[mTask.git] / mTaskInterpret.icl
1 implementation module mTaskInterpret
3 import Generics.gCons
5 import GenEq, StdMisc, StdArray, GenBimap
6 import GenPrint
7 import StdEnum
8 import mTask
10 import StdInt
11 import StdFile
12 import StdString
14 from StdFunc import o, const
15 import StdBool
16 import StdTuple
17 import Data.Tuple
18 import Data.Monoid
19 import Data.Functor
20 import StdList
21 from Data.Func import $
22 from Text import class Text(concat,toUpperCase), instance Text String
23 import qualified Text
24 import Text.JSON
26 import Control.Monad.RWST
27 import Control.Monad.Identity
28 import Control.Monad
29 import Control.Applicative
30 import Data.Functor
31 import Data.Either
33 import Data.Array
34 import qualified Data.Map as DM
35 import qualified Data.List as DL
36 import Text.Encodings.Base64
38 encode :: MTaskMSGSend -> String
39 encode (MTTask to data) = "t" +++ tob +++ to16bit (size data) +++ data +++ "\n"
40 where
41 tob = case to of
42 OneShot = to16bit 0
43 OnInterval i = to16bit i
44 OnInterrupt _ = abort "Interrupts not implemented yet"
45 encode (MTTaskDel i) = "d" +++ to16bit i +++ "\n"
46 encode (MTSds i v) = "s" +++ to16bit i +++ v +++ "\n"
47 encode (MTUpd i v) = "u" +++ to16bit i +++ v +++ "\n"
49 decode :: String -> MTaskMSGRecv
50 decode x
51 | size x == 0 = MTEmpty
52 = case x.[0] of
53 't' = MTTaskAck (from16bit (x % (1,3)))
54 'd' = MTTaskDelAck (from16bit (x % (1,3)))
55 'm' = MTMessage x
56 's' = MTSDSAck (from16bit (x % (1,3)))
57 'a' = MTSDSDelAck (from16bit (x % (1,3)))
58 'p' = MTPub (from16bit (x % (1,3))) (x % (3,5))
59 '\0' = MTEmpty
60 '\n' = MTEmpty
61 _ = MTMessage x//abort ("Didn't understand message: " +++ join " " [toString (toInt c)\\c<-: x] +++ "\n")
63 safePrint :== toString o toJSON
65 instance toString MTaskInterval where
66 toString OneShot = "One shot"
67 toString (OnInterrupt i) = "Interrupt: " +++ toString i
68 toString (OnInterval i) = "Every " +++ toString i +++ "ms"
70 instance toString MTaskMSGSend where
71 toString (MTSds i v) = "Sds id: " +++ toString i
72 +++ " value " +++ safePrint v
73 toString (MTTask to data) = "Task timeout: " +++ toString to
74 +++ " data " +++ safePrint data
75 toString (MTTaskDel i) = "Task delete request: " +++ toString i
76 toString (MTUpd i v) = "Update id: " +++ toString i
77 +++ " value " +++ safePrint v
79 instance toString MTaskMSGRecv where
80 toString (MTTaskAck i) = "Task added with id: " +++ toString i
81 toString (MTTaskDelAck i) = "Task deleted with id: " +++ toString i
82 toString (MTSDSAck i) = "SDS added with id: " +++ toString i
83 toString (MTSDSDelAck i) = "SDS deleted with id: " +++ toString i
84 toString (MTPub i v) = "Publish id: " +++ toString i
85 +++ " value " +++ safePrint v
86 toString (MTMessage m) = m
87 toString MTEmpty = "Empty message"
89 toByteVal :: BC -> String
90 toByteVal b = {toChar $ consIndex{|*|} b} +++
91 case b of
92 (BCPush i) = i
93 (BCLab i) = {toChar i}
94 (BCSdsStore i) = to16bit i
95 (BCSdsFetch i) = to16bit i
96 (BCSdsPublish i) = to16bit i
97 (BCAnalogRead i) = {toChar i}
98 (BCAnalogWrite i) = {toChar i}
99 (BCDigitalRead i) = {toChar i}
100 (BCDigitalWrite i) = {toChar i}
101 (BCJmp i) = {toChar i}
102 (BCJmpT i) = {toChar i}
103 (BCJmpF i) = {toChar i}
104 _ = ""
106 //(>>) infixl 2 :: (ByteCode a p) (ByteCode b q) -> ByteCode b q
107 //(>>) m n = BC \s->(let (_, s1) = runBC m s in
108 // let (a, s2) = runBC n s1
109 // in (a, {s2 & bytecode=(s2.BCState.bytecode ++ s1.BCState.bytecode)}))
110 //
111 //(<+->) infixr 1
112 //(<+->) m n :== m >> tell n
113 //
114 //runBC (BC m) = m
115 //
116 //tell :: [BC] -> ByteCode a p | mTaskType a
117 //tell b = BC \s->(zero, {s & bytecode=b++s.bytecode})
118 //
119 //fmp :: (a -> BC) (ByteCode a p) -> ByteCode a q
120 //fmp f b = BC \s->let (a, s`) = runBC b s in (a, {s` & code=[f a:s`.code]})
122 instance toByteCode Bool where toByteCode b = if b "\x01" "\x00"
123 instance toByteCode Int where toByteCode n = {toChar $ n/256,toChar $ n rem 256}
124 instance toByteCode Long where toByteCode (L n) = toByteCode n
125 instance toByteCode Char where toByteCode s = toString s
126 instance toByteCode String where toByteCode s = abort $ "Undef on toBytecode String" +++ s
