transition fix
[mc1516pa.git] / modelchecker / main.c
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdbool.h>
3 #include <ctype.h>
4 #include <time.h>
5 #include <unistd.h>
7 #include <sylvan.h>
9 #include "sokoban.h"
10 #include "coord.h"
11 #include "object.h"
13 #define ERRPRINT(fmt, as...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ## as);
14 #define DPRINT(fmt, as...) if(DEBUG) ERRPRINT(fmt, ## as);
16 typedef enum {OBJECT, COORD, HYBRID} strategy;
18 //Global variables
19 bool DEBUG = false;
20 strategy strat = HYBRID;
22 void usage(char *prg)
23 {
24 ERRPRINT("Usage:\n"
25 "\t%s [opts] [FILE [FILE [...]]]\n"
26 "\n"
27 "Options:\n"
28 "\tAll strategies are mutually exclusive\n"
29 "\t-c coordinate based strategy\n"
30 "\t-o object based strategy\n"
31 "\t-y hybrid strategy\n"
32 // "\t-l LURD lURD verification strategy\n"
33 // "\t-r show all positions that are a valid solution\n"
34 "\n"
35 "\t-d enable verbose debug output\n"
36 "\t-h show this help\n"
37 "\n"
38 "Positional arguments:\n"
39 "\tFILE zero or more sokoban screens\n"
40 "\t when no file is specified stdin will be used\n", prg);
41 }
43 void solve(FILE *inputstream)
44 {
45 clock_t time_start_read, time_end_read;
46 clock_t time_start_encode, time_end_encode;
48 time_start_read = clock();
49 sokoban_screen *screen = parse_screen(inputstream, false);
50 if (screen == NULL) printf("Something went wrong...\n");
51 //sokoban_print(screen);
52 time_end_read = clock();
54 time_start_encode = clock();
56 lace_init(0, 1000000);
57 lace_startup(0, NULL, NULL);
59 sylvan_init_package(1LL<<21, 1LL<<27, 1LL<<20, 1LL<<26);
60 sylvan_init_bdd(6);
62 state *init = encode_screen(screen);
63 rels *rls = encode_rel(screen);
64 //test_trans(init, rls->reld);
66 BDD old = sylvan_false;
67 BDD new = init->bdd;
68 int iteration = 0;
69 while(new != old){
70 old = new;
71 ERRPRINT("Iteration %d\n", iteration++);
72 trans_t *t = rls->rell;
74 while (t != NULL){
75 new = sylvan_or(new, sylvan_relnext(new, t->bdd, t->varset.varset));
76 t = t->next_rel;
77 }
78 t = rls->relu;
79 while (t != NULL){
80 new = sylvan_or(new, sylvan_relnext(new, t->bdd, t->varset.varset));
81 t = t->next_rel;
82 }
83 t = rls->relr;
84 while (t != NULL){
85 new = sylvan_or(new, sylvan_relnext(new, t->bdd, t->varset.varset));
86 t = t->next_rel;
87 }
88 t = rls->reld;
89 while (t != NULL){
90 new = sylvan_or(new, sylvan_relnext(new, t->bdd, t->varset.varset));
91 t = t->next_rel;
92 }
93 }
94 ERRPRINT("Satcount: %f\n", sylvan_satcount(old, init->vars.varset));
95 // sylvan_enum(old, init->vars.varset, (enum_cb)callback, NULL);
96 // sylvan_printdot_nc(old);
97 time_end_encode = clock();
99 //SOLVE???
101 sokoban_free(screen);
102 ERRPRINT("Reading: %fs\n",
103 ((double) (time_end_read-time_start_read))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
104 ERRPRINT("Encoding: %fs\n",
105 ((double) (time_end_encode-time_start_encode))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
106 }
108 int main(int argc, char **argv)
109 {
110 int optchar;
112 while((optchar = getopt(argc, argv, "cdhoy")) != -1){
113 switch(optchar){
114 case 'c':
115 strat = COORD;
116 DPRINT("Strategy changed to Coordinate based\n");
117 break;
118 case 'd':
119 DEBUG = true;
120 DPRINT("Debug enabled\n");
121 break;
122 case 'h':
123 usage(argv[0]);
124 return 0;
125 case 'o':
126 strat = OBJECT;
127 DPRINT("Strategy changed to Object based\n");
128 break;
129 case 'y':
130 strat = HYBRID;
131 DPRINT("Strategy changed to Hybrid\n");
132 break;
133 case '?':
134 if(isprint(optopt)){
135 ERRPRINT("Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt);
136 } else {
137 ERRPRINT("Unknown option char `-\\x%x'.\n", optopt);
138 }
139 return 2;
140 default:
141 break;
142 }
143 }
145 if(optind == argc){
146 ERRPRINT("You have not specified a file, reading from stdin\n");
147 solve(stdin);
148 }
150 for(int filepathindex = optind; filepathindex < argc; filepathindex++){
151 char *currentfilepath = argv[filepathindex];
152 ERRPRINT("Processing: %s\n", currentfilepath);
153 FILE *currentfile = fopen(currentfilepath, "r");
154 DPRINT("Opening file\n");
155 solve(currentfile);
156 DPRINT("Closing file\n");
157 fclose(currentfile);
158 }
159 return 0;
160 }