spec update
[msc-thesis1617.git] / results.arch.tex
1 \section{Overview \& Terminology}
2 The goal of the architecture is to facilitate an ecosystem in which an
3 \gls{iTasks}-system can add, change and remove devices at runtime. Moreover,
4 the \gls{iTasks}-system can send \glspl{mTask}, compiled at runtime to
5 bytecode, to the device. The device runs an interpreter which can execute the
6 \gls{Task}'s bytecode. Devices are persistent during reboots of the
7 \gls{iTasks}-system. The methods of interacting with \glspl{mTask} is analogous
8 to interacting with \gls{iTasks}-\glspl{Task} and programmers can access the
9 \glspl{SDS} made for a device in the same way as a regular \glspl{SDS}. The
10 following terms will be used throughout the architecture description.
12 \begin{itemize}
13 \item Device, Client
15 This is the actual device connected to the system. This can be a real
16 device such as a microcontroller but also just a program on the same
17 machine as the server.
18 \item Server, \gls{iTasks}-System
20 The actual executable serving the \gls{iTasks} interfaces. The system
21 will contain \glspl{Task} taking care of the communication with the
22 clients.
23 \item System
25 The complete ecosystem, thus containing both the server and client
26 programs.
27 \item Engine
29 The runtime system of the client. This system handles the communication
30 with the server and interprets the \glspl{Task}.
31 \end{itemize}
33 \section{Devices}
34 The engine for the devices is compiled from one codebase. For a device to
35 be eligible for \glspl{mTask}, it must be able to compile the shared codebase
36 and implement (part of) the device specific interface. The shared codebase only
37 uses standard \gls{C} and no special libraries or tricks are used. Therefore
38 the code is compilable for almost any device or system. Note that it is not
39 needed to implement a full interface. The full interface --- excluding the
40 device specific settings --- is listed in Appendix~\ref{app:device-interface}.
41 The interface works in a similar fashion as the \gls{EDSL}. Devices do not have
42 to implement all functionality, this is analogous to the fact that views do not
43 have to implement all type classes in the \gls{EDSL}. When the device connects
44 for the first time with a server the specifications of what is implemented is
45 communicated.
47 At the time of writing the following device families are supported and can run
48 the device software.
49 \begin{itemize}
50 \item \texttt{POSIX} compatible systems
52 This includes systems running \emph{Linux} and \emph{MacOS}.
53 \item \texttt{STM32} family microcontrollers supported by \texttt{ChibiOS}.
55 This is tested in particular on the \texttt{STM32f7x} series \gls{ARM}
56 development board.
57 \item Microcontrollers programmable by the \gls{Arduino} \gls{IDE}.\\
59 This does not only include \gls{Arduino} compatible boards but also
60 other boards capable of running \gls{Arduino} code. The code
61 has been found working on the \texttt{ESP8266} powered \emph{NodeMCU}.
62 It is tested on devices as small as the regular \gls{Arduino}
63 \emph{UNO} board that only boasts a meager \emph{2K} of \emph{RAM}.
64 \end{itemize}
66 \section{Specification}
67 The server stores a description for every device available in a record type
68 which are stored in a \gls{SDS}. From the macro settings in
69 the interface file, a profile is created for the device that describes the
70 specification. When a connection between the server and a client is established
71 the server will send a request for specification. The client will serialize his
72 specification and send it to the server so that the server knows what the
73 client is capable of. The exact specification is shown in
74 Listing~\ref{lst:devicespec} and stores the peripheral availability, the memory
75 available for storing \glspl{Task} and \glspl{SDS}.
77 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:devicespec},
78 caption={Device specification for \glspl{mTask}}]
79 :: MTaskDeviceSpec =
80 { haveLed :: Bool
81 , haveAio :: Bool
82 , haveDio :: Bool
83 , aPins :: Int
84 , dPins :: Int
85 , bytesMemory :: Int
86 }
87 \end{lstlisting}
89 \section{Device Storage}
90 All devices available in the system are stored in a big \gls{SDS} that contains
91 a list of \CI{MTaskDevice}s. The exact specification is defined as in
92 Listing~\ref{lst:mtaskdevice} with the accompanying classes and types.
94 The \CI{deviceResource} component of the record must implement the
95 \CI{MTaskDuplex} interface that provides a function that launches a \gls{Task}
96 used for synchronizing the channels. The \CI{deviceTask} stores the
97 \gls{Task}-id for this \gls{Task} when active so that it can be checked upon.
