[cc1516.git] / sem.icl
1 implementation module sem
3 import qualified Data.Map as Map
5 from Data.Func import $
6 from StdFunc import o, flip, const, id
8 import Control.Monad
9 import Control.Monad.Trans
10 import Control.Monad.State
11 import Data.Either
12 import Data.Maybe
13 import Data.Monoid
14 import Data.List
15 import Data.Functor
16 import Data.Tuple
18 import StdString
19 import StdTuple
20 import StdList
21 import StdMisc
22 import StdEnum
23 import GenEq
25 from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
27 import AST
29 :: Scheme = Forall [TVar] Type
30 :: Gamma :== 'Map'.Map String Scheme //map from Variables! to types
31 :: Typing a :== StateT (Gamma, [TVar]) (Either SemError) a
32 :: Substitution :== 'Map'.Map TVar Type
33 :: Constraints :== [(Type, Type)]
34 :: SemError
35 = ParseError Pos String
36 | UnifyError Pos Type Type
37 | InfiniteTypeError Pos Type
38 | FieldSelectorError Pos Type FieldSelector
39 | OperatorError Pos Op2 Type
40 | UndeclaredVariableError Pos String
41 | ArgumentMisMatchError Pos String
42 | SanityError Pos String
43 | Error String
45 instance zero Gamma where
46 zero = 'Map'.newMap
48 variableStream :: [TVar]
49 variableStream = map toString [1..]
51 defaultGamma :: Gamma //includes all default functions
52 defaultGamma = extend "print" (Forall ["a"] ((IdType "a") ->> VoidType))
53 $ extend "isEmpty" (Forall ["a"] ((ListType (IdType "a")) ->> BoolType))
54 $ extend "read" (Forall [] (FuncType CharType))
55 $ extend "1printchar" (Forall [] (CharType ->> VoidType))
56 $ extend "1printint" (Forall [] (IntType ->> VoidType))
57 $ extend "1printbool" (Forall [] (BoolType ->> VoidType))
58 zero
60 sem :: AST -> Either [SemError] AST
61 sem (AST fd) = case foldM (const $ hasNoDups fd) () fd
62 >>| foldM (const isNiceMain) () fd
63 >>| hasMain fd
64 >>| evalStateT (type fd) (defaultGamma, variableStream) of
65 Left e = Left [e]
66 Right (_,fds) = Right (AST fds)
67 where
68 hasNoDups :: [FunDecl] FunDecl -> Either SemError ()
69 hasNoDups fds (FunDecl p n _ _ _ _)
70 # mbs = map (\(FunDecl p` n` _ _ _ _)->if (n == n`) (Just p`) Nothing) fds
71 = case catMaybes mbs of
72 [] = Left $ SanityError p "HUH THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN"
73 [x] = pure ()
74 [_:x] = Left $ SanityError p (concat
75 [n, " multiply defined at ", toString p])
77 hasMain :: [FunDecl] -> Either SemError ()
78 hasMain [(FunDecl _ "main" _ _ _ _):fd] = pure ()
79 hasMain [_:fd] = hasMain fd
80 hasMain [] = Left $ SanityError zero "no main function defined"
82 isNiceMain :: FunDecl -> Either SemError ()
83 isNiceMain (FunDecl p "main" as mt _ _) = case (as, mt) of
84 ([_:_], _) = Left $ SanityError p "main must have arity 0"
85 ([], t) = (case t of
86 Nothing = pure ()
87 Just VoidType = pure ()
88 _ = Left $ SanityError p "main has to return Void")
89 isNiceMain _ = pure ()
91 class Typeable a where
92 ftv :: a -> [TVar]
93 subst :: Substitution a -> a
95 instance Typeable Scheme where
96 ftv (Forall bound t) = difference (ftv t) bound
97 subst s (Forall bound t) = Forall bound $ subst s_ t
98 where s_ = 'Map'.filterWithKey (\k _ -> not (elem k bound)) s
100 instance Typeable [a] | Typeable a where
101 ftv types = foldr (\t ts-> ftv t ++ ts) [] types
102 subst s ts = map (\t->subst s t) ts
104 instance Typeable Type where
