work on v3
[ssproject1617.git] / report / v3_session.tex
1 \begin{enumerate}[label={3.\arabic*}]
3 \item
4 \pass
5 Verify that there is no custom session manager, or that the custom session
6 manager is resistant against all common session management attacks.
7 \begin{result}
8 The application uses the standard \PHP functionality;
9 \code{session_start()} to manage sessions.
10 \end{result}
13 \item
14 \pass
15 Verify that sessions are invalidated when the user logs out.
16 \begin{result}
17 When a user logs out the application calls \code{forget()}, which destroys
18 the session.
19 \end{result}
22 \item
23 \fail
24 Verify that sessions timeout after a specified period of inactivity.
25 \begin{result}
26 There is no functionality which tracks how long a user has been inactive.
27 \end{result}
30 \notapplicable{
31 \item
32 Verify that sessions timeout after an administratively-configurable
33 maximum time period regardless of activity (an absolute timeout).
34 }
36 \item
37 \TODO{}
38 Verify that all pages that require authentication have easy and visible
39 access to logout functionality.
41 \item
42 \TODO{}
43 Verify that the session id is never disclosed in URLs, error messages, or
44 logs. This includes verifying that the application does not support URL
45 rewriting of session cookies.
47 \item
48 \TODO{}
49 Verify that all successful authentication and re-authentication generates
50 a new session and session id.
52 \notapplicable{
53 \item
54 Verify that only session ids generated by the application framework are
55 recognized as active by the application.
56 }
58 \item
59 \TODO{}
60 Verify that session ids are sufficiently long, random and unique across the
61 correct active session base.
63 \item
64 \TODO{}
65 Verify that session ids stored in cookies have their path set to an
66 appropriately restrictive value for the application, and authentication
67 session tokens additionally set the “HttpOnly” and “secure” attributes.
69 \item
70 \TODO{}
71 Verify that the application limits the number of active concurrent sessions.
73 \item
74 \TODO{}
75 Verify that an active session list is displayed in the account profile or
76 similar of each user. The user should be able to terminate any active
77 session.
79 \item
80 \TODO{}
81 Verify the user is prompted with the option to terminate all other active
82 sessions after a successful change password process.
84 \end{enumerate}