[cc1516.git] / sem.icl
1 implementation module sem
3 import qualified Data.Map as Map
5 from Data.Func import $
6 from StdFunc import o
8 import Control.Monad
9 import Data.Either
10 import Data.Monoid
12 import StdString
13 import StdList
14 import StdMisc
15 import StdEnum
16 import RWST
17 import GenEq
19 from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
21 import AST
23 :: Scheme = Forall [String] Type
24 :: Gamma :== 'Map'.Map String Scheme
25 :: Constraints :== [(Type, Type)]
26 :: Infer a :== RWST Gamma Constraints [String] (Either SemError) a
27 :: SemError
28 = ParseError Pos String
29 | UnifyError Pos Type Type
30 | FieldSelectorError Pos Type FieldSelector
31 | OperatorError Pos Op2 Type
32 | UndeclaredVariableError Pos String
33 | ArgumentMisMatchError Pos String
34 | Error String
36 variableStream :: [String]
37 variableStream = map toString [1..]
39 sem :: AST -> SemOutput
40 sem (AST fd) = Right $ (AST fd, 'Map'.newMap)
42 instance toString Scheme where
43 toString (Forall x t) = concat ["Forall ": map ((+++) "\n") x] +++ toString t
45 instance toString Gamma where
46 toString mp = concat [concat [k, ": ", toString v, "\n"]\\(k, v)<-'Map'.toList mp]
48 instance toString SemError where
49 toString se = "SemError: "
51 uni :: Type Type -> Infer ()
52 uni t1 t2 = tell [(t1, t2)]
54 inEnv :: (String, Scheme) (Infer a) -> (Infer a)
55 inEnv (x, sc) m = local scope m
56 where
57 scope e = 'Map'.put x sc ('Map'.del x e )
59 class infer a :: a -> Infer Type
61 instance infer Expr where
62 infer (VarExpr _ vd) = undef
63 infer (Op2Expr _ e1 op e2) = case op of
64 BiPlus = pure IntType
65 BiMinus = pure IntType
66 BiTimes = pure IntType
67 BiDivide = pure IntType
68 BiMod = pure IntType
69 BiLesser = pure IntType
70 BiGreater = pure IntType
71 BiLesserEq = pure IntType
72 BiGreaterEq = pure IntType
73 BiAnd = pure BoolType
74 BiOr = pure BoolType
75 BiEquals = infer e1
76 BiUnEqual = infer e1 // maybe check e2?
77 BiCons = infer e1 >>= \it1->pure $ ListType it1
78 infer (Op1Expr _ op e) = case op of
79 UnMinus = pure IntType
80 UnNegation = pure BoolType
81 infer (IntExpr _ _) = pure IntType
82 infer (CharExpr _ _) = pure CharType
83 infer (BoolExpr _ _) = pure BoolType
84 infer (FunExpr _ _ _ _) = undef
85 infer (EmptyListExpr _) = undef
86 infer (TupleExpr _ (e1, e2)) =
87 infer e1 >>= \et1->infer e2 >>= \et2->pure $ TupleType (et1, et2)
89 //:: VarDef = VarDef String [FieldSelector]
90 //:: FieldSelector = FieldHd | FieldTl | FieldFst | FieldSnd
91 //:: Op1 = UnNegation | UnMinus
92 //:: Op2 = BiPlus | BiMinus | BiTimes | BiDivide | BiMod | BiEquals | BiLesser |
93 // BiGreater | BiLesserEq | BiGreaterEq | BiUnEqual | BiAnd | BiOr | BiCons
94 //:: FunDecl = FunDecl Pos String [String] (Maybe Type) [VarDecl] [Stmt]
95 //:: FunCall = FunCall String [Expr]
96 //:: Stmt
97 // = IfStmt Expr [Stmt] [Stmt]
98 // | WhileStmt Expr [Stmt]
99 // | AssStmt VarDef Expr
100 // | FunStmt FunCall
101 // | ReturnStmt (Maybe Expr)
102 //:: Pos = {line :: Int, col :: Int}
103 //:: AST = AST [VarDecl] [FunDecl]
104 //:: VarDecl = VarDecl Pos Type String Expr
105 //:: Type
106 // = TupleType (Type, Type)
107 // | ListType Type
108 // | IdType String
109 // | IntType
110 // | BoolType
111 // | CharType
112 // | VarType
113 // | VoidType
114 // | (->>) infixl 7 Type Type