127 instance toByteCode Button where toByteCode s = {toChar $ consIndex{|*|} s}
128 instance toByteCode UserLED where toByteCode s = {toChar $ consIndex{|*|} s}
129 instance toByteCode MTaskInterval where
130 toByteCode OneShot = toByteCode 0
131 //Intervals have the first bit 0 and the rest is a 15 bit unsigned int
132 toByteCode (OnInterval i) = {toChar $ i/256 bitand 127, toChar $ i rem 256}
133 //Intervals have the first bit 1 and the rest is a 15 bit unsigned int
134 toByteCode (OnInterrupt i) = {toChar $ i/256 bitor 127, toChar $ i rem 256}
136 instance fromByteCode Bool where fromByteCode s = s == "\x01"
137 instance fromByteCode Int where fromByteCode s = (toInt s.[0])*256 + toInt s.[1]
138 instance fromByteCode Long where fromByteCode s = L $ fromByteCode s
139 instance fromByteCode Char where fromByteCode s = toChar s.[0]
140 instance fromByteCode String where fromByteCode s = abort $ "Undef on fromBytecode String" +++ s
141 instance fromByteCode Button where fromByteCode s = conses{|*|} !! toInt s.[0]
142 instance fromByteCode UserLED where fromByteCode s = conses{|*|} !! toInt s.[0]
143 instance fromByteCode MTaskInterval
144 where
145 fromByteCode s
146 //Interval
147 | (toInt s.[0]) bitand 128 == 0 = case fromByteCode s of
148 0 = OneShot
149 i = OnInterval i
150 = OnInterrupt $ fromByteCode s bitand 127
152 instance toChar Pin where
153 toChar (Digital p) = toChar $ consIndex{|*|} p
154 toChar (Analog p) = toChar $ consIndex{|*|} p
156 derive gPrint BC
157 derive class gCons BC
159 op2 :: (ByteCode a p1) (ByteCode a p2) BC -> ByteCode b Expr
160 op2 (BC x) (BC y) bc = BC $ x >>| y >>| tell [bc]
162 op :: (ByteCode a p) BC -> ByteCode a Expr
163 op (BC x) bc = BC $ x >>| tell [bc]
165 tell` x = BC $ tell x
167 instance zero Bool where zero = False
169 instance arith ByteCode where
170 lit x = tell` [BCPush $ toByteCode x]
171 (+.) x y = op2 x y BCAdd
172 (-.) x y = op2 x y BCSub
173 (*.) x y = op2 x y BCMul
174 (/.) x y = op2 x y BCDiv
176 instance boolExpr ByteCode where
177 (&.) x y = op2 x y BCAnd
178 (|.) x y = op2 x y BCOr
179 Not x = op x BCNot
180 (==.) x y = op2 x y BCEq
181 (!=.) x y = op2 x y BCNeq
182 (<.) x y = op2 x y BCLes
183 (>.) x y = op2 x y BCGre
184 (<=.) x y = op2 x y BCLeq
185 (>=.) x y = op2 x y BCGeq
187 instance analogIO ByteCode where
188 analogRead p = tell` [BCAnalogRead $ pin p]
189 analogWrite p b = op b (BCAnalogWrite $ pin p)
191 instance digitalIO ByteCode where
192 digitalRead p = tell` [BCDigitalRead $ pin p]
193 digitalWrite p b = op b (BCDigitalWrite $ pin p)
195 instance If ByteCode Stmt Stmt Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
196 instance If ByteCode e Stmt Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
197 instance If ByteCode Stmt e Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
198 instance If ByteCode x y Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
199 instance IF ByteCode where
200 IF b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
201 (?) b t = BCIfStmt b t $ tell` mempty
202 BCIfStmt (BC b) (BC t) (BC e) = BC $
203 freshl >>= \else->freshl >>= \endif->
204 b >>| tell [BCJmpF else] >>|
205 t >>| tell [BCJmp endif, BCLab else] >>|
206 e >>| tell [BCLab endif]
208 freshl = get >>= \st=:{freshl=[fr:frs]}->put {st & freshl=frs} >>| pure fr
209 freshs = get >>= \st=:{freshs=[fr:frs]}->put {st & freshs=frs} >>| pure fr
211 instance noOp ByteCode where noOp = tell` [BCNop]
213 unBC (BC x) = x
215 instance sds ByteCode where
216 sds f = {main = BC $ freshs
217 >>= \sds->pure (f (tell` [BCSdsFetch sds]))
218 >>= \(v In bdy)->modify (addSDS sds (toByteCode v)) >>| unBC (unMain bdy)}
219 where
220 addSDS i v s = {s & sdss=[{sdsi=i,sdspub=False,sdsval=v}:s.sdss]}
222 con f = undef
223 pub (BC x) = BC $ censor (\[BCSdsFetch s]->[BCSdsPublish s])
224 (listen x >>= \(_, [BCSdsFetch s])->modify (publish s)) >>| tell mempty
225 where
226 publish i st = {st & sdss=[if (i == s.sdsi) {s & sdspub=True} s \\s<-st.sdss]}
228 instance assign ByteCode where
229 (=.) (BC v) (BC e) = BC $ e >>| censor makeStore v
230 where
231 //This is going to include pins as well, as variables
232 makeStore [BCSdsFetch i] = [BCSdsStore i]
234 instance seq ByteCode where
235 (>>=.) _ _ = abort "undef on >>=."
