update now working
[mTask.git] / mTaskInterpret.icl
1 implementation module mTaskInterpret
3 //import iTasks
4 import gdynamic, gCons, GenEq, StdMisc, StdArray, GenBimap
5 import GenPrint
6 import StdEnum
7 import mTask
9 import StdFile
10 import StdString
12 from StdFunc import o, const
13 import StdBool
14 import StdTuple
15 import Data.Tuple
16 import Data.Monoid
17 import Data.Functor
18 import StdList
19 from Data.Func import $
20 from Text import class Text(concat,join,toUpperCase), instance Text String
22 import qualified Data.Map as DM
23 import Text.Encodings.Base64
25 encode :: MTaskMSGSend -> String
26 encode (MTSds i v) = "s" +++ to16bit i +++ v +++ "\n"
27 encode (MTTask to data) = "t" +++ to16bit to +++ to16bit (size data) +++ data +++ "\n"
28 encode (MTUpd i v) = "u" +++ to16bit i +++ v +++ "\n"
30 import StdDebug
31 decode :: String -> MTaskMSGRecv
32 decode x
33 | size x == 0 = MTEmpty
34 = case x.[0] of
35 '\0' = MTEmpty
36 '\n' = MTEmpty
37 'm' = MTMessage x
38 't' = MTTaskAdded (from16bit (x % (1,3)))
39 'u' = MTPub (from16bit (x % (1,3))) (x % (3,5))
40 _ = MTMessage x//abort ("Didn't understand message: " +++ join " " [toString (toInt c)\\c<-: x] +++ "\n")
42 safePrint :== toString o toJSON
44 instance toString MTaskMSGSend where
45 toString (MTSds i v) = "Sds id: " +++ toString i
46 +++ " value " +++ safePrint v
47 toString (MTTask to data) = "Task timeout: " +++ toString to
48 +++ " data " +++ safePrint data
49 toString (MTUpd i v) = "Update id: " +++ toString i
50 +++ " value " +++ safePrint v
52 instance toString MTaskMSGRecv where
53 toString (MTPub i v) = "Publish id: " +++ toString i
54 +++ " value " +++ safePrint v
55 toString (MTTaskAdded i) = "Task added with id: " +++ toString i
56 toString MTEmpty = "Empty message"
58 bclength :: BC -> Int
59 bclength (BCPush _) = 3
60 bclength (BCLab _) = 2
61 bclength (BCSdsStore _) = 3
62 bclength (BCSdsFetch _) = 3
63 bclength (BCSdsPublish _) = 3
64 bclength (BCAnalogRead _) = 2
65 bclength (BCAnalogWrite _) = 2
66 bclength (BCDigitalRead _) = 2
67 bclength (BCDigitalWrite _) = 2
68 bclength (BCJmp i) = 2
69 bclength (BCJmpT i) = 2
70 bclength (BCJmpF i) = 2
71 bclength _ = 1
73 toByteVal :: BC -> [Char]
74 toByteVal b
75 # bt = toChar $ consIndex{|*|} b
76 = [bt:case b of
77 (BCPush i) = i
78 (BCLab i) = [toChar i]
79 (BCSdsStore i) = [c\\c<-:to16bit i]
80 (BCSdsFetch i) = [c\\c<-:to16bit i]
81 (BCSdsPublish i) = [c\\c<-:to16bit i]
82 (BCAnalogRead i) = [toChar i]
83 (BCAnalogWrite i) = [toChar i]
84 (BCDigitalRead i) = [toChar i]
85 (BCDigitalWrite i) = [toChar i]
86 (BCJmp i) = [toChar i]
87 (BCJmpT i) = [toChar i]
88 (BCJmpF i) = [toChar i]
89 _ = []]
91 instance Semigroup (ByteCode a p) where
92 mappend m n = BC \s->let (b1, (b2, t)) = runBC m <$> runBC m s in (b1 ++ b2, t)
94 instance Monoid (ByteCode a p) where
95 mempty = retrn []
97 (<++>) infixl 2 :: (ByteCode a p) (ByteCode b q) -> ByteCode c r
98 (<++>) m n = BC \s->let (b1, (b2, t)) = runBC n <$> runBC m s in (b1 ++ b2, t)
100 (<+->) infixr 1
101 (<+->) m n :== m <++> retrn n
103 runBC (BC m) = m
105 retrn :: ([BC] -> ByteCode a p)
106 retrn = BC o tuple
107 fmp :: ([BC] -> [BC]) (ByteCode a p) -> ByteCode a q
108 fmp f b = BC \s->let (bc, s`) = runBC b s in (f bc, s`)
110 instance toByteCode Bool where
111 toByteCode True = [toChar 0, toChar 1]
112 toByteCode False = [toChar 0, toChar 0]
113 instance toByteCode Int where toByteCode n = map toChar [n/256,n rem 256]
