stab at some chapters
[phd-thesis.git] / motto.tex
1 \topskip0pt
2 \vspace*{\fill}
3 \epigraph{%
4 The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind.
5 }{%
6 Howard Philip Lovecraft
7 }
8 \epigraph{%
9 Рукописи не горят\\(Manuscripts don't burn)
10 }{%
11 Михаил Афанасьевич Булгаков\\(Mikhail Afanesyevich Bulgakov)
12 }
13 \epigraph{%
14 You start a question, and it's like starting a stone.
15 You sit quietly on the top of a hill;
16 and away the stone goes, starting others;
17 \ldots
18 }{%
19 Robert Louis Stevenson
20 }
21 \epigraph{%
22 I never thought, when I used to read books, what work it was to write them\ldots
23 It's work enough to read them sometimes\ldots
24 As to the writing, it has its own charms.
25 }{%
26 Charles John Huffam Dickens
27 }
28 \vspace*{\fill}