105 ftv (TupleType (t1, t2)) = ftv t1 ++ ftv t2
106 ftv (ListType t) = ftv t
107 ftv (IdType tvar) = [tvar]
108 ftv (FuncType t) = ftv t
109 ftv (t1 ->> t2) = ftv t1 ++ ftv t2
110 ftv _ = []
111 subst s (TupleType (t1, t2))= TupleType (subst s t1, subst s t2)
112 subst s (ListType t1) = ListType (subst s t1)
113 subst s (FuncType t) = FuncType (subst s t)
114 subst s (t1 ->> t2) = (subst s t1) ->> (subst s t2)
115 subst s t1=:(IdType tvar) = 'Map'.findWithDefault t1 tvar s
116 subst s t = t
118 instance Typeable Gamma where
119 ftv gamma = concatMap id $ map ftv ('Map'.elems gamma)
120 subst s gamma = Mapmap (subst s) gamma
122 extend :: String Scheme Gamma -> Gamma
123 extend k t g = 'Map'.put k t g
125 //// ------------------------
126 //// algorithm U, Unification
127 //// ------------------------
128 instance zero Substitution where zero = 'Map'.newMap
130 compose :: Substitution Substitution -> Substitution
131 compose s1 s2 = 'Map'.union (Mapmap (subst s1) s2) s1
132 //Note: just like function compositon compose does snd first
134 occurs :: TVar a -> Bool | Typeable a
135 occurs tvar a = elem tvar (ftv a)
137 unify :: Type Type -> Either SemError Substitution
138 unify t1 t2=:(IdType tv) | t1 == (IdType tv) = Right zero
139 | occurs tv t1 = Left $ InfiniteTypeError zero t1
140 | otherwise = Right $ 'Map'.singleton tv t1
141 unify t1=:(IdType tv) t2 = unify t2 t1
142 unify (ta1->>ta2) (tb1->>tb2) = unify ta1 tb1 >>= \s1->
143 unify ta2 tb2 >>= \s2->
144 Right $ compose s1 s2
145 unify (TupleType (ta1,ta2)) (TupleType (tb1,tb2)) = unify ta1 tb1 >>= \s1->
146 unify ta2 tb2 >>= \s2->
147 Right $ compose s1 s2
148 unify (ListType t1) (ListType t2) = unify t1 t2
149 unify (FuncType t1) (FuncType t2) = unify t1 t2
150 unify t1 t2 | t1 == t2 = Right zero
151 | otherwise = Left $ UnifyError zero t1 t2
153 //// ------------------------
154 //// Algorithm M, Inference and Solving
155 //// ------------------------
156 gamma :: Typing Gamma
157 gamma = gets fst
158 putGamma :: Gamma -> Typing ()
159 putGamma g = modify (appFst $ const g) >>| pure ()
160 changeGamma :: (Gamma -> Gamma) -> Typing Gamma
161 changeGamma f = modify (appFst f) >>| gamma
162 withGamma :: (Gamma -> a) -> Typing a
163 withGamma f = f <$> gamma
164 fresh :: Typing Type
165 fresh = gets snd >>= \vars->
166 modify (appSnd $ const $ tail vars) >>|
167 pure (IdType (head vars))
169 lift :: (Either SemError a) -> Typing a
170 lift (Left e) = liftT $ Left e
171 lift (Right v) = pure v
173 //instantiate maps a schemes type variables to variables with fresh names
174 //and drops the quantification: i.e. forall a,b.a->[b] becomes c->[d]
175 instantiate :: Scheme -> Typing Type
176 instantiate (Forall bound t) =
177 mapM (const fresh) bound >>= \newVars->
178 let s = 'Map'.fromList (zip (bound,newVars)) in
179 pure (subst s t)
181 //generalize quentifies all free type variables in a type which are not
182 //in the gamma
183 generalize :: Type -> Typing Scheme
184 generalize t = gamma >>= \g-> pure $ Forall (difference (ftv t) (ftv g)) t
186 lookup :: String -> Typing Type
187 lookup k = gamma >>= \g-> case 'Map'.member k g of
188 False = liftT (Left $ UndeclaredVariableError zero k)
189 True = instantiate $ 'Map'.find k g
191 //The inference class
192 //When tying it all together we will treat the program is a big
193 //let x=e1 in let y=e2 in ....
