80 char limit and move glossary to the back
[msc-thesis1617.git] / mtaskext.bytecode.tex
1 The \gls{mTask}-\glspl{Task} are sent to the device in bytecode and are saved
2 in the memory of the device. To compile the \gls{EDSL} code to bytecode, a view
3 is added to the \gls{mTask}-system encapsulated in the type \CI{ByteCode}. As
4 shown in Listing~\ref{lst:bcview}, the \CI{ByteCode} view is a boxed \gls{RWST}
5 that writes bytecode instructions (\CI{BC}, Subsection~\ref{sec:instruction})
6 while carrying around a \CI{BCState}. The state is kept between compilations
7 and is unique to a device. The state contains fresh variable names and a
8 register of \glspl{SDS} that are used.
10 Types implementing the \gls{mTask} classes must have two free type variables.
11 Therefore the \gls{RWST} is wrapped with a constructor and two phantom type
12 variables are added. This means that the programmer has to unbox the
13 \CI{ByteCode} object to be able to make use of the \gls{RWST} functionality
14 such as return values. Tailor made access functions are used to achieve this
15 with ease. The fresh variable stream in a compiler using a \gls{RWST} is often
16 put into the \emph{Reader} part of the monad. However, not all code is compiled
17 immediately and later on the fresh variable stream cannot contain variables
18 that were used before. Therefore this information is put in the state which is
19 kept between compilations.
21 Not all types are suitable for usage in bytecode compiled programs. Every value
22 used in the bytecode view must fit in the \CI{BCValue} type which restricts
23 the content. Most notably, the type must be bytecode encodable. A \CI{BCValue}
24 must be encodable and decodable without losing type or value information. At
25 the moment a simple encoding scheme is used that uses single byte prefixes to
26 detect the type of the value. The devices know these prefixes and can apply the
27 same detection if necessary.
29 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:bcview},caption={Bytecode view}]
30 :: ByteCode a p = BC (RWS () [BC] BCState ())
31 :: BCValue = E.e: BCValue e & mTaskType, TC e
32 :: BCShare =
33 { sdsi :: Int
34 , sdsval :: BCValue
35 , sdsname :: String
36 }
37 :: BCState =
38 { freshl :: Int
39 , freshs :: Int
40 , sdss :: [BCShare]
41 }
43 class toByteCode a :: a -> String
44 class fromByteCode a :: String -> a
45 class mTaskType a | toByteCode, fromByteCode, iTask, TC a
47 instance toByteCode Int, ... , UserLED, BCValue
48 instance fromByteCode Int, ... , UserLED, BCValue
50 instance arith ByteCode
51 ...
52 instance serial ByteCode
53 \end{lstlisting}
55 \subsection{Instruction Set}\label{sec:instruction}
56 The instruction set is given in Listing~\ref{bc:instr}. The instruction set is
57 kept large, but the number of instructions stays under $255$ to get as much
58 expressive power while keeping all instruction within one byte.
60 The interpreter running in the client is a stack machine. The virtual
61 instruction \CI{BCLab} is added to allow for an easy implementation of jumping.
62 However, this is not a real instruction and the labels are resolved to actual
63 program memory addresses in the final step of compilation to save instructions
64 and avoid label lookups at runtime.
66 \begin{lstlisting}[label={bc:instr},%
67 caption={Bytecode instruction set}]
68 :: BC = BCNop
69 | BCLab Int | BCPush BCValue | BCPop
70 //SDS functions
71 | BCSdsStore BCShare | BCSdsFetch BCShare | BCSdsPublish BCShare
72 //Unary ops
73 | BCNot
74 //Binary Int ops
75 | BCAdd | BCSub | BCMul
76 | BCDiv
77 //Binary Bool ops
78 | BCAnd | BCOr
79 //Binary ops
80 | BCEq | BCNeq | BCLes | BCGre
81 | BCLeq | BCGeq
82 //Conditionals and jumping
83 | BCJmp Int | BCJmpT Int | BCJmpF Int
84 //UserLED
85 | BCLedOn | BCLedOff
86 //Pins
87 | BCAnalogRead Pin | BCAnalogWrite Pin | BCDigitalRead Pin | BCDigitalWrite Pin
88 //Return
89 | BCReturn
90 \end{lstlisting}
92 All single byte instructions are converted automatically using a generic
93 function which returns the index of the constructor. The index of the
94 constructor is the byte value for all instructions. Added to this single byte
95 value are the encoded parameters of the instruction. The last step of the
96 compilation is transforming the list of bytecode instructions to actual bytes.
