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1 \section{iTasks}
2 \gls{TOP} is a modern recent programming paradigm implemented as
3 \gls{iTasks}\cite{achten_introduction_2015} in the pure lazy functional
4 language \gls{Clean}\cite{brus_cleanlanguage_1987}. \gls{iTasks} is a
5 \gls{EDSL} to model workflow tasks in the broadest sense. A \gls{Task} is just
6 a function that --- given some state --- returns the observable \CI{TaskValue}. The
7 \CI{TaskValue} of a \CI{Task} can have different states. Not all state
8 transitions are possible as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:taskvalue}. Once a value
9 is stable it can never become unstable again. Stability is often reached
10 by pressing a confirmation button. \glspl{Task} yielding a constant value are
11 immediately stable.
13 A simple \gls{iTasks} example illustrating the route to stability of a
14 \gls{Task} in which the user has to enter a full name is shown in
15 Listing~\ref{lst:taskex}. The code is accompanied by screenshots showing the
16 user interface in Figure~\ref{fig:taskex1},~\ref{fig:taskex2}
17 and~\ref{fig:taskex3}. The \CI{TaskValue} of the \gls{Task} is in the first
18 image in the \CI{NoValue} state, the second image does not have all the fields
19 filled in and therefore the \CI{TaskValue} remains \CI{Unstable}. In the third
20 image all fields are entered and the \CI{TaskValue} transitions to the
21 \CI{Unstable} state. When the user presses \emph{Continue} the value becomes
22 \CI{Stable} and cannot be changed any further.
24 \begin{figure}[H]
25 \centering
26 \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{fig-taskvalue}
27 \caption{The states of a \CI{TaskValue}}\label{fig:taskvalue}
28 \end{figure}
30 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:taskex},%
31 caption={An example \gls{Task} for entering a name}]
32 :: Name = { firstname :: String
33 , lastname :: String
34 }
36 derive class iTask Name
38 enterInformation :: String [EnterOption m] -> (Task m) | iTask m
40 enterName :: Task Name
41 enterName = enterInformation "Enter your name" []
42 \end{lstlisting}
44 \begin{figure}[H]
45 \centering
46 \begin{subfigure}{.25\textwidth}
47 \centering
48 \includegraphics[width=.9\linewidth]{taskex1}
49 \caption{Initial interface}\label{fig:taskex1}
50 \end{subfigure}
51 \begin{subfigure}{.25\textwidth}
52 \centering
53 \includegraphics[width=.9\linewidth]{taskex2}
54 \caption{Incomplete entrance}\label{fig:taskex2}
55 \end{subfigure}
56 \begin{subfigure}{.25\textwidth}
57 \centering
58 \includegraphics[width=.9\linewidth]{taskex3}
59 \caption{Complete entry}\label{fig:taskex3}
60 \end{subfigure}
61 \caption{Example of a generated user interface}
62 \end{figure}
64 For a type to be suitable, it must have instances for a collection of generic
65 functions that is captured in the class \CI{iTask}. Basic types have
66 specialization instances for these functions and show an according interface.
67 Generated interfaces can be modified with decoration operators.
69 \section{Combinators}
70 \Glspl{Task} can be combined using so called \gls{Task}-combinators.
71 Combinators describe relations between \glspl{Task}. \Glspl{Task} can be
72 combined in parallel, sequenced and their result values can be converted to
73 \glspl{SDS}. Moreover, a very important combinator is the step combinator which
74 starts a new task according to specified predicates on the \CI{TaskValue}.
75 Type signatures of the basic combinators are shown in
76 Listing~\ref{lst:combinators}.
78 \begin{itemize}
79 \item Step:
81 The step combinator is used to start \glspl{Task} when a predicate on
82 the \CI{TaskValue} holds or an action has taken place. The bind
83 operator can be written as a step combinator.
84 \begin{lstlisting}[language=Clean]
85 (>>=) infixl 1 :: (Task a) (a -> (Task b)) -> (Task b) | iTask a & iTask b
86 (>>=) ta f = ta >>* [OnAction "Continue" onValue, OnValue onStable]
87 where
88 onValue (Value a _) = Just (f a)
89 onValue _ = Nothing
91 onStable (Value a True) = Just (f a)
92 onStable _ = Nothing
93 \end{lstlisting}
94 \item Parallel:
96 The parallel combinator allows for concurrent \glspl{Task}. The
97 \glspl{Task} combined with these operators will appear at the same time
98 in the web browser of the user and the results are combined as the type
99 dictates.
