v3 first version done
[ssproject1617.git] / report / v4_access.tex
1 \begin{enumerate}[label={4.\arabic*}]
3 \item
4 \TODO{}
5 Verify that the principle of least privilege exists - users
6 should only be able to access functions, data files, URLs,
7 controllers, services, and other resources, for which they
8 possess specific authorization. This implies protection
9 against spoofing and elevation of privilege.
11 \addtocounter{enumi}{2}
12 \item
13 \TODO{}
14 Verify that access to sensitive records is protected, such
15 that only authorized objects or data is accessible to each
16 user (for example, protect against users tampering with a
17 parameter to see or alter another user's account).
19 \item
20 \fail{}
21 Verify that directory browsing is disabled unless
22 deliberately desired. Additionally, applications should not
23 allow discovery or disclosure of file or directory metadata,
24 such as \code{Thumbs.db}, \code{.DS\_Store}, \code{.git} or \code{.svn} folders.
26 \begin{result}
27 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*]
28 \item \code{.gitignore} accessible, as well as any other dot-preceded file (except \code{.htaccess} itself by default Apache rules), as well as files such as \code{Thumbs.db} and \code{.DS\_Store}.
29 \item Directory contents were listed in my simple setup. A global apache setting may disable by default, but the \code{.htaccess} file doesn't explicitly disable (with \code{Options -Indexes}), so that the CMS's codebase basically enables the listing by default.
30 \end{itemize}
31 \end{result}
33 \addtocounter{enumi}{2}
34 \item
35 \TODO{}
36 Verify that access controls fail securely.
38 \item
39 \TODO{}
40 Verify that the same access control rules implied by the
41 presentation layer are enforced on the server side.
43 \item
44 \TODO{}
45 Verify that all user and data attributes and policy
46 information used by access controls cannot be
47 manipulated by end users unless specifically authorized.
49 \notapplicable{
50 \item
51 Verify that there is a centralized mechanism (including
52 libraries that call external authorization services) for
53 protecting access to each type of protected resource.
54 }
56 \item
57 \fail{}
58 Verify that all access control decisions can be logged and
59 all failed decisions are logged.
61 \begin{result}
62 No such decision logging present. There is only a minor amount of logging, and this is related to not finding content (pages and articles).
63 \end{result}
65 \item
66 \fail{}
67 Verify that the application or framework uses strong
68 random anti-CSRF tokens or has another transaction
69 protection mechanism.
71 \begin{result}
72 There is no transation protection mechanism at all.
73 \end{result}
75 \item
76 \fail{}
77 Verify the system can protect against aggregate or
78 continuous access of secured functions, resources, or
79 data. For example, consider the use of a resource
80 governor to limit the number of edits per hour or to
81 prevent the entire database from being scraped by an
82 individual user.
84 \begin{result}
85 No such prevention present.
86 \end{result}
88 \item
89 \TODO{}
90 Verify the application has additional authorization (such
91 as step up or adaptive authentication) for lower value
92 systems, and / or segregation of duties for high value
93 applications to enforce anti-fraud controls as per the risk
94 of application and past fraud.
96 (nope)
98 \item
99 \TODO{}
100 Verify that the application correctly enforces context-
101 sensitive authorisation so as to not allow unauthorised
102 manipulation by means of parameter tampering.
104 (nope)
106 \end{enumerate}