add state to the bytecode generator
[mTask.git] / mTaskLCD.icl
1 implementation module mTaskLCD
3 import iTasks
4 import gdynamic, gCons, GenEq, StdMisc, StdArray
5 import mTask
7 derive consIndex Button
8 derive toGenDynamic LCD
9 derive fromGenDynamic LCD
11 :: LCD =
12 { cursorRow :: Int
13 , cursorCol :: Int
14 , sizeH :: Int
15 , sizeW :: Int
16 , lcdtxt :: [String]
17 }
19 :: Button = RightButton | UpButton | DownButton | LeftButton | SelectButton | NoButton
21 class lcd v where
22 begin :: (v LCD Expr) (v Int p) (v Int q) -> v () Expr
23 print :: (v LCD Expr) (v t p) -> v Int Expr | stringQuotes t // returns bytes written
24 setCursor :: (v LCD Expr) (v Int p) (v Int q) -> v () Expr
25 liquidCrystal0 :: [DigitalPin] ((v LCD Expr)->Main (v b q)) -> Main (v b q)
26 LCD :: Int Int [DigitalPin] ((v LCD Expr)->Main (v b q)) -> Main (v b q)
27 scrollLeft :: (v LCD Expr) -> v () Expr
28 scrollRight :: (v LCD Expr) -> v () Expr
29 pressed :: (v Button Expr) -> v Bool Expr
31 instance lcd Code where
32 begin v x y = embed (v +.+ c ".begin" +.+ codeOp2 x ", " y)
33 print v x = embed (v +.+ c ".print (" +.+ stringQuotes x +.+ c ")")
34 setCursor v x y = embed (v +.+ c ".setCursor" +.+ codeOp2 x ", " y)
35 scrollLeft v = embed (v +.+ c ".scrollDisplayLeft()")
36 scrollRight v = embed (v +.+ c ".scrollDisplayRight()")
37 liquidCrystal0 [] f = liquidCrystal0 [D8, D9, D4, D5, D6, D7] f
38 liquidCrystal0 pins f =
39 {main =
40 getCode \cd. fresh \n.
41 let
42 name = "lcd" + toString n
43 rest = f (c name)
44 in
45 include "LiquidCrystal" +.+
46 setCode Var +.+
47 c ("LiquidCrystal " + name + "(" + argList pins + ");\n") +.+
48 setCode cd +.+
49 rest.main
50 }
51 LCD x y [] f = LCD x y [D8, D9, D4, D5, D6, D7] f
52 LCD x y pins f =
53 {main =
54 getCode \cd. fresh \n.
55 let
56 name = "lcd" + toString n
57 rest = f (c name)
58 in
59 include "LiquidCrystal" +.+
60 setCode Var +.+
61 c ("LiquidCrystal " + name + "(" + argList pins + ");\n") +.+
62 setCode Setup +.+
63 c (name + ".begin(" + toCode x + ", " + toCode y +");") +.+ nl +.+
64 setCode cd +.+
65 rest.main
66 }
67 pressed b = embed (c "pressed(" +.+ setMode SubExp +.+ b +.+ c ")")
69 instance lcd Eval where
70 begin (E v) x y =
71 x >>== \w.
72 y >>== \h.
73 yield () (E \r.v (Updt \lcd.{lcd & sizeH = h, sizeW = w, lcdtxt = repeatn h (toString (repeatn w ' '))}))
74 print (E v) x =
75 x >>== \a. let str = toCode a in
76 yield (size str) (E \r.v (Updt \lcd.lcdPrintStr str lcd))
77 setCursor (E v) x y =
78 x >>== \w.
79 y >>== \h.
80 yield () (E \r.v (Updt \lcd.{lcd & cursorRow = h, cursorCol = w}))
81 scrollLeft v = rtrn ()
82 scrollRight v = rtrn ()
83 LCD w h pins f = defEval2 lcd f where
84 lcd =
85 { cursorRow = 0
86 , cursorCol = 0
87 , sizeH = h
88 , sizeW = w
89 , lcdtxt = repeatn h (toString (repeatn w ' '))
90 }
91 liquidCrystal0 pins f = defEval2 lcd f where
92 lcd =
93 { cursorRow = 0
94 , cursorCol = 0
95 , sizeH = 0
96 , sizeW = 0
97 , lcdtxt = []
98 }
99 pressed b = rtrn False
101 lcdPrintStr str lcd
102 | lcd.cursorRow < 0 || lcd.cursorRow >= length lcd.lcdtxt ||
103 lcd.cursorCol < 0 || lcd.cursorCol >= size (lcd.lcdtxt !! lcd.cursorRow)
104 = lcd
105 # line = lcd.lcdtxt !! lcd.cursorRow
106 # endPos = size str + lcd.cursorCol
107 | endPos >= lcd.sizeW
108 # newLine = line % (0, lcd.cursorCol - 1) + str % (0, size str - lcd.cursorCol)
109 = {lcd & lcdtxt = updateAt lcd.cursorRow newLine lcd.lcdtxt, cursorCol = lcd.sizeW - 1}
110 # newLine = line % (0, lcd.cursorCol - 1) + str + line % (endPos, lcd.sizeW - 1)
111 = {lcd & lcdtxt = updateAt lcd.cursorRow newLine lcd.lcdtxt, cursorCol = endPos}
113 printAt :: (v LCD Expr) (v Int b) (v Int c) (v t e) -> v Int Stmt
114 | lcd, seq v & stringQuotes t
115 printAt lcd x y z = setCursor lcd x y :. print lcd z
117 keySwitch :: (a Int b) (a c d,a c e,a c f,a c g,a c h,a c a0) -> a c Stmt | arith, boolExpr, seq a & If a h a0 b0 & If a g b0 c0 & If a f c0 d0 & If a e d0 e0 & If a d e0 f0 & type c
118 keySwitch v (right, up, down, left, select, nokey)
119 = v >>=. \w.
120 If (w <. lit RightBound)
121 right
122 (If (w <. lit UpBound)
123 up
124 (If (w <. lit DownBound)
125 down
126 (If (w <.lit LeftBound)
127 left
128 (If (w <. lit SelectBound)
129 select
130 nokey
131 ))))
133 instance toCode Button where toCode b = toCode (consIndex{|*|} b)