[clean-tests.git] / metaeditor / EditorExt.icl
1 implementation module EditorExt
3 from Data.Func import $
4 import Data.Tuple
5 import qualified Data.Map as DM
6 import StdTuple
7 import Data.Maybe
9 import iTasks
10 import iTasks.UI.Editor.Common
12 row :: String (Editor a) -> Editor a
13 row l e = bijectEditorValue (tuple l) snd $
14 container2 label e <<@ directionAttr Horizontal
16 import StdDebug, StdMisc
18 // Choose combinators (Used for selecting constructors in ADTs)
19 choose :: [(String, Editor a)] -> Editor (Int, a)
20 choose [] = emptyEditor
21 choose [(k,v)] = bijectEditorValue snd (tuple 0) $ row k v
22 choose cs = {Editor|genUI=genUI,onEdit=onEdit,onRefresh=onRefresh}
23 where
24 numConses = length cs
25 conses = map fst cs
27 genUI dp (consindex, value) vst=:{VSt|taskId,mode,optional,selectedConsIndex}
28 # cured = snd (cs !! consindex)
29 = case mode of
30 Enter
31 # (consChooseUI,consChooseMask) = genConsChooseUI taskId dp optional conses Nothing
32 = (Ok (UI UIVarCons 'DM'.newMap [consChooseUI],CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask],state=JSONNull}),{vst & selectedConsIndex = selectedConsIndex})
33 Update
34 = case cured.Editor.genUI dp value vst of
35 (Ok (consUI=:(UI _ attr items), consMask=:(CompoundMask {fields})),vst)
36 # (consChooseUI,consChooseMask) = genConsChooseUI taskId dp optional conses (Just vst.selectedConsIndex)
37 = (Ok (UI UIVarCons attr [consChooseUI:items],CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask:fields],state=JSONNull})
38 ,{vst & selectedConsIndex = selectedConsIndex})
39 (Error e,vst) = (Error e,vst)
40 View
41 = case cured.Editor.genUI dp value vst of
42 (Ok (consUI=:(UI _ attr items), consMask=:(CompoundMask {fields})),vst)
43 # (consViewUI,consViewMask) = genConsViewUI conses vst.selectedConsIndex
44 = (Ok (UI UIVarCons attr [consViewUI:items],CompoundMask {fields=[consViewMask:fields],state=JSONNull})
45 ,{vst & selectedConsIndex = selectedConsIndex})
46 (Error e,vst) = (Error e,vst)
48 genConsChooseUI taskId dp optional gtd_conses mbSelectedCons = (consChooseUI,consChooseMask)
49 where
50 consOptions = [JSONObject [("id",JSONInt i),("text",JSONString gdc)] \\ gdc <- gtd_conses & i <- [0..]]
51 consChooseUI = uia UIDropdown (choiceAttrs taskId (editorId dp) (maybeToList mbSelectedCons) consOptions)
52 consChooseMask = FieldMask {touched=False,valid=optional || isJust mbSelectedCons,state=maybe JSONNull JSONInt mbSelectedCons}
54 genConsViewUI gtd_conses selectedCons
55 = (uia UITextView (valueAttr (JSONString (gtd_conses !! selectedCons))), newFieldMask)
57 //Update is a constructor switch
58 onEdit dp ([],JSONArray [JSONInt consIdx]) (i, val) (CompoundMask {fields=[FieldMask {FieldMask|touched,valid,state}:masks]}) vst//=:{VSt|mode}
59 | not (trace_tn ("cons switch from " +++ toString i +++ " to " +++ toString consIdx)) = undef
60 # cured = snd (cs !! consIdx)
61 | consIdx < 0 || consIdx >= numConses
62 = (Error "Constructor selection out of bounds", (i, val),vst)
63 //Create a default value for the selected constructor
64 //This is a rather ugly trick: We create a special target path that consists only of negative values that is
65 //decoded by the the onEdit instance of EITHER to create a value that consists of the correct nesting of LEFT's and RIGHT's
66 // //TODO hier zit de bug
67 # (_,val,vst) = cured.Editor.onEdit dp (consCreatePath consIdx numConses,JSONNull) val newCompoundMask vst
68 //Create a UI for the new constructor
69 = case cured.Editor.genUI dp val {vst & mode = Enter} of
70 (Ok (UI _ attr items, CompoundMask {fields=masks}),vst)
71 //Construct a UI change that does the following:
72 //1: If necessary remove the fields of the previously selected constructor
73 # removals = case state of
74 // (JSONInt prevConsIdx) = repeatn (length (snd (cs !! prevConsIdx))) (1,RemoveChild)
75 // (JSONInt prevConsIdx) = repeatn (length items) (1,RemoveChild)
76 _ = []
77 //2: Inserts the fields of the newly created ui
78 # inserts = [(i,InsertChild ui) \\ ui <- items & i <- [1..]]