114 instance toByteCode Long where toByteCode (L n) = toByteCode n
115 instance toByteCode Char where toByteCode c = [c]
116 instance toByteCode String where toByteCode s = undef
117 instance toByteCode Button where toByteCode s = [toChar $ consIndex{|*|} s]
119 instance toChar Pin where
120 toChar (Digital p) = toChar $ consIndex{|*|} p
121 toChar (Analog p) = toChar $ consIndex{|*|} p
123 derive gPrint BC, AnalogPin, Pin, DigitalPin
124 derive consIndex BC, Pin, Button
125 derive consName BC, Pin, Button
127 instance arith ByteCode where
128 lit x = retrn [BCPush $ toByteCode x]
129 (+.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCAdd]
130 (-.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCSub]
131 (*.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCMul]
132 (/.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCDiv]
134 instance boolExpr ByteCode where
135 (&.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCAnd]
136 (|.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCOr]
137 Not x = x <+-> [BCNot]
138 (==.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCEq]
139 (!=.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCNeq]
140 (<.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [ BCLes]
141 (>.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCGre]
142 (<=.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCLeq]
143 (>=.) x y = x <++> y <+-> [BCGeq]
145 instance analogIO ByteCode where
146 analogRead p = retrn [BCAnalogRead $ pin p]
147 analogWrite p b = b <+-> [BCAnalogWrite $ pin p]
149 instance digitalIO ByteCode where
150 digitalRead p = retrn [BCDigitalRead $ pin p]
151 digitalWrite p b = b <+-> [BCDigitalWrite $ pin p]
153 //instance If ByteCode Stmt Stmt Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
154 //instance If ByteCode e Stmt Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
155 //instance If ByteCode Stmt e Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
156 instance If ByteCode x y Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
157 instance IF ByteCode where
158 IF b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
159 (?) b t = BCIfStmt b t $ retrn []
160 BCIfStmt b t e =
161 withLabel \else->withLabel \endif->
162 b <++> retrn [BCJmpF else] <++> t
163 <++> retrn [BCJmp endif,BCLab else] <++> e <++> retrn [BCLab endif]
165 instance noOp ByteCode where noOp = retrn [BCNop]
167 withLabel :: (Int -> (ByteCode b q)) -> ByteCode b q
168 withLabel f = BC \s->let [fresh:fs] = s.freshl
169 in runBC (f fresh) {s & freshl=fs}
171 withSDS :: (Int -> (ByteCode b q)) -> ByteCode b q
172 withSDS f = BC \s->let [fresh:fs] = s.freshs
173 in runBC (f fresh) {s & freshs=fs}
175 setSDS :: Int v -> ByteCode b q | toByteCode v
176 setSDS ident val = BC \s->([], {s & sdss = [(ident, toByteCode val):s.sdss]})
178 instance sds ByteCode where
179 sds f = {main = withSDS \sds->
180 let (v In body) = f $ retrn [BCSdsFetch sds]
181 in setSDS sds v <++> unMain body
182 }
183 con f = undef
184 pub x = fmp makePub x
185 // pub _ = undef
187 instance assign ByteCode where
188 (=.) v e = e <++> fmp makeStore v
190 makePub [] = []
191 makePub [x:xs] = case x of
192 BCSdsFetch i = [BCSdsPublish i:xs]
193 y = [y:xs]
195 makeStore [] = []
196 makeStore [x:xs] = case x of
197 BCSdsFetch i = [BCSdsStore i:xs]
198 y = [y:xs]
200 instance seq ByteCode where
201 (>>=.) _ _ = abort "undef on >>=."
