[mTask.git] / miTask.icl
1 module miTask
3 import StdDebug, StdMisc
4 from StdFunc import flip
6 import iTasks
7 import mTask
8 import Devices.mTaskDevice
9 import Shares.mTaskShare
10 import Tasks.Examples
11 import Utils.SDS
13 from Text import class Text(startsWith,concat,split,join), instance Text String
15 import qualified Data.Map as DM
17 from Data.Func import $
18 import Data.Tuple
19 import Data.List
20 import System.Directory
22 import iTasks._Framework.Store
23 import iTasks._Framework.Serialization
25 import TTY, iTasksTTY
27 derive class iTask UserLED
29 Start :: *World -> *World
30 Start world = startEngine (mTaskManager
31 >>* [OnAction (Action "Shutdown") (always $ shutDown)]) world
33 mTaskManager :: Task ()
34 mTaskManager = anyTask
35 [ viewmTasks @! ()
36 , whileUnchanged sdsStore viewShares
37 , whileUnchanged deviceStore $ manageDevices process
38 ] <<@ ApplyLayout (sequenceLayouts
39 [ arrangeWithSideBar 0 LeftSide 260 True
40 , arrangeSplit Vertical True
41 ])
42 where
43 viewmTasks :: Task String
44 viewmTasks = enterChoiceWithShared "Available mTasks" [ChooseFromList id] mTaskTaskStore
45 >&^ \sh->whileUnchanged sh $ \mi->forever (case mi of
46 Nothing = viewInformation "No task selected" [] ()
47 Just mTaskTask = get deviceStore
48 >>= \devices->case devices of
49 [] = viewInformation "No devices yet" [] ()
50 ds = fromJust ('DM'.get mTaskTask allmTasks)
51 >>= \bc->(enterChoice "Choose Device" [ChooseFromDropdown \t->t.deviceName] ds
52 -&&- enterInformation "Timeout, 0 for one-shot" []
53 ) >>* [OnAction (Action "Send") (withValue $ Just o sendToDevice mTaskTask bc)]
54 )
56 process :: MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()
57 process device ch = forever (watch ch >>* [OnValue (
58 ifValue (not o isEmpty o fst3)
59 (\t->upd (appFst3 (const [])) ch >>| proc (fst3 t)))])
60 where
61 proc :: [MTaskMSGRecv] -> Task ()
62 proc [] = treturn ()
63 proc [m:ms] = (case m of
64 // MTSDSAck i = traceValue (toString m) @! ()
65 // MTSDSDelAck i = traceValue (toString m) @! ()
66 MTPub i val = getSDSRecord i >>= set (toInt val.[0]*256 + toInt val.[1]) o getSDSStore @! ()
67 MTTaskAck i = deviceTaskAcked device i
68 MTTaskDelAck i = deviceTaskDeleteAcked device i @! ()
69 MTEmpty = treturn ()
70 _ = traceValue (toString m) @! ()
71 ) >>| proc ms
73 mapPar :: (a -> Task a) [a] -> Task ()
74 mapPar f l = foldr1 (\x y->f x ||- y) l <<@ ArrangeWithTabs @! ()
75 allAtOnce t = foldr1 (||-) t @! ()
76 //allAtOnce = (flip (@!) ()) o foldr1 (||-)