started splitting up into modules
[mTask.git] / mTask.dcl
1 definition module mTask
3 /*
4 Pieter Koopman
5 Final version for TFP2016
7 -2: assignment =. suited for digital and analog input and output
8 -3: ad hoc tasks
10 todo:
11 move task-loop ti setup()
12 adhoc tasks
13 task combinators
14 imporove setp: >>*.
15 */
17 //import iTasks
18 import iTasks._Framework.Generic
19 import iTasks._Framework.Task
20 import StdClass
21 from iTasks.API.Core.Types import :: Display
22 import gdynamic, gCons, GenEq, StdMisc, StdArray
24 import mTaskSerial, mTaskLCD
26 // =================== mTask ===================
29 // ----- dsl definition ----- //
31 :: DigitalPin
32 = D0 | D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 |D6 | D7 | D8 | D9 | D10 | D11 | D12 | D13
33 :: AnalogPin = A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5
35 :: Pin = Digital DigitalPin | Analog AnalogPin
36 instance toCode Pin
38 class pin p | type, == p where
39 pin :: p -> Pin
40 instance pin DigitalPin
41 instance pin AnalogPin
43 :: Upd = Upd
44 :: Expr = Expr
45 :: Stmt = Stmt
46 :: MTask = MTask Int // String
48 class isExpr a :: a -> Int
49 instance isExpr Upd
50 instance isExpr Expr
52 class isStmt a :: a -> Int
53 instance isStmt Upd
54 instance isStmt Expr
55 instance isStmt Stmt
57 instance == MTask
58 instance toCode MTask
60 :: Main a = {main :: a}
62 unMain :: (Main x) -> x
64 class arith v where
65 lit :: t -> v t Expr | toCode t
66 (+.) infixl 6 :: (v t p) (v t q) -> v t Expr | type, +, zero t & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
67 (-.) infixl 6 :: (v t p) (v t q) -> v t Expr | type, -, zero t & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
68 (*.) infixl 7 :: (v t p) (v t q) -> v t Expr | type, *, zero, one t & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
69 (/.) infixl 7 :: (v t p) (v t q) -> v t Expr | type, / t & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
70 class boolExpr v where
71 (&.) infixr 3 :: (v Bool p) (v Bool q) -> v Bool Expr | isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
72 (|.) infixr 2 :: (v Bool p) (v Bool q) -> v Bool Expr | isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
73 Not :: (v Bool p) -> v Bool Expr | isExpr p //& toExpr2 p
74 (==.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | ==, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
75 (!=.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | ==, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
76 (<.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | <, Ord, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
77 (>.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | <, Ord, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
78 (<=.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | <, Ord, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
79 (>=.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | <, Ord, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q
80 // using functional dependencies
81 class If v q r ~s where
82 If :: (v Bool p) (v t q) (v t r) -> v t s | isExpr p & type t
83 class IF v where
84 IF :: (v Bool p) (v t q) (v s r) -> v () Stmt | isExpr p
85 (?) infix 1 :: (v Bool p) (v t q) -> v () Stmt | isExpr p
86 class var2 v where
87 var2 :: t ((v t Upd)->(Main (v c s))) -> (Main (v c s)) | type, toCode t
88 con2 :: t ((v t Expr) ->(Main (v c s))) -> (Main (v c s)) | type t
89 class sds v where
90 sds :: ((v t Upd)->In t (Main (v c s))) -> (Main (v c s)) | type, toCode t
91 con :: ((v t Expr) ->In t (Main (v c s))) -> (Main (v c s)) | type t
92 class seq v where
93 (>>=.) infixr 0 :: (v t p) ((v t Expr) -> (v u q)) -> (v u Stmt) | type t & type u
94 (:.) infixr 0 :: (v t p) (v u q) -> v u Stmt | type t & type u
95 class step` v where
96 (>>*.) infixl 1 :: (v t p) ((v t Expr) -> [Step v u]) -> v u Stmt | type t & type u
97 :: Step v t = E.p.q: Cond (v Bool q) (v t p) | E.p: Ever (v t p)
98 class assign v where
99 (=.) infixr 2 :: (v t Upd) (v t p) -> v t Expr | type t & isExpr p
