hp.pl vervangen door isHittingSet.pl en report en comments bij code bijgewerkt
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2 \subsection{Part 1: Modelling Sokoban}
3 \subsubsection{Task 1: Knowledge base}
4 \begin{itemize}
5 \item{Q1}\\
6 We describe the connections using the four main directional words,
7 namely: $north,south,east,west$ and the predicate $connected(From, To,
8 Direction)$. In this way the push possibility axiom can check in the
9 direction of the crate to see if the push is a valid move. In this way we
10 don't have to do anything fancy with arithmetics.
11 \item{Q2}\\
12 We use the functions $agent(X, S_i), crate(cratename, X, S_i)$ and
13 $target(cratename, X)$ to easily represent the information. We chose to
14 hard code the locations of the crates because then the resolution will be
15 much faster.
16 \item{Q3}\\
17 $\begin{array}{llllll}
18 connected(loc11, loc21, east) & \wedge &
19 connected(loc11, loc12, north) & \wedge &
20 connected(loc12, loc22, east) & \wedge\\
21 connected(loc12, loc13, north) & \wedge &
22 connected(loc13, loc23, east) & \wedge &
23 connected(loc13, loc14, north) & \wedge\\
24 connected(loc14, loc24, east) & \wedge &
25 connected(loc21, loc31, east) & \wedge &
26 connected(loc21, loc22, north) & \wedge\\
27 connected(loc22, loc32, east) & \wedge &
28 connected(loc22, loc23, north) & \wedge &
29 connected(loc23, loc33, east) & \wedge\\
30 connected(loc23, loc24, north) & \wedge &
31 connected(loc31, loc32, north) & \wedge &
32 connected(loc32, loc33, north) & \wedge\\
33 connected(loc21, loc11, west) & \wedge &
34 connected(loc12, loc11, south) & \wedge &
35 connected(loc22, loc12, west) & \wedge\\
36 connected(loc13, loc12, south) & \wedge &
37 connected(loc23, loc13, west) & \wedge &
38 connected(loc14, loc13, south) & \wedge\\
39 connected(loc24, loc14, west) & \wedge &
40 connected(loc31, loc21, west) & \wedge &
41 connected(loc22, loc21, south) & \wedge\\
42 connected(loc32, loc22, west) & \wedge &
43 connected(loc23, loc22, south) & \wedge &
44 connected(loc33, loc23, west) & \wedge\\
45 connected(loc24, loc23, south) & \wedge &
46 connected(loc32, loc31, south) & \wedge &
47 connected(loc33, loc32, south) & \wedge\\
48 crate(cratec, loc21, s0) & \wedge &
49 crate(crateb, loc22, s0) & \wedge &
50 crate(cratea, loc23, s0) & \wedge\\
51 agent(loc32, s0) & \wedge\\
52 \end{array}$
53 \item{Q4}\\
54 $goal(s)\rightarrow\\
55 crate(cratea, loc12, s) \wedge
56 crate(crateb, loc13, s) \wedge
57 crate(cratec, loc11, s)$
58 \end{itemize}
60 \subsubsection{Task 2: Actions}
61 \begin{itemize}
62 \item{Q5}\\
63 $\begin{array}{rl}
64 Poss(move(x, y), s) & \equiv \\
65 & (\exists z: connected(x, y, z)) \wedge\\
66 & \neg(crate(x, y, s))
67 \end{array}$
68 \item{Q6}\\
69 $\begin{array}{rl}
70 Poss(push(x, y), s) & \equiv\\
71 & agent(x, s) \wedge\\
72 & (\exists z:
73 connected(x, z, y) \wedge
74 (\exists \gamma: crate(\gamma, z, s))
75 \wedge\\
76 & (\exists \alpha:
77 connected(z, \alpha, y) \wedge
78 (\nexists \beta: crate(\beta, \alpha, s))
79 )
80 )
81 \end{array}$
82 \item{Q7}\\
83 $\begin{array}{rl}
84 agent(x, result(z, s)) & \rightarrow\\
85 & (\exists y: z = move(y, x)) \vee\\
86 & (\exists \alpha:
87 z = push(\beta, \alpha) \wedge
88 connected(\beta, x, \alpha)) \vee\\
89 & (\exists \epsilon, \gamma:
90 z \neq move(x, \epsilon) \wedge
91 z \neq push(x, \gamma) \wedge
92 agent(x, s))\\
93 crate(x, y, result(A, s)) & \rightarrow\\
94 & (\exists z,\alpha:
95 A = push(z\wedge \alpha)\wedge\\
96 & (\exists \beta:
97 connected(z\wedge \beta\wedge \alpha)\wedge
98 connected(\beta\wedge y\wedge \alpha)\wedge
99 crate(x\wedge \beta\wedge s)
100 )
101 ) \vee\\
102 & (\exists z,\alpha:
103 A \neq push(z, \alpha)\wedge
104 connected(z, y, \alpha)\wedge
105 crate(x, y, s)
106 )
107 \end{array}$
108 \end{itemize}
110 \newpage
111 \subsection{Part 2: Implementation}
112 \subsubsection{Task 3: Translate Axioms}
113 The domain description can be found in \textit{./src/domaintask1.pl} and in
114 Listing~\ref{domaintask1} and is a literal translation from logics to
115 \textit{prolog} code except for the visited predicate. The visited predicate
116 disallows the agent to reverse it's previous move immediately. This makes the
117 planning much faster because it can cut of a lot of branches.
