fix bugs for uireorg
[mTask.git] / mTaskInterpret.icl
1 implementation module mTaskInterpret
3 //import iTasks
4 import gdynamic, gCons, GenEq, StdMisc, StdArray, GenBimap
5 import GenPrint
6 import StdEnum
7 import mTask
9 import StdFile
10 import StdString
12 from StdFunc import o, const
13 import StdBool
14 import StdTuple
15 import Data.Tuple
16 import Data.Monoid
17 import Data.Functor
18 import StdList
19 from Data.Func import $
20 from Text import class Text(concat,join,toUpperCase), instance Text String
22 toByteVal :: BC -> [Char]
23 toByteVal b
24 # bt = toChar $ consIndex{|*|} b + 1
25 = [bt:case b of
26 (BCPush i) = i
27 (BCAnalogRead i) = [toChar i]
28 (BCAnalogWrite i) = [toChar i]
29 (BCDigitalRead i) = [toChar i]
30 (BCDigitalWrite i) = [toChar i]
31 (BCJmp i) = [toChar i]
32 (BCJmpT i) = [toChar i]
33 (BCJmpF i) = [toChar i]
34 _ = []]
36 instance Semigroup (ByteCode a p) where
37 mappend m n = BC \s->let (b1, (b2, t)) = runBC m <$> runBC m s in (b1 ++ b2, t)
39 instance Monoid (ByteCode a p) where
40 mempty = retrn []
42 (<++>) infixl 2 :: (ByteCode a p) (ByteCode b q) -> ByteCode c r
43 (<++>) m n = BC \s->let (b1, (b2, t)) = runBC n <$> runBC m s in (b1 ++ b2, t)
45 (<+->) infixr 1
46 (<+->) m n :== m <++> retrn n
48 runBC (BC m) = m
50 retrn :: ([BC] -> ByteCode a p)
51 retrn = BC o tuple
52 fmp :: ([BC] -> [BC]) (ByteCode a p) -> ByteCode a p
53 fmp f b = BC \s->let (bc, s`) = runBC b s in (f bc, s`)
55 instance toByteCode Bool where
56 toByteCode True = [toChar 1]
57 toByteCode False = [toChar 0]
58 instance toByteCode Int where toByteCode n = map toChar [n/256,n rem 256]
59 instance toByteCode Long where toByteCode (L n) = toByteCode n
60 instance toByteCode Char where toByteCode c = [c]
61 instance toByteCode String where toByteCode s = undef
62 instance toByteCode Button where toByteCode s = [toChar $ consIndex{|*|} s]
64 instance toChar Pin where
65 toChar (Digital p) = toChar $ consIndex{|*|} p + 1
66 toChar (Analog p) = toChar $ consIndex{|*|} p + 1
68 derive gPrint BC, AnalogPin, Pin, DigitalPin, BCState
69 derive consIndex BC, Pin, Button
70 derive consName BC, Pin, Button
72 instance arith ByteCode where
73 lit x = retrn [BCPush $ toByteCode x]
74 (+.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCAdd]
75 (-.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCSub]
76 (*.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCMul]
77 (/.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCDiv]
79 instance boolExpr ByteCode where
80 (&.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCAnd]
81 (|.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCOr]
82 Not x = x <+-> [BCNot]
83 (==.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCEq]
84 (!=.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCNeq]
85 (<.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [ BCLes]
86 (>.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCGre]
87 (<=.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCLeq]
88 (>=.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCGeq]
90 instance analogIO ByteCode where
91 analogRead p = retrn [BCAnalogRead $ pin p]
92 analogWrite p b = b <+-> [BCAnalogWrite $ pin p]
94 instance digitalIO ByteCode where
95 digitalRead p = retrn [BCDigitalRead $ pin p]
96 digitalWrite p b = b <+-> [BCDigitalWrite $ pin p]
98 instance If ByteCode Stmt Stmt Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
99 instance If ByteCode Stmt e Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
100 instance If ByteCode Stmt Stmt e where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
101 instance If ByteCode x y Expr where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
102 instance IF ByteCode where
103 IF b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
104 (?) b t = BCIfStmt b t $ retrn []
105 BCIfStmt b t e = withLabel \else->withLabel \endif->retrn [BCJmpF else] <++> t
106 <++> retrn [BCJmp endif] <++> e <++> retrn [BCLab endif]
108 instance noOp ByteCode where noOp = mempty
110 withLabel :: (Int -> (ByteCode b q)) -> ByteCode b q
111 withLabel f = BC \s->let [fresh:fs] = s.freshl
112 in runBC (f fresh) {s & freshl=fs}
114 withSDS :: (Int -> (ByteCode b q)) -> ByteCode b q
115 withSDS f = BC \s->let [fresh:fs] = s.freshs
116 in runBC (f fresh) {s & freshs=fs}
118 instance sds ByteCode where
119 sds f = {main = withSDS \sds->
120 let (v In body) = f $ retrn [BCSdsFetch sds]
121 in retrn [BCPush $ toByteCode v,BCSdsStore sds] <++> unMain body
122 }
123 con f = undef
125 instance assign ByteCode where
126 (=.) v e = e <++> fmp makeStore v
128 makeStore [] = []
129 makeStore [x:xs] = case x of
130 BCSdsFetch i = [BCSdsStore i:xs]
131 y = [y:xs]
133 instance seq ByteCode where
134 (>>=.) _ _ = abort "undef on >>=."
135 (:.) x y = x <++> y
137 instance serial ByteCode where
138 serialAvailable = retrn [BCSerialAvail]
139 serialPrint s = retrn [BCSerialPrint]
140 serialPrintln s = retrn [BCSerialPrintln]
141 serialRead = retrn [BCSerialRead]
142 serialParseInt = retrn [BCSerialParseInt]
144 instance zero BCState where
145 zero = {freshl=[1..], freshs=[1..]}
147 toRealByteCode :: (ByteCode a Expr) -> String
148 toRealByteCode x
149 # (bc, st) = runBC x zero
150 = concat $ map (toString o toByteVal) bc
152 toReadableByteCode :: (ByteCode a Expr) -> String
153 toReadableByteCode x
154 # (bc, st) = runBC x zero
155 = join "\n" $ map printToString bc
157 //Start :: String
158 //Start = toReadableByteCode bc
159 // where
160 // bc :: ByteCode Int Expr
161 // bc = (lit 36 +. lit 42) +. lit 44
163 Start :: String
164 Start = toReadableByteCode $ unMain bc
165 //Start = toRealByteCode $ unMain bc
166 where
167 bc :: Main (ByteCode Int Expr)
168 bc = sds \x=41 In
169 sds \y=1 In
170 {main = x =. x +. y}
172 //to16bit :: Int -> String
173 //to16bit i = toString (toChar (i/265)) +++ toString (toChar (i rem 265))
174 //
175 ////Run test programma en pretty print
176 ////Start :: String
177 ////Start = "t" +++ to16bit (size b) +++ b
178 //Start :: Main (ByteCode Int Expr)
179 //Start = bc
180 // where
181 // bc = sds \x=43 In {main = If (x ==. lit 42) (analogRead A1) (analogRead A0)}
182 // b = toRealByteCode bc
183 //Start :: ByteCode Int Expr
184 //Start = If (lit True) (analogRead A1) (analogRead A0)
185 //Start = If ((lit 36) ==. (lit 42)) (noOp) (noOp)