100 class fun v t where
101 fun :: ((t->v s Expr)->In (t->v s p) (Main (v u q))) -> Main (v u q) | type s
102 class mtask v a where
103 task :: (((v delay r) a->v MTask Expr)->In (a->v u p) (Main (v t q))) -> Main (v t q) | type t & type u & isExpr r & long v delay
104 class lag v where
105 lag :: (v delay r) (v t p) -> v MTask Expr | type t & long v delay
106 class setDelay v where
107 setDelay :: (v Long p) (v MTask Expr) -> (v MTask Expr) | isExpr p
108 class mtasks v a b where
109 tasks :: (((v delay r1) a->v MTask Expr, (v delay r2) b->v MTask Expr)->In (a->v t p, b->v u p) (Main (v s q))) -> Main (v s q) | type s & isExpr r1 & isExpr r2 & long v delay
110 class output v where
111 output :: (v t p) -> v () Expr | type t & isExpr p
112 class noOp v where noOp :: v t p
114 class pinMode v where
115 pinmode :: p PinMode -> v () Expr | pin p
116 class digitalIO v where
117 digitalRead :: p -> v Bool Expr | pin, readPinD p
118 digitalWrite :: p (v Bool q) -> v Bool Expr | pin, writePinD p
119 class analogIO v where
120 analogRead :: AnalogPin -> v Int Expr
121 analogWrite :: AnalogPin (v Int p) -> v Int Expr
122 class dIO v where
123 dIO :: p -> v Bool Upd | pin, readPinD p
124 class aIO v where
125 aIO :: AnalogPin -> v Int Upd
126 class time v where
127 delay :: (v Long p) -> (v Long Expr)
128 millis :: (v Long Expr)
130 class pio p t where pio :: p -> v t Upd | aIO v & dIO v
131 instance pio AnalogPin Int
132 instance pio AnalogPin Bool
133 instance pio DigitalPin Bool
135 int :: (v Int p) -> (v Int p)
136 bool :: (v Bool p) -> (v Bool p)
137 char :: (v Char p) -> (v Char p)
139 class type t | showType, dyn, toCode, ==, type2string, varName t
140 class type2string t :: t -> String
141 instance type2string Int
142 instance type2string Long
143 instance type2string Real
144 instance type2string Bool
145 instance type2string Char
146 instance type2string MTask
147 instance type2string DigitalPin
148 instance type2string AnalogPin
149 instance type2string String
150 instance type2string ()
151 class varName a :: a -> String
152 instance varName Int
153 instance varName Long
154 instance varName Bool
155 instance varName Char
156 instance varName Real
157 instance varName x
159 class dsl t | arith, boolExpr, sds, assign, seq t
161 argType :: (((Code a p)->Code b q)->In ((Code a p)->Code b q) (Code c s)) -> a | type a
163 class argTypes t :: ((t->Code b Expr)->In (t->Code b2 q) (Main (Code c s))) -> t
164 instance argTypes (Code a p) | showType a
165 instance argTypes (Code a p, Code b q) | showType a & showType b
166 instance argTypes (Code a p, Code b q, Code c r) | showType a & showType b & showType c
168 resType :: ((t->Code b Expr)->In (t->Code b q) (Main (Code c s))) -> Code b q | showType b
170 var2Type :: (Code t p) -> Code t p | showType t
172 resType2 :: ((t->Code b Expr)->In (t->Code b q) (Main (Code c s))) -> SV b | showType2 b
174 :: SV t = SV String
175 instance toCode (SV t)
177 class showType2 t :: SV t
178 instance showType2 ()
179 instance showType2 Int
180 instance showType2 Char
181 instance showType2 Bool
182 instance showType2 a
184 class showType t | showType2 /*, type*/ t :: (Code t p)
185 instance showType ()
186 instance showType Int
187 instance showType Long
188 instance showType Char
189 instance showType Bool
190 instance showType a
192 class typeSelector t | showType2, type t :: (Code t p)
193 instance typeSelector Int
194 instance typeSelector Char
195 instance typeSelector Bool
196 instance typeSelector a
198 :: In a b = In infix 0 a b
200 read` :: Int (ReadWrite a) State -> (a,State) | dyn a
202 // ----- code generation ----- //
204 instance arith Code
205 instance boolExpr Code
206 instance If Code Stmt Stmt Stmt
207 instance If Code e Stmt Stmt
208 instance If Code Stmt e Stmt
209 instance If Code x y Expr
210 instance IF Code
211 instance sds Code
213 defCode :: ((Code t p) -> In t (Main (Code u q))) -> Main (Code u r) | type t
215 var :: String (ReadWrite (Code v q)) CODE -> CODE
217 instance assign Code