98 \subsection{Helper functions}
99 Since the \CI{ByteCode} type is just a boxed \gls{RWST}, access to the whole
100 range of \gls{RWST} functions is available. However, to use this, the type must
101 be unboxed. After application the type must be boxed again. To achieve this,
102 several helper functions have been created. They are given in
103 Listing~\ref{lst:helpers}. The \CI{op} and \CI{op2} functions is hand-crafted
104 to make operators that pop one or two values off the stack respectively. The
105 \CI{tell`} function is a wrapper around the \gls{RWST} function \CI{tell} that
106 appends the argument to the \emph{Writer} value.
108 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:helpers},caption={Some helper functions}]
109 op2 :: (ByteCode a p1) (ByteCode a p2) BC -> ByteCode b Expr
110 op2 (BC x) (BC y) bc = BC (x >>| y >>| tell [bc])
112 op :: (ByteCode a p) BC -> ByteCode b c
113 op (BC x) bc = BC (x >>| tell [bc])
115 tell` :: [BC] -> (ByteCode a p)
116 tell` x = BC (tell x)
118 unBC :: (ByteCode a p) -> RWS () [BC] BCState ()
119 unBC (BC x) = x
120 \end{lstlisting}
122 \subsection{Arithmetics \& Peripherals}
123 Almost all of the code from the simple classes exclusively use helper
124 functions. Listing~\ref{lst:arithview} shows some implementations. The
125 \CI{boolExpr} class and the classes for the peripherals are implemented using
126 the same strategy.
128 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:arithview},caption={%
129 Bytecode view implementation for arithmetic and peripheral classes}]
130 instance arith ByteCode where
131 lit x = tell` [BCPush (BCValue x)]
132 (+.) x y = op2 x y BCDiv
133 ...
135 instance userLed ByteCode where
136 ledOn l = op l BCLedOn
137 ledOff l = op l BCLedOff
138 \end{lstlisting}
140 \subsection{Control Flow}
141 Implementing the sequence operator is very straightforward in the bytecode
142 view. The function just sequences the two \glspl{RWST}. The
143 implementation for the \emph{If} statement speaks for itself in
144 Listing~\ref{lst:controlflow}. First, all the labels are gathered after which
145 they are placed in the correct order in the bytecode sequence. It can happen
146 that multiple labels appear consecutively in the code. This is not a problem
147 since the labels are resolved to real addresses later on anyway.
149 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:controlflow},%
150 caption={Bytecode view for \texttt{arith} class}]
151 freshlabel = get >>= \st=:{freshl}->put {st & freshl=freshl+1} >>| pure freshl
153 instance If ByteCode Stmt Stmt Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
154 instance If ByteCode e Stmt Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
155 instance If ByteCode Stmt e Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
156 instance If ByteCode x y Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
157 instance IF ByteCode where
158 IF b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
159 (?) b t = BCIfStmt b t (tell` [])
160 BCIfStmt (BC b) (BC t) (BC e) = BC (
161 freshlabel >>= \else->freshlabel >>= \endif->
162 b >>| tell [BCJmpF else] >>|
163 t >>| tell [BCJmp endif, BCLab else] >>|
164 e >>| tell [BCLab endif]
165 )
167 instance noOp ByteCode where
168 noOp = tell` [BCNop]
169 \end{lstlisting}
171 The semantics for the \gls{mTask}-\glspl{Task} bytecode view are different from
172 the semantics of the \gls{C} view. \glspl{Task} in the \gls{C} view can start
173 new \glspl{Task} or even start themselves to continue, while in the bytecode
174 view, \glspl{Task} run indefinitely, one-shot or on interrupt. To allow
175 interval and interrupt \glspl{Task} to terminate, a return instruction is
176 added. This class was not available in the original system and is thus added.
177 It just writes a single instruction so that the interpreter knows to stop
178 execution. Listing~\ref{lst:return} shows the classes and implementation for
179 the return expression.
181 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:return},%
182 caption={Bytecode view for the return instruction}]
183 class retrn v where
184 retrn :: v () Expr
186 instance retrn ByteCode where
187 retrn = tell` [BCReturn]
188 \end{lstlisting}
190 \subsection{Shared Data Sources \& Assignment}
191 Fresh \gls{SDS} are generated using the state and constructing one involves
192 multiple steps. First, a fresh identifier is grabbed from the state. Then a
193 \CI{BCShare} record is created with that identifier. A \CI{BCSdsFetch}
194 instruction is written and the body is generated to finally add the \gls{SDS}
195 to the actual state with the value obtained from the function. The exact
196 implementation is shown in Listing~\ref{lst:shareview}. The implementation for
197 the \CI{namedsds} class is exactly the same other than that it stores the given
198 name in the \CI{BCShare} structure as well.
