[minfp.git] / main.icl
1 module main
3 import StdEnv
4 import Data.Either
5 import Data.Functor
6 import Data.List
7 import Control.Monad
8 import System.GetOpt
9 import System.CommandLine
11 import parse
12 import ast
13 import check
14 import int
15 import gen
17 chars :: *File -> ([Char], *File)
18 chars f
19 # (ok,c,f) = freadc f
20 | not ok = ([], f)
21 # (cs,f) = chars f
22 = ([c:cs], f)
24 :: Mode = MHelp | MLex | MParse | MType | MInterpret | MGen
26 opts :: [OptDescr (Mode -> Mode)]
27 opts =
28 [ Option ['?'] ["help"] (NoArg (const MHelp)) "Display this message"
29 , Option ['l'] ["lex"] (NoArg (const MLex)) "Up to and including lexing"
30 , Option ['p'] ["parse"] (NoArg (const MParse)) "Up to and including parse"
31 , Option ['t'] ["type"] (NoArg (const MType)) "Up to and including typing"
32 , Option ['i'] ["interpret"] (NoArg (const MInterpret)) "Up to and including interpretation"
33 , Option ['g'] ["gen"] (NoArg (const MGen)) "Up to and including generation"
34 ]
36 exit :: Int [String] *File *World -> *World
37 exit i e f w = snd (fclose (foldr fwrites f e) (setReturnCode i w))
39 Start :: *World -> *World
40 Start w
41 # (io, w) = stdio w
42 # ([argv0:args], w) = getCommandLine w
43 # (mode, positionals, errs) = getOpt Permute opts args
44 # mode = foldl (o) id mode MInterpret
45 | not (errs =: []) = exit 1 [e +++ "\n"\\e<-errs] io w
46 | not (positionals =: []) = exit 1 ["Positional arguments not allowed"] io w
47 # (cs, io) = chars io
48 # mstr = case mode of
49 MHelp = Left [usageInfo ("Usage: " +++ argv0 +++ " [opts]\n") opts]
50 MLex = map (nl o toString) <$> lex cs
51 MParse = map (nl o toString) <$> (lex cs >>= parse)
52 MType = map (\(t, s)->nl (toString t +++ " :: " +++ toString s)) o snd <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check)
53 MInterpret = pure o toString <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= int o fst)
54 MGen = lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= gen o fst
55 = exit (either (\_->1) (\_->0) mstr) (either id id mstr) io w
57 nl x = x +++ "\n"