update presentation, the body is there
[msc-thesis1617.git] / mtaskext.taskstrat.tex
1 The current \gls{mTask} engine for devices does not support \glspl{Task} in the
2 sense that the \gls{C}-view does. \Glspl{Task} used with the \gls{C}-view are a
3 main program that executes code and launches \glspl{Task}. It was also possible
4 to just have a main program. The current \gls{mTask}-system only supports main
5 programs which are the \glspl{Task} in their entirety. However, this results in
6 a problem. \glspl{Task} can not call other \glspl{Task} nor themselves.
7 Therefore, execution strategies have been added. Sending a \gls{Task} always
8 goes together with choosing a scheduling strategy. This strategy can be one of
9 the following three strategies:
11 \begin{itemize}
12 \item\CI{OneShot}
14 The \CI{OneShot} strategy consists of executing the \gls{Task} only
15 once. In \gls{IoT} applications, often the status of a peripheral or
16 system has to be queried only once on the request of the user. For
17 example in a thermostat, the temperature is logged every 30 minutes.
18 However, the user might want to know the temperature at that exact
19 moment, and then they can just send a \CI{OneShot} \gls{Task} probing
20 the temperature. After execution, the \gls{Task} will be removed from
21 the memory of the client.
22 \item\CI{OnInterval Int}
24 \CI{OnInterval} is a execution strategy that executes the \gls{Task}
25 in the given number of milliseconds. This strategy is very useful for
26 logging measurements on an interval. Moreover, the strategy can be
27 (ab)used to simulate recursion. \glspl{SDS} store global % chktex 36
28 information and is persistent. The \CI{retrn} instruction --- as will
29 be shown in Section~\ref{ssec:control} --- can then be used to
30 terminate. Therefore, \glspl{Task} can be crafted that recursively call
31 themselves using a \gls{SDS} to simulate arguments.
32 \item\CI{OnInterrupt Int}
34 Finally, a scheduling method is available that executes a \gls{Task}
35 when a given interrupt is received. This method can be useful to launch
36 a \gls{Task} on the press on hardware events such as the press of a
37 button. Unfortunately, due to time constraints and focus, this
38 functionality is only built in the protocol, none of the current client
39 implementations support this.
40 \end{itemize}