200 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:shareview},%
201 caption={Bytecode view for \texttt{arith}}]
202 freshshare = get >>= \st=:{freshs}->put {st & freshs=freshs+1} >>| pure freshs
204 instance sds ByteCode where
205 sds f = {main = BC (freshshare
206 >>= \sdsi->pure {BCShare|sdsname="",sdsi=sdsi,sdsval=BCValue 0}
207 >>= \sds->pure (f (tell` [BCSdsFetch sds]))
208 >>= \(v In bdy)->modify (addSDS sds v)
209 >>| unBC (unMain bdy))
210 }
211 instance sdspub ByteCode where
212 pub (BC x) = BC (censor (\[BCSdsFetch s]->[BCSdsPublish s]) x)
214 addSDS sds v s = {s & sdss=[{sds & sdsval=BCValue v}:s.sdss]}
215 \end{lstlisting}
217 All assignable types compile to an \gls{RWST} which writes the specific fetch
218 instruction(s). For example, using an \gls{SDS} always results in an
219 expression of the form \CI{sds \x=4 In ...}. The actual \CI{x} is the
220 \gls{RWST} that always writes one \CI{BCSdsFetch} instruction with the
221 correctly embedded \gls{SDS}. Assigning to an analog pin will result in the
222 \gls{RWST} containing the \CI{BCAnalogRead} instruction. When the operation on
223 the assignable is not a read operation from but an assign operation, the
224 instruction(s) will be rewritten accordingly. This results in a \CI{BCSdsStore}
225 or \CI{BCAnalogWrite} instruction respectively. The implementation for this is
226 given in Listing~\ref{lst:assignmentview}.
228 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:assignmentview},%
229 caption={Bytecode view implementation for assignment.}]
230 instance assign ByteCode where
231 (=.) (BC v) (BC e) = BC (e >>| censor makeStore v)
233 makeStore [BCSdsFetch i] = [BCSdsStore i]
234 makeStore [BCDigitalRead i] = [BCDigitalWrite i]
235 makeStore [...] = [...]
236 \end{lstlisting}
238 \subsection{Actual Compilation}
239 All the previous functions are tied together with the \CI{toMessages} function.
240 This function compiles the bytecode and transforms the \gls{Task} to a message.
241 The \glspl{SDS} that were not already sent to the device are also added as
242 messages to be sent to the device. This functionality is shown in
243 Listing~\ref{lst:compilation}. The compilation process consists of two steps.
244 First, the \gls{RWST} is executed. Then, the \emph{Jump} statements that
245 jump to labels are transformed to jump to program memory addresses. The
246 translation of labels is possible in one sweep because fresh labels are reused.
247 Reusing labels would not give a speed improvement since the labels are removed
248 in the end.
250 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:compilation},%
251 caption={Actual compilation.}]
252 bclength :: BC -> Int
253 bclength (BCPush s) = 1 + size (toByteCode s)
254 bclength ... = ...
255 bclength x = 1 + consNum{|*|} x
257 computeGotos :: [BC] Int -> ([BC], Map Int Int)
258 computeGotos [] _ = ([], newMap)
259 computeGotos [BCLab l:xs] i = appSnd ('DM'.put l i) (computeGotos xs i)
260 computeGotos [x:xs] i = appFst (\bc->[x:bc]) (computeGotos xs (i + bclength x))
262 toRealByteCode :: (ByteCode a b) BCState -> (String, BCState)
263 toRealByteCode x s
264 # (s, bc) = runBC x s
265 # (bc, gtmap) = computeGotos bc 1
266 = (concat (map (toString o toByteVal) (map (implGotos gtmap) bc)), s)
268 toMessages :: MTaskInterval (Main (ByteCode a b)) BCState -> ([MTaskMSGSend], BCState)
269 toMessages interval x oldstate
270 # (bc, newstate) = toRealByteCode (unMain x) oldstate
271 # newsdss = difference newstate.sdss oldstate.sdss
272 = ([MTSds sdsi e\\{sdsi,sdsval=e}<-newsdss] ++ [MTTask interval bc], newstate)
273 \end{lstlisting}