98 This top-level task has the duty to report exceptions and errors as they are
99 thrown by setting the \CI{deviceError} field. All communication goes via these
100 channels. If the system wants to send a message to the device, it just puts it
101 in the channels. Messages sent from the client to the server are also placed
102 in there. In the case of the \gls{TCP} device type, the \gls{Task} is just a
103 simple wrapper around the existing \CI{tcpconnect} function in \gls{iTasks}. In
104 case of a device connected by a serial connection, it uses the newly developed
105 serial port library of \gls{Clean}\footnote{\url{%
106 https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/mlubbers/CleanSerial}}.
108 Besides all the communication information, the record also keeps track of the
109 \glspl{Task} currently on the device, the compiler state (see
110 Section~\ref{sec:compiler}) and the according \glspl{SDS}. Finally, it stores
111 the specification of the device that is received when connecting. All of this
112 is given in Listing~\ref{lst:mtaskdevice}. The definitions of the message
113 format are explained in the following section.
115 \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Device type},label={lst:mtaskdevice}]
116 deviceStoreNP :: Shared [MTaskDevice]
118 :: Channels :== ([MTaskMSGRecv], [MTaskMSGSend], Bool)
119 :: BCState = ... // Compiler state, explained in later sections
120 :: MTaskResource
121 = TCPDevice TCPSettings
122 | SerialDevice TTYSettings
123 :: MTaskDevice =
124 { deviceTask :: Maybe TaskId
125 , deviceError :: Maybe String
126 , deviceChannels :: String
127 , deviceName :: String
128 , deviceState :: BCState
129 , deviceTasks :: [MTaskTask]
130 , deviceData :: MTaskResource
131 , deviceSpec :: Maybe MTaskDeviceSpec
132 , deviceShares :: [MTaskShare]
133 }
135 channels :: MTaskDevice -> Shared Channels
137 class MTaskDuplex a where
138 synFun :: a (Shared Channels) -> Task ()
139 \end{lstlisting}
141 \section{Communication}
142 The communication from the server to the client and vice versa is just a
143 character stream containing encoded \gls{mTask} messages. The specific encoding
144 is visible in Appendix~\ref{app:communication-protocol}. The type holding the
145 messages in Listing~\ref{lst:avmsg}. Detailed explaination about the message
146 types will be given in the following subsections.
148 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:avmsg},caption={Available messages}]
149 :: MTaskId :== Int
150 :: MSDSId :== Int
151 :: MTaskFreeBytes :== Int
152 :: MTaskMSGRecv
153 = MTTaskAck MTaskId MTaskFreeBytes | MTTaskDelAck MTaskId
155 | MTPub MSDSId BCValue | MTMessage String
156 | MTDevSpec MTaskDeviceSpec | MTEmpty
158 :: MTaskMSGSend
159 = MTTask MTaskInterval String | MTTaskDel MTaskId
160 | MTShutdown | MTSds MSDSId BCValue
161 | MTUpd MSDSId BCValue | MTSpec
163 :: MTaskInterval = OneShot | OnInterval Int | OnInterrupt Int
164 \end{lstlisting}
166 \subsection{Add a device}
167 A device can be added by filling in the \CI{MTaskDevice} record as much as
168 possible and running the \CI{connectDevice} function. This function grabs the
169 channels, starts the synchronization \gls{Task}, makes sure the errors are
170 handled when needed and runs a processing function in parallel to react on the
171 incoming messages. Moreover, it sends a specification request to the device in
172 question to determine the details of the device and updates the record to
173 contain the top-level \gls{Task}-id. All the device functionality heavily
174 depends on the \CI{withDevices} function that applies a function a device in
175 the \gls{SDS} when they are equal. Device equality is defined as equality on
176 their channels. This allows you to give an old device record to the function
177 and still update the latest instance. Listing~\ref{lst:connectDevice} shows the
178 connection function.