236 (:.) (BC x) (BC y) = BC $ x >>| y
238 instance serial ByteCode where
239 serialAvailable = tell` [BCSerialAvail]
240 serialPrint s = tell` [BCSerialPrint]
241 serialPrintln s = tell` [BCSerialPrintln]
242 serialRead = tell` [BCSerialRead]
243 serialParseInt = tell` [BCSerialParseInt]
245 instance userLed ByteCode where
246 ledOn (BC l) = BC $ l >>| tell [BCLedOn]
247 ledOff (BC l) = BC $ l >>| tell [BCLedOff]
249 func :: (a -> BC) [BC] -> [BC] | mTaskType a
250 func f b = abort ('Text'.join "\n" (map printToString b))
252 instance zero BCState where
253 zero = {freshl=[1..], freshs=[1..], sdss=[]}
255 toRealByteCode :: (ByteCode a b) BCState -> (String, BCState)
256 toRealByteCode x s
257 # (s, bc) = runBC x s
258 # (bc, gtmap) = computeGotos bc 1
259 = (concat $ map (toString o toByteVal) (map (implGotos gtmap) bc), s)
261 implGotos map (BCJmp t) = BCJmp $ fromJust ('DM'.get t map)
262 implGotos map (BCJmpT t) = BCJmpT $ fromJust ('DM'.get t map)
263 implGotos map (BCJmpF t) = BCJmpF $ fromJust ('DM'.get t map)
264 implGotos _ i = i
266 computeGotos :: [BC] Int -> ([BC], 'DM'.Map Int Int)
267 computeGotos [] _ = ([], 'DM'.newMap)
268 computeGotos [BCLab l:xs] i = appSnd ('DM'.put l i) (computeGotos xs i)
269 computeGotos [x:xs] i = appFst (\bc->[x:bc])
270 (computeGotos xs $ i + 1 + consNum{|*|} x)
272 readable :: BC -> String
273 readable (BCPush d) = "BCPush " +++ concat [safe c\\c<-:d]
274 where
275 safe c = if (isControl c) ("\\d" +++ toString (toInt c)) (toString c)
276 readable b = printToString b
278 runBC :: (ByteCode a b) -> (BCState -> (BCState, [BC]))
279 runBC (BC x) = execRWS x ()
281 toReadableByteCode :: (ByteCode a b) BCState -> (String, BCState)
282 toReadableByteCode x s
283 # (s, bc) = runBC x s
284 # (bc, gtmap) = computeGotos bc 0
285 = ('Text'.join "\n" $ map readable (map (implGotos gtmap) bc), s)
287 toMessages :: MTaskInterval (String, BCState) -> ([MTaskMSGSend], BCState)
288 toMessages interval (bytes, st=:{sdss}) = (
289 [MTSds s.sdsi (toByteCode s.sdsval)\\s<-sdss] ++
290 [MTTask interval bytes], st)
292 toSDSUpdate :: Int Int -> [MTaskMSGSend]
293 toSDSUpdate i v = [MTUpd i (to16bit v)]
295 //Start = toMessages (OnInterval 500) $ toRealByteCode (unMain bc) zero
296 Start = let (bcs, st) = toReadableByteCode (unMain bc) zero
297 in (bcs, st.sdss)
298 where
299 // bc = {main = ledOn (lit LED1)}
300 bc = sds \x=5 In
301 sds \y=4 In
302 {main = If (y ==. lit 0) (pub x) (x =. x *. y :. y =. y -. lit 1)}
304 to16bit :: Int -> String
305 to16bit i = toString (toChar (i/256)) +++ toString (toChar (i rem 256))
307 from16bit :: String -> Int
308 from16bit s = toInt s.[0] * 256 + toInt s.[1]