hp.pl vervangen door isHittingSet.pl en report en comments bij code bijgewerkt
[ker1415-1.git] / report / src / hs.pl
1 :- [diagnosis].
2 %Function to add variable for uniqueness checking.
3 isHittingSetTree(Tree) :-
4 isHittingSetTree2(Tree, []).
6 %When the end of branch has been reached.
7 isHittingSetTree2(leaf, _).
8 %When a node turns empty.
9 isHittingSetTree2(node([], []), _).
10 %When a node isn't empty.
11 isHittingSetTree2(node([CurLabel|Labels], [CurChild|Children]), VisitedLabels) :-
12 %Check if label has already been used up in the tree.
13 not(member(CurLabel,VisitedLabels)),
14 %Append label to list of checked labels
15 append(VisitedLabels, [CurLabel], UpdatedVisitedLabels),
16 %Recursively search into depth of branch.
17 isHittingSetTree2(CurChild, Appended),
18 %Recursively search into width of node.
19 isHittingSetTree2(node(Labels, UpdatedVisitedLabels), VisitedLabels).
20 %If there are more or less labels then children, the tree will not match and
21 %the function will rightfully report false.