[des2015.git] / marsrover / document / evaluation.tex
1 \section{Development Plan \& Evaluation}
2 \subsection{Development Plan}
3 The development plan is written following the spiral software development model
4 in which all requirements are divided into small iterations. Each of the
5 iterations will have an implementation phase, a testing phase, an analysis
6 phase, and a design phase. Furthermore, each of the iterations will have goals
7 and results. The iterations and their deliverables are listed in
8 \autoref{tab:devit}. The schedule for finishing iterations are listed in
9 \autoref{tab:deadli}. On the 6th of January the must-have should be finished
10 and if they are we try to complete as many iterations as possible.
11 \begin{table}[H]
12 \centering
13 \begin{tabu} to \linewidth{llX}
14 \toprule
15 Deadline & Iterations\\
16 \midrule
17 9 Dec 2015 & 1--2\\
18 16 Dec 2015 & 3--5\\
19 23 Dec 2015 & 6--9\\
20 6 Jan 2015 & 10--11\\
21 13 Jan 2015 & Demo\\
22 \bottomrule
23 \end{tabu}
24 \caption{Deadlines}\label{tab:deadli}
25 \end{table}
26 \begin{table}[H]
27 \centering
28 \begin{tabu} to \linewidth{rlXX}
29 \toprule
30 It. & Req. & Description & Deliverables\\
31 \midrule
32 1 & NR1 & Create a DSL for MarsRover's missions to use available
33 sensors and actuators. & \texttt{TaskDSL.xtext}\\
34 2 & ER3 & Implement diagnostic functions that print on the \emph{LCD}.
35 & A \emph{LCD} class that prints to the \emph{LCD} screen.\\
36 3 & -- & Implement functions in the code generation for basic motor the
37 motor actions: forward, backward, measure rock, measure lake and
38 wait. & Code
39 generation for motors\\
40 4 & -- & Implement functions in the code generation for communicating
41 the sensors from the slave to the master. & Functions in the master
42 program to read the slave's sensors.\\
43 5 & -- & Create functionality for sensor values and determine the
44 treshholds manually. & Code generation for sensors and threshhold
45 constants.\\
46 6 & CR1 & Create functionality to keep the MarsRover in the planet. &
47 A generatable behaviour to stay on the planet.\\
48 7 & MR3 & Create functionality for not bumping into rocks. & A
49 generatable behaviour to not bump into rocks.\\
50 8 & MR1 & Create functionality to find lakes. & A generatable mission
51 to find lakes.\\
52 9 & MR6 & Create functionality to perform missions in sequence. & A
53 generatable main program that performs missions.\\
54 10 & MR2, MR4& Create functionality to find rocks. & A generatable
55 mission to find rocks.\\
56 11 & MR5 & Create functionality to push rocks and detect when the
57 robots is pushing. & A generatable behaviour for pushing.\\
58 12 & MR7 & Create functionality to find the parking space. & A
59 generatable behaviour that can find the parking space.\\
60 13 & MR8, ER1 & Create functionality to map the environment and to
61 localize. & A generatable behaviour that can map while
62 performing.\\
63 14 & ER2 & Create functionality to play sounds. & Add a generatable
64 function for playing sounds.\\
65 15 & NR3, NR4 & Create functionality to calibrate the sensor
66 treshholds. & A generatable function to calibrate the sensors.\\
67 16 & NR5 & Create functionality that when the robot encounters bugs it
68 can restart itself. & Functionality in the main program to do so.\\
69 17 & -- & Speed up the behaviour of the robot within safety limits.\\
70 \bottomrule
71 \end{tabu}
72 \caption{Spiral model iterations}\label{tab:devit}
73 \end{table}
75 \subsection{Evaluation}
76 \subsubsection{Requirements realisation}
77 %implemented features and mission range
78 The final implementation satisfies all the \emph{must have} requirements.
79 Besides all the most important requirements it also supports all \emph{should
80 have} requirements except \emph{MR8} in which the robot must be able to
81 remember the locations of the lakes. This is because we encountered some
82 problems during the development phase that lead to a shortage of time. Because
83 of that mapping and localization was not implemented. In the end of the process
84 we had some time left which we used to implement \emph{ER2} since it was
85 relatively simple.
87 \paragraph{Mission range}
88 The range of missions the robot can support is a lot bigger then reflected by
89 the met functional requirements. All actions specifiable in a behaviour consist
90 of atomic operations that take very little time leading to the action being
91 interruptible at all times. Together with the rudimentary variable storage we
92 can make missions very complex. Possible combinations of behaviour can perform
93 actions such as: counting, following moving objects and grouping objects.
95 One could argue that due to the lack of control structures it is very difficult
96 to program complex missions. This is the case, for example if we would add a
97 \emph{while} construction it would increase the range of missions very much.
98 However, it also makes programming the robot much more difficult and will
99 reduce the usability. With the current structure with the subsumption
100 architecture and the rudimentary memory you actually can create such control
101 structures but it takes a little more effort.
103 \paragraph{Flexibility}
104 The DSL can very easily be improved in the case of adding new sensors or
105 actuators. For sensors we can just add clauses in the grammar within the
106 \emph{StoppingExpression} that will process the values. For actuators the same
107 thing can be done in the \emph{Action} rule. A change in the robot's
108 configuration can also be handled very quickly albeit not in the DSL itself. We
109 specifically chose not to incorporate the hardware configuration in the DSL to
110 keep is a simple as possible and thus less error prone. This means that if the
111 hardware configuration changes the underlying library must be changed as well.
112 However, due to the modularity of the library this is very easy.
114 \paragraph{Safety}
115 The DSL by design does not generate \emph{safe} code implicitly. A programmer
116 can make a program that can destroy the robot very easily. While safety is very
117 important it would limit the range of missions a lot if some basic behaviours
118 used in the demonstration for safety would be inherently present.
120 \subsubsection{Development process}
121 Booting the bricks takes around a minute to complete. When the robot is
122 programmed launching the application takes another 30 seconds followed by
123 another 30 seconds waiting on the initialization of the sensors. About once
124 every 10 times on high battery and about every other time on low battery the
125 ultrasonic sensor fails to initialize. We did not have the time to investigate
126 this properly but the fault was hidden somewhere deep in the \emph{LeJOS} code.
127 When all sensors were initialized the Bluetooth connection could be commenced
128 by pressing a button on both bricks. Connecting via bluetooth has about the
129 same error rate as the ultrasonic sensor has and takes about 30 seconds.
131 This very long start up led to a rough development process with long feedback
132 loops. After a long time we and other groups found out that applying power to
133 the bricks during the initialization and pairing reduced the error frequency a
134 lot.
136 %development process, use of dsl/technologies, general lessons
137 From our experience, the most important think in the development process was to
138 start working from a small functionality and to test it. As soon as we knew
139 something wrong with the program we can fix and test it again in order to ensure
140 the functionality worked. This would be good for the development of the next
141 functionality. The difficulty in the development was in the testing phase. The
142 reason was sometimes we got an error when running the program in the robot (for
143 example: sensor exception) and it took so much time for loading all sensors to be
144 ready for testing. Moreover, there was a time when the robot was crashed and needed
145 to be restarted which took some time from the development time.