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2 @unpublished{koopman_tasks_2016,
3 title = {Tasks in a {Type}-{Safe} and {Extendible} {Domain} {Specific} {Language} for {Microprocessors}},
4 author = {Koopman, Pieter and Plasmeijers, Rinus},
5 year = {2016},
6 note = {Draft paper},
7 file = {tfp16.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/spscjqzf.default/zotero/storage/9DCKVX3V/tfp16.pdf:application/pdf}
8 }
10 @incollection{achten_introduction_2015,
11 title = {An {Introduction} to {Task} {Oriented} {Programming}},
12 booktitle = {Central {European} {Functional} {Programming} {School}},
13 publisher = {Springer},
14 author = {Achten, Peter and Koopman, Pieter and Plasmeijer, Rinus},
15 year = {2015},
16 pages = {187--245},
17 file = {chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-15940-9_5.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/spscjqzf.default/zotero/storage/ZSDSIIT7/chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-15940-9_5.pdf:application/pdf}
18 }
20 @unpublished{oortgiese_task_2016,
21 title = {Task {Oriented} {Programming} on a {Distributed} {Server} {Architecture}},
22 author = {Oortgiese, Arjan and van Groningen, John and Lijnse, Bas and Plasmeijer, Rinus},
23 year = {2016},
24 note = {Draft paper},
25 file = {paper.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/spscjqzf.default/zotero/storage/NZURPTAR/paper.pdf:application/pdf}
26 }