[rsss1516.git] / long2 / long.tex
1 \documentclass[draft]{article}
3 \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry}
4 \usepackage{hyperref}
5 \usepackage{minted}
7 \title{Do you see what I see?\\{\large\emph{Functional pearl} (2016)}}
8 \author{M.~Lubbers}
9 \date{\today}
11 \newcommand{\fps}{\emph{Functional Pearls}}
13 \hypersetup{%
14 pdftitle={Do you see what I see?},
15 pdfauthor={Mart Lubbers},
16 pdfcreator={Mart Lubbers},
17 pdfproducer={Mart Lubbers},
18 hidelinks
19 }
20 \begin{document}
21 \maketitle
22 \section{Objective}
23 \subsection{About functional pearls\ldots}
24 \fps\ were first introduced in 1993 as a column in the \emph{Journal of
25 Functional Programming}. In the natural world a pearl is created by a living
26 shelled mollusk when an irritating object enters their clam. A pearl is then
27 formed around the irritation to encapsulate it and prevent it from doing more
28 harm. \fps\ are elegant, instructive and fun columns of about 6 pages that
29 present such a beautiful solution for a possible irritation. \fps\ should be
30 readable by people with a general knowledge of functional programming but it
31 should not require a lot of very specific domain knowledge. Several important
32 persons in the functional programming academia have been editors of this
33 column.
35 \subsection{Sand corn}
36 Dependant types in type systems are very expensive and often require the
37 programmer to provide proofs or elaborations on the type specification. Also,
38 contrary to popular beliefs, when a program passes the type checker it is not
39 guaranteed to be correct. Moreover, some programs that are correct can not be
40 expressed in current type systems.
42 This pearl provides solutions for the problems that does not require the
43 programmer to use annotations. The implementation is done in the \emph{Typed
44 Racket} macro language and just importing the library already makes it work.
46 \section{Proposal}
47 \subsection{Untypable arity}
48 Some functions are not typeable in current non-dependant type systems. One of
49 such function type is the universal curry function. One wants to be able to
50 just use the curry function as is for all arities because from the structure of
51 the function you can see the arity and elaborate on the type on the fly. For
52 example the following sequence of racket expressions.
53 \begin{minted}{racket}
54 (curry (lambda (x y) x))
55 (curry (lambda (x y z) x))
56 (curry (lambda (x y z a) x))
57 \end{minted}
59 Expands by macro expansion to:
61 \begin{minted}{racket}
62 (curry2 (lambda (x y) x))
63 (curry3 (lambda (x y z) x))
64 (curry4 (lambda (x y z a) x))
65 \end{minted}
67 \subsection{Elaborate on printf type}
68 The type of the \mintinline{racket}|printf| function is again untypeable
69 because it depends on the contents of the first \mintinline{racket}|String|
70 argument. The unelaborated type of would be something like:
72 \mint{racket}|(printf :: String Any * -> Void)|
74 But when the string is already known, for example at compiletime, you can
75 already elaborate a lot on the type. For example the string
76 \mintinline{racket}|"~b"| depicts the format string for a binary number. The
77 only valid argument for this is an Integer. The following function signature
78 would then be the result of an elaboration using the macro system on
79 \mintinline{racket}|printf "~b" 42|.
81 \mint{racket}|(printf :: String Integer -> Void)|
83 \subsection{Other examples}
84 The author gives numerous other examples ranging from extracting the number of
85 return groups in regular expression matching. Detecting the return type in
86 database queries. precalculating numeric expressions and catch errors like
87 divison by zero. Moreover the author proposes a set of macros that can
88 elaborate on the length of a fixed size vector to remove the need for bounds
89 checking and index errors. On said example we will show some of the
90 implementation.
92 \section{Evidence}
93 As said, all the programmer has to do is import the library. The \emph{Typed
94 Racket} macro system does all the elaborations and provides
95 errors and elaborations. The elaboration functions runs via macros on the
96 actual syntax itself. This is possible because the macro system of \emph{Typed
97 Racket} runs recursively and has sophisticated matching techniques for
98 syntactical objects. Such objects are classified as syntactical objects.
100 Let us present the example with fixed size vectors. Fixed size vectors can be
101 defined in two ways in \emph{Typed Racket}. They can be defined literally using
102 the \mintinline{racket}|#(4 42 1 0)| or an empty vector can be created with
103 \mintinline{racket}|(make-vector 4)|. There are several functions available
104 that can concatenate, lengthen, shorten and copy vectors. If the programmer
105 only uses those operations it can be known at compiletime what the length of
106 the vector is and thus if the programmers goes out of bounds.
108 All syntactical objects adhering to the above precondition are getting
109 classified as \mintinline{racket}|vector/length| syntax class objects and those
110 class objects are used in pattern matching. For example the following macro
111 aliasses the \mintinline{racket}|vector-length| function so that it either
112 contains the literal length or the original function. The
113 \mintinline{racket}|syntax-parser| calls the literal syntax objects and the two
114 statements after are pattern-match like statements that when the vector is of
115 syntax class \mintinline{racket}|vector/length| the evidence for that object is
116 returned and otherwise the function is undefined and thus the original meaning
117 stays.
119 \begin{minted}{racket}
120 (make-alias #'vector-length
121 (syntax-parser
122 [(_ v:vector/length)
123 #''v.evidence]
124 [_ #false]))
125 \end{minted}
127 Determining the syntax class is yet another macro that again from the
128 \mintinline{racket}|syntax-parser| constructs either such objects or is
129 undefined. The following function shows the macro that elaborates on vector
130 construction constructs. The macro matches either the literal vector
131 notation, in which it can just count the elements. Or the macro matches a
132 \mintinline{racket}|make-vector| construct with as an argument an object of the
133 syntax class \mintinline{racket}|num/value| which is a class created for
134 literal ints. Note that literal ints can also be the result of an expression.
135 In all other cases the macro does not elaborate.
137 \begin{minted}{racket}
138 (define vector?
139 (syntax-parser #:literals (make-vector)
140 [#(e* ...)
141 (length (syntax->datum #'(e* ...)))]
142 [(make-vector n:num/value)
143 (syntax->datum #'n.evidence)]
144 [_ #false]))
145 \end{minted}
147 While the examples are given the author notes that they could be easily
148 translated to languages that have a similar macro system or to template-like
149 macro systems when adapted.
151 \section{Writing}
152 The general writing style of the pearl starts out very good. The first section
153 is very interestingly written and makes the reader very curious about the
154 implementation and consequences.
155 The author only shows implementation of such elaboration macros for the vector
156 example. The examples given are only a small part of the examples in the pearl
157 and even they are not very easy to understand.
159 Also there are only a few examples given and while they can help the programmer
160 they all seem trivial in functionality.
162 The implementation language used is not a very popular language in academia
163 compared to other functional languages like \emph{Haskell} or \emph{Lisp}.
165 Another critique on the pearl is that the implementation comes quite late in
166 the article and is very complex. A certain kind of beauty is incorporated in
167 the automatic elaboration but one has to wait for quite some time to finally
168 get to know the implementation.
170 \section{Discullion}
171 %% Discussion points: end with questions which you think should arise
172 %\begin{frame}
173 % \frametitle{Discussion points}
174 % \begin{itemize}
175 % \item There should be more elaboration on the implementation.
176 % \item Is the addition really helpful or does it just produce more
177 % obfuscated compiler errors.
178 % \item Paper should have been written in a more famous language.
179 % \end{itemize}
180 %\end{frame}
181 \end{document}