119 \subsubsection{Task 4: The Planning Problem in Figure 1}
120 The instance description for this task can be found in
121 \textit{./src/instancetask4.pl} and in Listing~\ref{instancetask4}. This is a
122 literal translation of the description in logics. The goal location for the
123 crates are hard coded to increase the performance.
125 \subsubsection{Task 5: Crates go to Any Goal Location}
126 The instance description for this task can be found in
127 \textit{./src/instancetask5.pl} and in Listing~\ref{instancetask5}. This is an
128 adaptation of Listing~\ref{instancetask4} in the sense that in the goal state
129 the same goal locations for the crates apply but the crate instance does not
130 matter any more. Any combination of crates on the locations will be a valid
131 goal.
133 \subsubsection{Task 6: Inverse Problem}
134 For tackling the inverse problem we have added a visited predicate that
135 describes if the agent has visited that particular location. In the instance
136 description found in \textit{./src/instancetask6.pl} or in
137 Listing~\ref{instancetask6} we made sure to mark the starting location for the
138 agent as visited because the agent does not have to revisit the starting
139 location. The goal is a simple \textit{forall} that will only satisfy if for
140 all locations known the visited fluent is true. To generate all locations we
141 used the fact that all locations are connected to some other location. This
142 could be implemented more efficiently because in the current situation the
143 locations sequence contains a lot of duplicate locations. We reused the domain
144 description from task 4 with the visited fluent and adapted it slightly so that
145 it is never unset and therefore records all locations the agent has been. The
146 full ode can be found in \textit{./src/domaintask6.pl} or in
147 Listing~\ref{domaintask6}.
149 \newpage
150 \subsection{Part 3: Extending the domain}
151 \subsubsection{Task 7: Unlocking the Crates}
152 For adding keys we have added in the instance definition, found in
153 \textit{./src/instancetask7.pl} or Listing~\ref{instancetask7}, new key fluents
154 that define were the keys are found. We also changed the crate fluent to arity
155 $4$ so that it also has a key attached to it. In the domain specification,
156 found in \textit{./src/domaintask7.pl} or Listing~\ref{domaintask7}, we added a
157 pickup move that allows the agent to pickup a certain key. When the agent picks
158 up a key the \textit{keyinbag} fluent is then set so that the possibility
159 function for the push action can incorporate the fact that a key has to be
160 picked up to push a certain crate.
162 \newpage
163 \subsection{Part 4: General questions}
164 \subsubsection{Task 10: Sitcalc expressivity}
165 Situation calculus(\textit{sitcalc} from now on) is very expressive because you
166 can express yourself very detailed without encountering the frame problem. When
167 the problem space expands the computational strength needed explodes.
168 \textit{Sitcalc} is therefore not very useful when you want to plan far behind.
169 For comparison, calculating a \textit{sokoban} path 10 steps in the future
170 already takes hours on a normal computer.
172 The model is easy to extend to bigger and more complex problems, it doesn't
173 scale that well however...
175 \subsubsection{Task 11: Related work}
176 Zhou, N. (2013). A Tabled Prolog Program for Solving Sokoban, 124, 561575. doi:10.3233/FI-2013-849
178 The paper treats the \textit{sokoban} problem as a general shortest path
179 problem. And it also uses lookup tables to speed up the search. This was used
180 in a competition on certain \textit{sokoban} problems.