218 instance seq Code
219 instance step` Code
220 codeSteps :: [Step Code t] -> Code u p
221 optBreak :: Mode -> Code u p
223 instance setDelay Code
224 instance mtask Code a | taskImp2 a & types a
225 instance mtasks Code a b | taskImp2 a & types a & taskImp2 b & types b
227 loopCode :: Int (Code a b) -> Code c d
229 class taskImp2 a :: Int a -> ((Code Long p) a->Code MTask Expr, a) | /*long Code delay &*/ isExpr p
230 instance taskImp2 ()
231 instance taskImp2 (Code t p)
232 instance taskImp2 (Code a p, Code b q)
233 instance taskImp2 (Code a p, Code b q, Code c r)
234 instance taskImp2 (Code a p, Code b q, Code c r, Code d s)
236 class taskImp a :: Int a -> (Int a->Code MTask Expr, a)
237 instance taskImp ()
238 instance taskImp (Code t p)
239 instance taskImp (Code a p, Code b q)
240 instance taskImp (Code a p, Code b q, Code c r)
241 instance taskImp (Code a p, Code b q, Code c r, Code d s)
243 tasksMain :: Int Int ((a->Code MTask Expr,b->Code MTask Expr) -> In (a->Code c d,b->Code e f) (Main (Code g h))) -> Main (Code i j) | taskImp a & types a & taskImp b & types b
244 class types a :: a
245 instance types ()
246 instance types (Code a p) | typeSelector a & isExpr p
247 instance types (Code a p, Code b q) | typeSelector a & isExpr p & typeSelector b & isExpr q
248 instance types (Code a p, Code b q, Code c r) | typeSelector a & isExpr p & typeSelector b & isExpr q & typeSelector c & isExpr r
249 instance types (Code a p, Code b q, Code c r, Code d s) | typeSelector a & isExpr p & typeSelector b & isExpr q & typeSelector c & isExpr r & typeSelector d & isExpr s
251 codeMTaskBody :: (Code v w) (Code c d) -> Code e f
252 instance fun Code ()
253 instance fun Code (Code t p) | type, showType t & isExpr p
254 instance fun Code (Code a p, Code b q) | showType a & showType b
255 instance fun Code (Code a p, Code b q, Code c r) | showType a & showType b & showType c
256 instance output Code
257 instance pinMode Code
258 instance digitalIO Code
259 instance dIO Code
260 instance aIO Code
261 instance analogIO Code
262 instance noOp Code
264 :: Code a p = C ((ReadWrite (Code a Expr)) CODE -> CODE)
265 :: CODE =
266 { fresh :: Int
267 , freshMTask :: Int
268 , funs :: [String]
269 , ifuns :: Int
270 , vars :: [String]
271 , ivars :: Int
272 , setup :: [String]
273 , isetup :: Int
274 , loop :: [String]
275 , iloop :: Int
276 , includes :: [String]
277 , def :: Def
278 , mode :: Mode
279 , binds :: [String]
280 }
282 unC :: (Code a p) -> ((ReadWrite (Code a Expr)) CODE -> CODE)
284 :: Def = Var | Fun | Setup | Loop
285 :: Mode = /*MainMode |*/ NoReturn | Return String | SubExp | Assign String
287 setMode :: Mode -> Code a p
288 getMode :: (Mode -> Code a p) -> Code a p
289 embed :: (Code a p) -> Code a p
290 (+.+) infixl 5 :: (Code a p) (Code b q) -> Code c r
291 fresh :: (Int -> (Code a p)) -> (Code a p)
292 freshMTask :: (Int -> (Code a p)) -> (Code a p)
293 setCode :: Def -> (Code a p)
294 getCode :: (Def -> Code a p) -> (Code a p)
295 brac :: (Code a p) -> Code b q
296 funBody :: (Code a p) -> Code b q
297 codeOp2 :: (Code a p) String (Code b q) -> Code c r
298 include :: String -> Code a b
299 argList :: [a] -> String | toCode a
300 c :: a -> Code b p | toCode a
301 indent :: Code a p
302 unindent :: Code a p
303 nl :: Code a p
304 setBinds :: [String] -> Code a p
305 addBinds :: String -> Code a p
306 getBinds :: ([String] -> Code a p) -> (Code a p)
308 // ----- driver ----- //
310 compile :: (Main (Code a p)) -> [String]
311 mkset :: [a] -> [a] | Eq a
312 newCode :: CODE
314 // ----- simulation ----- //
316 eval :: (Main (Eval t p)) -> [String] | toString t
317 :: State =
318 { tasks :: [(Int, State->State)]
319 , store :: [Dyn]
320 , dpins :: [(DigitalPin, Bool)]
321 , apins :: [(AnalogPin, Int)]
322 , serial:: [String]
323 , millis:: Int
324 }
326 state0 :: State
328 //:: TaskSim :== (Int, State->State)
329 :: Eval t p = E ((ReadWrite t) State -> (t, State))
330 toS2S :: (Eval t p) -> (State->State)
332 unEval :: (Eval t p) -> ((ReadWrite t) State -> (t, State))
