[cc1516.git] / sem.icl
1 implementation module sem
3 import qualified Data.Map as Map
4 from Data.Func import $
5 import Data.Maybe
6 import Data.Either
7 import Data.Functor
8 import Control.Applicative
9 import Control.Monad
10 import Control.Monad.State
11 import Control.Monad.Identity
12 import StdMisc
13 from StdFunc import id, const
14 import StdString
15 import StdList
17 from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
19 import AST
20 from parse import :: ParserOutput, :: Error
22 :: Gamma :== 'Map'.Map String Type
23 :: Env a :== (State Gamma (Either SemError a))
25 get = state $ \s -> (s,s)
27 putIdent :: String Type -> Env Void
28 putIdent i t = gets ('Map'.get i) >>= \mt -> case mt of
29 Nothing = pure <$> modify ('Map'.put i t)
30 Just t2 = unify t t2 >>= \r -> case r of
31 Left e = pure $ Left e
32 Right t3 = pure <$> modify ('Map'.put i t3)
34 instance toString SemError where
35 toString (ParseError p e) = concat [
36 toString p,"SemError: ParseError: ", e]
37 toString (Error e) = "SemError: " +++ e
38 toString (UnifyErrorStub t1 t2) = toString (UnifyError {line=0,col=0} t1 t2)
39 toString (UnifyError p t1 t2) = concat [
40 toString p,
41 "SemError: Cannot unify types. Expected: ",
42 toString t1, ". Given: ", toString t2]
44 sem :: AST -> SemOutput
45 sem (AST vd fd)
46 # (eithervds, gamma) = runState (mapM semVarDecl vd) 'Map'.newMap
47 # (eitherfds, gamma) = runState (mapM semFunDecl fd) gamma
48 = case splitEithers eithervds of
49 (Left errs) = Left $ errs ++ [x\\(Left x)<-eitherfds]
50 (Right vds) = case splitEithers eitherfds of
51 (Left errs) = Left errs
52 (Right fds) = Right $ AST vds fds
54 splitEithers :: [Either a b] -> Either [a] [b]
55 splitEithers [] = Right []
56 splitEithers [Right x:xs] = splitEithers xs >>= \rest->Right [x:rest]
57 splitEithers xs = Left $ [x\\(Left x)<-xs]
59 semFunDecl :: FunDecl -> Env FunDecl
60 semFunDecl f = pure $ Right f
62 semVarDecl :: VarDecl -> Env VarDecl
63 semVarDecl vd=:(VarDecl pos type ident ex) = unify type ex
64 >>= \et->case et of
65 Left err = pure $ Left err
66 Right t = putIdent ident t >>| pure (Right $ VarDecl pos t ident ex)
67 //Right v
68 // //TODO ident in de environment
69 // Right e = Right $ pure vd
71 typeExpr :: Expr -> Env Type
72 typeExpr (IntExpr _ _) = pure $ Right IntType
73 typeExpr (CharExpr _ _) = pure $ Right CharType
74 typeExpr (BoolExpr _ _) = pure $ Right BoolType
75 typeExpr (Op1Expr p UnNegation expr) = unify BoolType expr
76 typeExpr (Op1Expr p UnMinus expr) = unify IntType expr
77 typeExpr (TupleExpr p (e1, e2)) = typeExpr e1
78 >>= \ete1->typeExpr e2 >>= \ete2->pure (
79 ete1 >>= \te1->ete2 >>= \te2->Right $ TupleType (te1, te2))
80 //typeExpr (Op2Expr Pos Expr Op2 Expr) = undef
81 //typeExpr (FunExpr Pos FunCall) = undef
82 //typeExpr (EmptyListExpr Pos) = undef
83 //typeExpr (VarExpr Pos VarDef) = undef
85 class unify a :: Type a -> Env Type
87 instance unify Expr where
88 unify (_ ->> _) e = pure $ Left $ ParseError (extrPos e)
89 "Expression cannot be a higher order function. Yet..."
90 unify VoidType e = pure $ Left $ ParseError (extrPos e)
91 "Expression cannot be a Void type."
92 unify (IdType _) e = pure $ Left $ ParseError (extrPos e)
93 "Expression cannot be an polymorf type."
94 unify t e = typeExpr e
95 >>= \eithertype->case eithertype of
96 Left e = pure $ Left e
97 Right tex = unify t tex >>= \eitherun->case eitherun of
98 Left err = pure $ Left $ decErr e err
99 Right t = pure $ Right t
101 instance unify Type where
102 unify IntType IntType = pure $ Right IntType
103 unify BoolType BoolType = pure $ Right BoolType
104 unify CharType CharType = pure $ Right CharType
105 unify t1 t2 = pure $ Left $ UnifyError zero t1 t2
107 instance zero Pos where
108 zero = {line=0,col=0}
110 decErr :: Expr SemError -> SemError
111 decErr e (UnifyError _ t1 t2) = UnifyError (extrPos e) t1 t2
112 decErr e (ParseError _ s) = ParseError (extrPos e) s
113 decErr e err = err
115 extrPos :: Expr -> Pos
116 extrPos (VarExpr p _) = p
117 extrPos (Op2Expr p _ _ _) = p
118 extrPos (Op1Expr p _ _) = p
119 extrPos (IntExpr p _) = p
120 extrPos (CharExpr p _) = p
121 extrPos (BoolExpr p _) = p
122 extrPos (FunExpr p _) = p
123 extrPos (EmptyListExpr p) = p
124 extrPos (TupleExpr p _) = p