cleaned up code
[ker1415-1.git] / report / src /
1 :- [task14part1].
3 % Adding a variable for the current path
4 extractDiagnoses(HSTree,Diagnoses):-
5 extractDiagnoses2(HSTree, Diagnoses, []).
7 % Set path in set and end recursion when leaf had been reached
8 extractDiagnoses2(leaf, [PathEnd], PathEnd).
9 % Finished clearing empty node
10 extractDiagnoses2(node([], []), [], _).
11 extractDiagnoses2(node([CsHead|CsTail], [CsHeadBranch|CsTailBranches]),
12 DiagnosesSet, CurrentPath) :-
13 % Add new visited conflict item to the visited path
14 append(CurrentPath, [CsHead], NewPath),
15 % Recursively collects all paths from the recursive calls into the depth
16 % and the width and puts them into the DiagnosesSet
17 append(DepthPaths, WidthPaths, DiagnosesSet),
18 % Continues into the depth of the branch
19 extractDiagnoses2(CsHeadBranch,DepthPaths,NewPath),
20 % Calls on all conflict items in the width of the branch
21 extractDiagnoses2(node(CsTail, CsTailBranches), WidthPaths, CurrentPath).
23 % Computes length of smallest diagnosis
24 getLengthSmallestSet([Diagnosis], DiagnosisLength):-
25 % Calls length single diagnosis
26 length(Diagnosis,DiagnosisLength).
27 getLengthSmallestSet([HeadDiagnosis|RestOfDiagnoses], Minimal):-
28 % Recursively gets the length of tail
29 getLengthSmallestSet(RestOfDiagnoses, RestLength),
30 % Initialises length of the head diagnosis
31 length(HeadDiagnosis,HeadLength),
32 % Gets minimal length of diagnoses
33 Minimal is min(HeadLength, RestLength).
35 filterLength(X,Y):-
36 length(Y, LengthY),
37 %checks if the set isn't bigger than the checked set
38 X \== LengthY.
40 % Deze functie moet opnieuw geschreven worden, hij moet de subsetminimal
41 % opleveren en niet de kleinste diagnoses
42 getSubsetMinimalDiagnoses(DiagnosesSets, MinimalDiagnosesSets):-
43 getLengthSmallestSet(DiagnosesSets,Length),!,
44 % Excludes sets that are bigger than the smallest set
45 exclude(filterLength(Length), DiagnosesSets, MinimalDiagnosesSets).
47 % Function that returns minimal hitting sets from a problem
48 subsetMinimalDiagnoses(SD, COMP, OBS, MinimalDiagnosesSets) :-
49 % Generate hitting tree
50 generateHittingSetTree(SD, COMP, OBS, [], HsTree),
51 write(HsTree),
52 % Get diagnoses out of the hitting tree
53 extractDiagnoses(HsTree, DiagnosesSets),
54 write(DiagnosesSets),
55 % Determine subset minimal diagnoses
56 getSubsetMinimalDiagnoses(DiagnosesSets, MinimalDiagnosesSets).