[mc1516pa.git] / report2 / results.tex
1 \section{Results \& How-to}
2 \subsection{Results}
3 This approach is not very efficient yet. While it is a bit faster than the
4 previous \textsc{NuSMV} approach it is not capable of handling bigger screens.
6 \begin{tabular}{lll}
7 \toprule
8 Screen no. & \textsc{NuSMV} & This program\\
9 \midrule
10 $2000$ & $n$ & $n$\\
11 \bottomrule
12 \end{tabular}
14 \subsection{How-to}
15 The program can be built by running \texttt{make}. \texttt{make} expects the
16 sylvan headers to be located in \texttt{./sylvan/src} and the library archive
17 in \texttt{./sylvan/src/libsylvan.a}. If this is not the case one can adapt the
18 makefile or set the appropriate \texttt{CFLAGS} and \texttt{LDFLAGS}.
20 When the main program is executed with the \texttt{-h} flag the help is shown.
21 Note that the program is very silent when the \texttt{-v} flag is not set.
22 \begin{lstlisting}
23 Usage:
24 ./main [opts] [FILE]
26 Options:
27 -l LURD initial LURD
28 -v enable verbose output
29 -h show this help
31 Positional arguments:
32 FILE zero or one sokoban screens
33 when no file is specified stdin will be used
34 \end{lstlisting}
36 \subsection{Extra 1: Initial LURD}
37 Using the \texttt{-l} option the user can give a initial LURD to the program.
38 LURD stands for Left, Up, Right, Down sequence and is a string consisting only
39 of $l,u,r,d$ characters and it specifies the initial moves to be taken by the
40 agent. To achieve this we simple for every character in the lurd update the
41 initial state with the relative product of the transitions belonging to the
42 correct direction. After that the problem is solved as usual and thus notifying
43 the user wether the LURD leads to a solvable state. Note that when the LURD is
44 empty the program behaves like there was no LURD given.