[bsc-thesis1415.git] / pres / pres.tex
1 %&pres
2 \begin{document}
3 \frame{\titlepage}
4 \note{Under supervision of\ldots}
6 \section{Introduction}
7 \subsection{Introduction}
8 \begin{frame}
9 \frametitle{Attend a concert? Find a nice movie?}
10 \pause\begin{itemize}[<+->]
11 \item Information era
12 \item Venue specific websites
13 \item Incomplete information
14 \item Hyperleap
15 \end{itemize}
16 \end{frame}
17 \note{Hyperleap helps you in that}
19 \begin{frame}
20 \frametitle{Hyperleap}
21 \framesubtitle{Infotainment}
22 \begin{block}{}
23 \begin{figure}[H]
24 \includegraphics[width=0.2\linewidth]{hyperleaplogo}
25 \end{figure}
26 \pause\begin{itemize}
27 \item Information $+$ Entertainment $=$ Infotainment
28 \item Leisure industry
29 \item Nijmegen
30 \item 1995
31 \end{itemize}
32 \end{block}
33 \end{frame}
34 \note{10.000 Events per week\\500.000 Visitors per month\\40.000 venues}
36 \begin{frame}
37 \frametitle{Current situation}
38 \pause\begin{block}{}
39 \begin{figure}[H]
40 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{informationflow}
41 \end{figure}
42 \end{block}
43 \end{frame}
44 \note{Manual: written pub\\Auto: digital}
46 \subsection{Goal \& Research question}
47 \begin{frame}
48 \frametitle{Current feedback loop}
49 \framesubtitle{Indepth in the automated path}
50 \begin{block}{Goal}
51 Shorten the feedback loop
52 \end{block}
53 \begin{block}{}
54 \begin{figure}[H]
55 \includegraphics<1>[width=\linewidth]{feedbackloop}
56 \includegraphics<2>[width=\linewidth]{feedbackloop2}
57 \end{figure}
58 \end{block}
59 \end{frame}
60 \note{End: introducse rss}
62 \subsection{RSS Feeds}
63 \begin{frame}[fragile]
64 \frametitle{RSS/Atom Feeds}
65 \pause\lstinputlisting[language=xml]{exrss.xml}
66 \end{frame}
67 \note{Why: Structure, Stable, CMS, Generated}
69 \section{Methods}
70 \subsection{Program}
71 \begin{frame}
72 \frametitle{Overview}
73 \begin{figure}[H]
74 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{appoverview}
75 \end{figure}
76 \end{frame}
77 \note{Output goes to temporum}
79 \begin{frame}
80 \frametitle{Frontend}
81 \begin{figure}[H]
82 \only<1>{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{frontendfront}}
83 \only<2>{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{crawlerpattern}}
84 \end{figure}
85 \end{frame}
86 \note{Landing page, edit page}
88 \begin{frame}
89 \frametitle{Backend}
90 \begin{itemize}
91 \item Convert patterns to specification
92 \item Command line interface
93 \item Conversion algorithm
94 \end{itemize}
95 \end{frame}
96 \note{CLI, to frontend\\backend algo uses graphs}
98 \begin{frame}
99 \frametitle{Directed graphs}
100 \pause\begin{columns}[T]
101 \column{.5\textwidth}
102 Graph $G=(V, E)$
103 \column{.5\textwidth}
104 \begin{figure}[H]
105 \pause\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{graphexample}
106 \end{figure}
107 \end{columns}
108 \end{frame}
109 \note{Vertex}
111 \begin{frame}
112 \frametitle{Remove cyclicity and add labels}
113 \begin{block}{Directed Acyclic Word Graphs}
114 $G=(V,v_0,E,F)$\\
115 Word: concatenation of labels from
116 $v_0\rightarrow v_1 \ldots \rightarrow f_k$
117 \pause\begin{figure}[H]
118 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{dawgexample}
119 \end{figure}
120 \end{block}
121 \end{frame}
122 \note{Explain four-tuple\\Find matching path\\
123 Cyclicity is node reachable from same node}
125 \subsection{Algorithm}
126 \begin{frame}
127 \frametitle{Building minimal DAWGs from user data}
128 \begin{block}{Algorithm}
129 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
130 \item Based on Daciuk et al.
131 \item User patterns become nodes/subgraphs
132 \end{itemize}
133 \end{block}
134 \begin{block}{Example}
135 \pause\begin{itemize}
136 \item Film: Avengers 19:30
137 \item Film: Kleine zaal, Avengers 19:30
138 \end{itemize}
139 \pause\begin{figure}[H]
140 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{ndexample}
141 \end{figure}
142 \end{block}
143 \end{frame}
144 \note{Minimizing graph, Mihov proved for Daciuk, Myhell-Nerode, Note
145 non determinism}
147 \section{Conclusion \& Discussion}
148 \subsection{Conclusion}
149 \begin{frame}
150 \frametitle{Conclusion}
151 \pause\begin{itemize}[<+->]
152 \item Yes, feedback loop is shortened
153 \item But\ldots
154 \item Few RSS feeds
155 \item Misuse of HTML
156 \end{itemize}
157 \end{frame}
158 \note{Did we solve the program?}
160 \subsection{Discussion}
161 \begin{frame}
162 \frametitle{Discussion}
163 \pause\begin{itemize}[<+->]
164 \item Whiten the black boxes
165 \item Adapt for HTML
166 \item Reuse interfacing technique
167 \end{itemize}
168 \end{frame}
169 \note{Black box on previous figure\\Convert html to rss}
170 \end{document}