 \emph{Monads for functional programming} was initially published in
9 \emph{Program Design Calculi} which was a collection of lecture notes
10 accompanying the \emph{Marktoberdorf} summer school in 1992. Later it was
11 reissued in \emph{Springer}s \emph{Advanced Functional Programming} book which
12 presents the tutorials from a spring school situated in Sweden in 1995.
14 The notes were written to introduce the reader to the monadic design pattern in
15 functional programming. Monads were already defined and studied
16 in category theory in the early 1950s but only in the 1988 it was first linked
17 to computer science. Moggi et al.\ were the first to see the usefulness in
18 computer science and in particular functional programming. At the time of
19 writing this paper was introducing state of the art research which later became
20 the preferred way of dealing with side-effects in a pure language. The paper
21 familiarized readers with the concepts while only requiring basic knowledge in
22 functional programming.
24 \subsection{Impact}
25 While Wadler had already published a lot about monads this turned out to be one
26 of the most accessible and readable papers concerning the topic. A lot of the
27 references in the paper cite his own work, but this is logical since he was
28 part of the small group of researchers that kick-started the use of monads in
29 functional programming.
31 The paper has been cited over $676$ times over the past $23$ years resulting in
32 a around cites per year. It is cited as the de-facto monad introducing paper.
33 In 2015 and 2016 the paper has already been cited numerous times in topics
34 including but not limited to: Introducing new monad types, generic programming,
35 designing modular design specific languages, concurrency frameworks in
36 functional languages and probabilistic computing.
38 \section{Proposal and evidence}
39 \subsection{Proposal}
40 Wadler proposes to capture side-effects in monads. A monad is a structure
41 containing three components. The first component is the type itself called
42 \CI{:: M a}
44 The second component is a function that lifts a certain value to the monadic
45 domain and is defined as \CI{unit :: a -> M a}
47 Lastly the structure contains a function which transforms a certain \CI{a} into
48 a certain \CI{b} while capturing the possible side-effects in \CI{M} and is
49 defined as: \CI{(>>=) infixl 1 :: (M a) (a -> M b) -> M b}
51 When this structure adheres certain laws they are very useful in capturing
52 side-effects that would otherwise be difficult to handle in an impure language.
53 Wadler shows this by tackling several classical problems arising in the pure
54 functional programming world.
56 \subsection{\emph{Expression problem}}
57 In this review we will show one of the examples given to illustrate the meaning
58 and usage the monadic pattern. The code snippets in the original paper
59 supposedly are \emph{haskell} however they are not all valid. Thus the
60 following snippets have been translated to valid
61 \emph{Clean}~\footnote{\url{http://clean.cs.ru.nl}}
63 \paragraph{Simple evaluator}
64 Say we have a simple evaluator where an expression is either an integer or a
65 division between two expressions. Writing a simple evaluator is very straight
66 forward.
67 \begin{CleanCode}
68 :: Term = Con Int | Div Term Term
70 eval :: Term -> Int
71 eval (Con a) = a
72 eval (Div t u) = eval t / eval u
74 answer :: Term
75 answer = Div (Div (Con 1972) (Con 2)) (Con 23)
77 error :: Term
78 error = (Div (Con 1) (Con 0))
79 \end{CleanCode}
81 \paragraph{Exceptions}
82 When we evaluate \CI{eval error} we get a runtime exception since dividing by
83 zero is illegal. If we want to add exceptions things get a little more frisky.
84 We extend the type with an exception type that either contains an exception
85 or a return value. The following code will catch exceptions nicely.
86 \begin{CleanCode}
87 :: M a = Raise Exception | Return a
88 :: Exception :== String
90 eval :: Term -> M Int
91 eval (Con a) = return a
92 eval (Div t u) = case eval t of
93 Raise e = Raise e
94 Return a = case eval u of
95 Raise e = Raise e
96 Return b = if (b == 0) (Raise "Divide by zero") (Return (a/b))
97 \end{CleanCode}
99 \paragraph{State}
100 Say we want to add state to the evaluator. Now we have to redo the entire
101 evaluation part again. Say we have single integer as a state which counts the
102 number of divisions taken. Then we get the following code which counts the
103 number of divisions.
104 \begin{CleanCode}
105 :: M a :== State -> (a, State)
106 :: State :== Int
108 eval :: Term -> M Int
109 eval (Con a) = \x.(a, x)
110 eval (Div t u) =
111 \x.let (a, y) = eval t x in
112 let (b, z) = eval u y in
113 (a/b, z+1)
114 \end{CleanCode}
116 \subsection{A monadic approach to the \emph{Expression problem}}
117 \paragraph{Exceptions}
118 The example for exceptions can be implemented using monads as follows:
119 \begin{CleanCode}
120 :: M a = Raise Exception | Return a
121 :: Exception :== String
123 unit :: a -> M a
124 unit a = Return a
126 (>>=) infixl 1 :: (M a) (a -> M b) -> M b
127 (>>=) m k = case m of
128 Raise e = Raise e
129 Return a = k a
131 raise :: Exception -> M a
132 raise e = Raise e
134 eval :: Term -> M Int
135 eval (Con a) = unit a
136 eval (Div t u) = eval t >>= \a->eval u >>= \b->case b of
137 0 = Raise "Divide by zero"
138 b = unit (a/b)
139 \end{CleanCode}
141 \paragraph{State}
142 The example for states can be implemented using monads as follows:
143 \begin{CleanCode}
144 :: Void = Void
145 :: M a :== State -> (a, State)
146 :: State :== Int
148 unit :: a -> M a
149 unit a = \x->(a, x)
151 (>>=) infixl 1 :: (M a) (a -> M b) -> M b
152 (>>=) m k = \x->let (a, y) = m x in
153 let (b, z) = k a y in
154 (b, z)
156 tick :: M Void
157 tick = \x->(Void, x+1)
159 eval :: Term -> M Int
160 eval (Con a) = unit a
161 eval (Div t u) = eval t >>= \a->eval u >>= \b->tick >>= \_->unit (a/b)
162 \end{CleanCode}
164 \subsection{Evidence}
165 Besides the example shown above Wadler shows also shows the usefulness of
166 monads in a setting where you use lists, arrays and recursive descent parsers.
167 These examples show the flexibility and ease that monads bring. Especially for
168 input/output the monadic pattern is useful. If one wants to capture
169 side-effects, instead of reimplementing every function for the particular side
170 effects you can just write the monadic operations and let the monads handle the
171 rest.
173 Even after more than 20 years the monadic pattern is used throughout the
174 functional programming world and is incorporated in all the functional
175 programming languages used by the academic and by everyday programmers such as
176 \emph{Haskell} and \emph{Clean}.
178 \section{Analysis}
179 \subsection{Writing style}
180 The paper has been written for (under)-graduate students and thus it is
181 extremely readable. Even with no particular domain knowledge the paper is very
182 clear. The author tackles the expression problem, arrays as a state and parsers
183 which are classical problems in the functional programming field. Even when the
184 reader has little knowledge of functional programming those problems are
185 familiar and are effective in illustrating the power of monads.
187 \subsection{Discussion}
188 Within the time frame of publishing these are near perfect publication, however
189 in hindsight there are some things that could be improved upon.
191 The language use is sometimes a bit informal and possibly even fluffy. However,
192 the fact that these were originally lecture notes for a summer school clear
193 this issue up.
195 Secondly the section about parsers is quite big and not might not be necessary
196 for illustrating the power of monads. The contents of this section could very
197 well be a paper on its own.
199 \end{document}