100 \end{itemize}
102 \begin{lstlisting}[%
103 caption={\Gls{Task}-combinators},label={lst:combinators}]
104 //Step combinator
105 (>>*) infixl 1 :: (Task a) [TaskCont a (Task b)] -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b
106 (>>=) infixl 1 :: (Task a) (a -> Task b) -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b
107 :: TaskCont a b
108 = OnValue ((TaskValue a) -> Maybe b)
109 | OnAction Action ((TaskValue a) -> Maybe b)
110 | E.e: OnException (e -> b) & iTask e
111 | OnAllExceptions (String -> b)
112 :: Action = Action String
114 //Parallel combinators
115 (-||-) infixr 3 :: (Task a) (Task a) -> Task a | iTask a
116 (||-) infixr 3 :: (Task a) (Task b) -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b
117 (-||) infixl 3 :: (Task a) (Task b) -> Task a | iTask a & iTask b
118 (-&&-) infixr 4 :: (Task a) (Task b) -> Task (a,b) | iTask a & iTask b
119 \end{lstlisting}
121 \section{Shared Data Sources}
122 \Glspl{SDS} are an abstraction over resources that are available in the world
123 or in the \gls{iTasks} system. The shared data can be a file on disk, the
124 system time, a random integer or just some data stored in memory. The actual
125 \gls{SDS} is just a record containing functions on how to read and write the
126 source. In these functions the \CI{*IWorld} --- which in turn contains the real
127 program \CI{*World} --- is available. Accessing the outside world is required
128 for interacting with it and thus the functions can access files on disk, raw
129 memory, other shares and hardware.
131 The basic operations for \glspl{SDS} are get, set and update. The signatures
132 for these functions are shown in Listing~\ref{lst:shares}. By default, all
133 shares are files containing a \gls{JSON} encoded version of the object and thus
134 are persistent between restarts of the program. Library functions for shares
135 residing in memory are available as well. The three main operations on shares
136 are atomic in the sense that during reading no other tasks are executed. The
137 system provides useful functions to transform, map and combine \glspl{SDS}
138 using combinators. The system also provides functionality to inspect the value
139 of a \gls{SDS} and act upon a change. \Glspl{Task} waiting on a \gls{SDS} to
140 change are notified when needed. This results in low resource usage because
141 \glspl{Task} are never constantly inspecting \gls{SDS} values but are notified.
143 \begin{lstlisting}[%
144 label={lst:shares},caption={\Gls{SDS} functions}]
145 :: RWShared p r w = ...
146 :: ReadWriteShared r w :== RWShared () r w
147 :: ROShared p r :== RWShared p () r
148 :: ReadOnlyShared r :== ROShared () r
150 :: Shared r :== ReadWriteShared r r
152 get :: (ReadWriteShared r w) -> Task r | iTask r
153 set :: w (ReadWriteShared r w) -> Task w | iTask w
154 upd :: (r -> w) (ReadWriteShared r w) -> Task w | iTask r & iTask w
156 sharedStore :: String a -> Shared a | JSONEncode{|*|}, JSONDecode{|*|}
157 \end{lstlisting}
159 \section{Parametric Lenses}
160 \Glspl{SDS} can contain complex data structures such as lists, trees and even
161 resources in the outside world. Sometimes, an update action only updates a part
162 of the resource. When this happens, all waiting \glspl{Task} looking at the
163 resource are notified of the update. However, it may be the case that
164 \glspl{Task} where only looking at parts of the structure that was not updated.
165 To solve this problem, parametric lenses were
166 introduced~\cite{domoszlai_parametric_2014}.
168 Parametric lenses add a type variable to the \gls{SDS} that is in the current
169 library functions fixed to \CI{()}. When a \gls{SDS} executes a write
170 operation it also provides the system with a notification predicate. This
171 notification predicate is a function \CI{p -> Bool} where \CI{p} is the
172 parametric lens type. This allows programmers to create a big share, and have
173 \glspl{Task} only look at parts of the big share. This technique is used in the
174 current system in memory shares. The \CI{IWorld} contains a map that is
175 accessible through an \gls{SDS}. While all data is stored in the map, only
176 \glspl{Task} looking at a specific entry are notified when the structure is
177 updated. The type of the parametric lens is the key in the map.
179 Functionality for setting parameters is added in the system. The most important
180 function is the \CI{sdsFocus} function. This function is listed in
181 Listing~\ref{lst:focus} and allows the programmer to fix the parametric lens to
182 a value.
184 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:focus},
185 caption={Parametric lens functions}]
186 sdsFocus :: p (RWShared p r w) -> RWShared p` r w | iTask p
187 \end{lstlisting}