334 :: ReadWrite t = Rd | Wrt t | Updt (t->t)
336 (>>==) infixl 1 :: (Eval a p) (a -> Eval b q) -> Eval b r
337 //(>>== ) (E f) g = E \r s. let (a, s2) = f Rd s; (E h) = g a in h Rd s2
339 rtrn :: t -> Eval t p
341 yield :: t (Eval s p) -> Eval t Expr
342 //yield a (E f) = E (\r s.(\(_,t).(a,t)) (f r s))
344 instance arith Eval
345 instance boolExpr Eval
346 instance If Eval p q Expr
347 instance IF Eval
348 instance var2 Eval
350 defEval2 :: t ((Eval t p)->Main (Eval u q)) -> (Main (Eval u q)) | dyn t
351 instance sds Eval
353 defEval :: ((Eval t p)->In t (Main (Eval u q))) -> (Main (Eval u q)) | dyn t
354 instance fun Eval x | arg x
355 instance mtask Eval x | arg x
356 instance mtasks Eval x y | arg x & arg y
357 instance setDelay Eval
359 class toExpr v where toExpr :: (v t p) -> v t Expr
360 instance toExpr Eval
361 instance toExpr Code
362 instance seq Eval
363 instance assign Eval
364 instance output Eval
365 instance pinMode Eval
366 instance digitalIO Eval
367 instance analogIO Eval
368 instance noOp Eval
370 class arg x :: x -> Int
371 instance arg ()
372 instance arg (Eval t p) | type t
373 instance arg (Eval t p, Eval u q) | type t & type u
374 instance arg (Eval t p, Eval u q, Eval v r) | type t & type u & type v
375 instance arg (Eval t p, Eval u q, Eval v r, Eval w s) | type t & type u & type v
377 instance + String
379 readPinA :: AnalogPin [(AnalogPin, Int)] -> Int
380 writePinA :: AnalogPin Int State -> State
382 class readPinD p :: p [(DigitalPin,Bool)] [(AnalogPin,Int)] -> Bool
383 instance readPinD DigitalPin
384 instance readPinD AnalogPin
386 class writePinD p :: p Bool State -> State
387 instance writePinD DigitalPin
388 instance writePinD AnalogPin
390 // ----- Interactive Simulation ----- //
392 derive class iTask DigitalPin, AnalogPin, Dyn, StateInterface, DisplayVar, Pin
394 simulate :: (Main (Eval a p)) -> Task ()
395 toView :: State -> StateInterface
396 mergeView :: State StateInterface -> State
397 :: StateInterface =
398 { serialOut :: Display [String]
399 , analogPins :: [(AnalogPin, Int)]
400 , digitalPins :: [(DigitalPin, Bool)]
401 , var2iables :: [DisplayVar]
402 , timer :: Int
403 , taskCount :: Display Int
404 }
406 toDisplayVar :: Dyn -> DisplayVar
407 fromDisplayVar :: DisplayVar Dyn -> Dyn
408 :: DisplayVar
409 = Variable String
410 | INT Int
411 | LONG Int
412 | Servo Pin Int
413 | LCD16x2 String String
414 | DisplayVar [String]
416 step` :: State -> State
418 class stringQuotes t | type t :: (Code t p) -> Code t p
419 instance stringQuotes String
420 instance stringQuotes t
422 derive toGenDynamic (), MTask, DigitalPin, AnalogPin, Pin, [], Long //, Servo
423 derive fromGenDynamic (), MTask, DigitalPin, AnalogPin, Pin, [], Long //, Servo
424 instance toCode ()
425 instance == ()
427 // ----- long ----- //
429 :: Long = L Int // 32 bit on Arduino
430 instance toCode Long
431 instance + Long
432 instance - Long
433 instance * Long
434 instance / Long
435 instance == Long
436 instance one Long
437 instance zero Long
439 class long v t :: (v t p) -> v Long Expr | isExpr p
440 instance long Code Int
441 instance long Code Long
442 instance long Eval Int
443 instance long Eval Long
445 // ----- tools ----- //
447 class toCode a :: a -> String
448 instance toCode Bool
449 instance toCode Int
450 instance toCode Real
451 instance toCode Char
452 instance toCode String
453 instance toCode DigitalPin
454 instance toCode AnalogPin
455 derive consName DigitalPin, AnalogPin, PinMode
457 instance == DigitalPin
458 instance == AnalogPin
460 derive consIndex DigitalPin, AnalogPin
462 tab =: toString (repeatn tabSize ' ')
463 tabSize :== 2
465 instance toString ()
467 a0 :== pio A0
468 a1 :== pio A1
469 a2 :== pio A2
470 a3 :== pio A3
471 a4 :== pio A4
472 a5 :== pio A5
474 d0 :== pio D0
475 d1 :== pio D1
476 d2 :== pio D2
477 d3 :== pio D3
478 d4 :== pio D4
479 d5 :== pio D5
480 d6 :== pio D6
481 d7 :== pio D7
482 d8 :== pio D8
483 d9 :== pio D9
484 d10 :== pio D10
485 d11 :== pio D11
486 d12 :== pio D12
487 d13 :== pio D13