180 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:connectDevice},%
181 caption={Connect a device}]
182 withDevices :: MTaskDevice (MTaskDevice -> MTaskDevice) -> Task [MTaskDevice]
184 connectDevice :: (MTaskDevice (Shared Channels) -> Task ()) MTaskDevice -> Task Channels
185 connectDevice procFun device = let ch = channels device
186 in appendTopLevelTask 'DM'.newMap True
187 (procFun device ch -||- catchAll (getSynFun d.deviceData ch) errHdl)
188 >>= \tid->withDevices device (\d->{d&deviceTask=Just tid,deviceError=Nothing})
189 >>| upd (\(r,s,ss)->(r,s++[MTSpec],ss)) ch
190 where
191 errHdl e = withDevices device (\d->{d & deviceTask=Nothing, deviceError=Just e}) @! ()
192 \end{lstlisting}
194 Figure~\ref{fig:handshake} shows the connection diagram. The client responds to
195 the server with their device specification. This is detected by the processing
196 function and the record is updated accordingly.
198 \begin{figure}[H]
199 \centering
200 \begin{sequencediagram}
201 \newthread{s}{Server}
202 \newinst[4]{c}{Client}
203 \begin{call}{s}{MTSpec}{c}{MTDevSpec}
204 \end{call}
205 \end{sequencediagram}
206 \caption{Connect a device}\label{fig:handshake}
207 \end{figure}
209 \subsection{\glspl{Task} \& \glspl{SDS}}
210 When a \gls{Task} is sent to the device it is added to the device record
211 without an identifier. The actual identifier is added to the record when the
212 acknowledgement of the \gls{Task} by the device is received. The connection
213 diagram is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:tasksend}.
215 \begin{figure}[H]
216 \centering
217 \begin{sequencediagram}
218 \newthread{s}{Server}
219 \newinst[4]{c}{Client}
220 \begin{call}{s}{MTSDS}{c}{MTSDSAck}
221 \end{call}
222 \begin{call}{s}{MTTask}{c}{MTTaskAck}
223 \end{call}
224 \end{sequencediagram}
225 \caption{Sending a \gls{Task} to a device}\label{fig:tasksend}
226 \end{figure}
228 The function for sending a \gls{Task} to the device is shown in
229 Listing~\ref{lst:sendtask}. First the \gls{Task} is compiled into messages. The
230 details of the compilation process are given in Section~\ref{sec:compiler}.
231 The new \glspl{SDS} that were made during compilation are added to the
232 deviceshares that were made during the compilation are merged with the existing
233 shares on the device. Furthermore the messages are placed in the channel share
234 of the device. This will result in sending the actual \gls{SDS} specification
235 and \gls{Task} specifications to the device. A \gls{Task} record is created
236 with the identifier $-1$ to denote a \gls{Task} not yet acknowledged. Finally
237 the device itself is updated with the new state and with the new \gls{Task}.
238 When the device returns an acknowledgement the \gls{Task} is updated
239 accordingly.
241 \begin{lstlisting}[label={lst:sendtask},%
242 caption={Sending a \gls{Task} to a device}]
243 makeTask :: String Int -> Task MTaskTask
244 makeTask name ident = get currentDateTime @ \dt->{MTaskTask | name=name, ident=ident, dateAdded=dt}
246 makeShare :: String Int BCValue -> MTaskShare
247 makeShare withTask identifier value = {MTaskShare | withTask=[withTask], identifier=identifier, value=value}
249 sendTaskToDevice :: String (Main (ByteCode a Stmt)) (MTaskDevice, MTaskInterval) -> Task [MTaskDevice]
250 sendTaskToDevice wta mTask (device, timeout)
251 # (msgs, newState) = toMessages timeout mTask device.deviceState
252 # shares = [makeShare wta sdsi sdsval\\{sdsi,sdsval}<-newState.sdss, (MTSds sdsi` _)<-msgs | sdsi == sdsi`]
253 = updateShares device ((++) shares)
254 >>| sendMessages msgs device
255 >>| makeTask wta -1
256 >>= withDevices device o addTaskUpState newState
257 where
258 addTaskUpState :: BCState MTaskTask MTaskDevice -> MTaskDevice
259 addTaskUpState st task device = {MTaskDevice | device &
260 deviceState=st, deviceTasks=[task:device.deviceTasks]}
261 \end{lstlisting}
263 \subsection{Miscellaneous Messages}
264 There exists one special type of message that is sent to the device only when
265 it needs to reboot. When the server wants to stop the bond with the device it
266 sends the \CI{MTShutdown} message. The device will then clear his memory, thus
267 losing all the \glspl{SDS} and \glspl{Task} that were stored and reset itself.
268 Shortly after the shutdown message a new server can connect to the device
269 because the device is back in listening mode.