[phd-thesis.git] / preamble.tex
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48 {\begin{quote}}
49 {\end{quote}}
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89 \usepackage{subcaption}
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184 \def\Acrlongpl#1{}%
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186 \def\Acrshortpl#1{}%
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188 \def\Acrfullpl#1{}%
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198 % Index
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200 \makeindex% Enable the index
202 % Custom enumerations
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222 \newcommand{\rdmentry}[6]{#1: #2 (#3): #4. #5.\ \href{https://doi.org/#6}{#6}}
223 \newcommand{\mlubbers}{Lubbers, M.\ (Radboud University)}
224 \newcommand{\pkoopman}{Koopman, dr.\ P.\ (Radboud University)}
225 \newcommand{\rplasmeijer}{Plasmeijer, prof.\ dr.\ ir.\ R.\ (Radboud University)}