202 (:.) x y = x <++> y
204 instance serial ByteCode where
205 serialAvailable = retrn [BCSerialAvail]
206 serialPrint s = retrn [BCSerialPrint]
207 serialPrintln s = retrn [BCSerialPrintln]
208 serialRead = retrn [BCSerialRead]
209 serialParseInt = retrn [BCSerialParseInt]
211 instance zero BCState where
212 zero = {freshl=[1..], freshs=[1..], sdss=[]}
215 toRealByteCode :: (ByteCode a b) -> (String, BCState)
216 toRealByteCode x
217 # (bc, st) = runBC x zero
218 # (bc, gtmap) = computeGotos bc 1
219 = (concat $ map (toString o toByteVal) (map (implGotos gtmap) bc), st)
221 implGotos map (BCJmp t) = BCJmp $ fromJust ('DM'.get t map)
222 implGotos map (BCJmpT t) = BCJmpT $ fromJust ('DM'.get t map)
223 implGotos map (BCJmpF t) = BCJmpF $ fromJust ('DM'.get t map)
224 implGotos _ i = i
226 computeGotos :: [BC] Int -> ([BC], 'DM'.Map Int Int)
227 computeGotos [] _ = ([], 'DM'.newMap)
228 computeGotos [BCLab l:xs] i = appSnd ('DM'.put l i) (computeGotos xs i)
229 computeGotos [x:xs] i = appFst (\bc->[x:bc]) (computeGotos xs (i+(bclength x)))
231 readable :: BC -> String
232 readable (BCPush d) = "BCPush " +++ concat (map safe d)
233 where
234 safe c
235 | isControl c = "\\d" +++ toString (toInt c)
236 = toString c
237 readable b = printToString b
239 toReadableByteCode :: (ByteCode a b) -> (String, BCState)
240 toReadableByteCode x
241 # (bc, st) = runBC x zero
242 # (bc, gtmap) = computeGotos bc 0
243 = (join "\n" $ map readable (map (implGotos gtmap) bc), st)
245 //Start :: String
246 //Start = toReadableByteCode bc
247 // where
248 // bc :: ByteCode Int Expr
249 // bc = (lit 36 +. lit 42) +. lit 44
250 toMessages :: Int (String, BCState) -> ([MTaskMSGSend], BCState)
251 toMessages interval (bytes, st=:{sdss}) = ([MTSds i (toString b)\\(i,b)<-sdss] ++ [MTTask interval bytes], st)
253 toSDSUpdate :: Int Int -> [MTaskMSGSend]
254 toSDSUpdate i v = [MTUpd i (to16bit v)]
256 Start = toMessages 500 $ toRealByteCode (unMain bc)
257 //Start = fst $ toReadableByteCode $ unMain bc
258 where
259 bc = sds \x=5 In
260 sds \y=4 In
261 {main = If (y ==. lit 0) (pub x) (x =. x *. y :. y =. y -. lit 1)}
263 //pub :: (ByteCode a b) -> ByteCode a b
264 //pub x = fmp makePub x
266 to16bit :: Int -> String
267 to16bit i = toString (toChar (i/256)) +++ toString (toChar (i rem 256))
269 from16bit :: String -> Int
270 from16bit s = toInt s.[0] * 256 + toInt s.[1]