[tt1516.git] / recap_mbt.txt
1 FSM-based testing
2 ===============================================================================
3 FSM: States, transitions, inputs, outputs
4 (S, s0, I, O, delta, lambda)
5 (States, initial, inputs, outputs, transition function, output function)
7 - Deterministic, complete, connected, reduced
8 - Tests length k only prove models with k extra states(k-complete)
9 - With resets
10 - W method
11 - we test a state by testing that after reaching it the input/output is
12 good
13 - Transition tour, one loop all transitions
14 - Synchonizing, get always to a fixed state
16 - Compare with LTS:
17 - has to be deterministic and complete
18 - Only i/o alternation
19 - not compositional
20 - more intuitive
21 - older theory
23 MBT with LTS 1
24 ===============================================================================
25 Terminology:
26 s0->s1 transition
27 s0=>s1 transition composition
28 s0=> executable sequence
29 s0=/> non-executable sequence
31 trace: sequence of possible
32 reachable states: s after omega
33 - s: state
34 - omega: trace
36 Representation
37 - 4-tuple: (S, L, T, s0) States, Labels, Transition function, initial state
38 - tree/graph
39 - language/behaviour expression:
40 - := : assignment
41 - stop : termination
42 - ; : sequence
43 - label: transition input
44 - [] : choice
45 - ||| : parallel
46 - |[G]|: parallel synchronized on elements in G
47 - equivalence from strong to weak
48 - isomorphism: need to observe tau
49 - bisimulation: infinite undo, copy and repeat
50 - failure trace: test with another lts and continue on failure
51 - testing trace: test LTS with another LTS
52 - completed trace: observe sequence and end
53 - trace: observe sequence
55 MBT with LTS 2
56 ===============================================================================
58 MBT with LTS 3
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61 MBT with LTS 4
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65 MBT with GAST
66 ===============================================================================
67 Functional, black box, cycle detection, automatic generation, quickcheck,
68 quantification
69 - Property
70 - Model
72 MBT with SpecExplorer
73 ===============================================================================