79 # change = ChangeUI [] (removals ++ inserts)
80 //Create a new mask for the constructor selection
81 # consChooseMask = FieldMask {touched=True,valid=True,state=JSONInt consIdx}
82 = (Ok (change,CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask:masks],state=JSONNull}), (consIdx, val), vst)
83 (Error e,vst) = (Error e, (i, val), vst)
85 //Other events targeted directly at the ADT
86 onEdit dp ([],e) (i, val) (CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask=:(FieldMask {FieldMask|touched,valid,state}):masks]}) vst=:{VSt|optional}
87 | e =: JSONNull || e =: (JSONArray []) // A null or an empty array are accepted as a reset events
88 //If necessary remove the fields of the previously selected constructor
89 # change = case state of
90 // (JSONInt prevConsIdx) = ChangeUI [] (repeatn 32 /*(gtd_conses !! prevConsIdx).gcd_arity */(1,RemoveChild))
91 _ = NoChange
92 # consChooseMask = FieldMask {touched=True,valid=optional,state=JSONNull}
93 = (Ok (change,CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask:masks],state=JSONNull}),(i, val), vst)
94 = (Error "Unknown constructor select event ",(i, val),vst)
96 //Update is targeted somewhere inside this value
97 onEdit dp (tp,e) (i, val) mask=:(CompoundMask {fields,state}) vst
98 # cured = snd (cs !! i)
99 //Adjust for the added constructor switch UI
100 # consChooseMask = hd fields
101 = case cured.Editor.onEdit dp (tp,e) val (CompoundMask {fields=tl fields,state=JSONNull}) vst of
102 (Ok (change,CompoundMask {fields}),val,vst)
103 # change = case change of
104 (ChangeUI attrChanges itemChanges) = ChangeUI attrChanges [(i + 1,c) \\ (i,c) <- itemChanges]
105 _ = NoChange
106 = (Ok (change,CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask:fields],state=JSONNull}),(i, val),vst)
107 (Error e,val,vst) = (Error e, (i, val), vst)
109 consCreatePath i n
110 | i >= n = []
111 | n == 1 = []
112 | i < (n /2) = [ -1: consCreatePath i (n/2) ]
113 | otherwise = [ -2: consCreatePath (i - (n/2)) (n - (n/2)) ]
115 onRefresh dp (i, new) (j, old) mask=:(CompoundMask {fields}) vst=:{VSt|mode,taskId,optional,selectedConsIndex=curSelectedConsIndex}
116 # cured = snd (cs !! i)
117 | numConses == 1
118 # (change,val,vst) = cured.Editor.onRefresh dp new old mask vst
119 = (change,(j, val),vst)
120 | otherwise
121 //Adjust for the added constructor view/choose UI
122 # consChooseMask = hd fields
123 //Don't recursively refresh if no constructor has been chosen
124 | (not mode =: View) && consChooseMask =: (FieldMask {FieldMask|state=JSONNull})
125 = (Ok (NoChange,mask),(i, old),vst)
126 = case cured.Editor.onRefresh dp new old (CompoundMask {fields=tl fields,state=JSONNull}) {vst & selectedConsIndex = 0} of
127 (Ok (change,CompoundMask {fields}),val,vst=:{VSt|selectedConsIndex})
128 //If the cons was changed we need to update the selector
129 # consIndex = ~selectedConsIndex - 1
130 # consChange = if (selectedConsIndex < 0)
131 [(0, ChangeChild (ChangeUI [SetAttribute "value" (JSONArray [JSONInt consIndex,JSONBool True])] []))]
132 []
133 //Adjust the changes
134 # change = case change of
135 NoChange = if (consChange =: []) NoChange (ChangeUI [] consChange)
136 (ChangeUI attrChanges itemChanges) = ChangeUI attrChanges (consChange ++ [(i + 1,c) \\ (i,c) <- itemChanges])
137 (ReplaceUI ui=:(UI type attr items))
138 //Add the constructor selection/view ui
139 # (consUI,_) = if (mode =: View)
140 (genConsViewUI conses consIndex)
141 (genConsChooseUI taskId dp optional conses (Just consIndex))
142 = ReplaceUI (UI type attr [consUI:items])
143 | otherwise
144 = (Ok (change, CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask:fields],state=JSONNull}), (j, val),{vst & selectedConsIndex = curSelectedConsIndex})
146 (Ok (change,mask),val,vst=:{VSt|selectedConsIndex})
147 = (Error "Corrupt mask in generic choose editor",(i, old), vst)
148 (Error e,val,vst) = (Error e,(i, val),vst)
149 onRefresh dp (i, new) (j, old) mask vst
150 = (Error "Corrupt mask in generic choose editor",(j, old), vst)