194 class infer a :: a -> Typing (Substitution, Type, a)
196 ////---- Inference for Expressions ----
198 instance infer Expr where
199 infer e = case e of
200 VarExpr _ (VarDef k fs) = lookup k >>= \t ->
201 foldM foldFieldSelectors t fs >>= \finalT ->
202 pure (zero, finalT, e)
204 Op2Expr p e1 op e2 =
205 infer e1 >>= \(s1, t1, e1_) ->
206 infer e2 >>= \(s2, t2, e2_) ->
207 fresh >>= \tv ->
208 let given = t1 ->> t2 ->> tv in
209 op2Type op >>= \expected ->
210 lift (unify expected given) >>= \s3 ->
211 pure ((compose s3 $ compose s2 s1), subst s3 tv, Op2Expr p e1_ op e2_)
213 Op1Expr p op e1 =
214 infer e1 >>= \(s1, t1, e1_) ->
215 fresh >>= \tv ->
216 let given = t1 ->> tv in
217 op1Type op >>= \expected ->
218 lift (unify expected given) >>= \s2 ->
219 pure (compose s2 s1, subst s2 tv, Op1Expr p op e1)
221 EmptyListExpr _ = (\tv->(zero,tv,e)) <$> fresh
223 TupleExpr p (e1, e2) =
224 infer e1 >>= \(s1, t1, e1_) ->
225 infer e2 >>= \(s2, t2, e2_) ->
226 pure (compose s2 s1, TupleType (t1,t2), TupleExpr p (e1_,e2_))
228 LambdaExpr _ _ _ = liftT $ Left $ Error "PANIC: lambdas should be tasnformed"
230 FunExpr p f args fs =
231 lookup f >>= \expected ->
232 let accST = (\(s,ts,es) e->infer e >>= \(s_,et,e_)-> pure (compose s_ s,ts++[et],es++[e_])) in
233 foldM accST (zero,[],[]) args >>= \(s1, argTs, args_)->
234 fresh >>= \tv->case expected of
235 FuncType t = pure (s1, t, e)
236 _ = (let given = foldr (->>) tv argTs in
237 lift (unify expected given) >>= \s2->
238 let fReturnType = subst s2 tv in
239 foldM foldFieldSelectors fReturnType fs >>= \returnType ->
240 (case f of
241 "print" = case head argTs of
242 IntType = pure "1printint"
243 CharType = pure "1printchar"
244 BoolType = pure "1printbool"
245 ListType (CharType) = pure "1printstr"
246 t = liftT $ Left $ SanityError p ("can not print " +++ toString t)
247 _ = pure f) >>= \newF->
248 pure (compose s2 s1, returnType, FunExpr p newF args_ fs))
250 IntExpr _ _ = pure $ (zero, IntType, e)
251 BoolExpr _ _ = pure $ (zero, BoolType, e)
252 CharExpr _ _ = pure $ (zero, CharType, e)
254 foldFieldSelectors :: Type FieldSelector -> Typing Type
255 foldFieldSelectors (ListType t) (FieldHd) = pure t
256 foldFieldSelectors t=:(ListType _) (FieldTl) = pure t
257 foldFieldSelectors (TupleType (t1, _)) (FieldFst) = pure t1
258 foldFieldSelectors (TupleType (_, t2)) (FieldSnd) = pure t2
259 foldFieldSelectors t fs = liftT $ Left $ FieldSelectorError zero t fs
261 op2Type :: Op2 -> Typing Type
262 op2Type op
263 | elem op [BiPlus, BiMinus, BiTimes, BiDivide, BiMod]
264 = pure (IntType ->> IntType ->> IntType)
265 | elem op [BiEquals, BiUnEqual]
266 = fresh >>= \t1-> fresh >>= \t2-> pure (t1 ->> t2 ->> BoolType)
267 | elem op [BiLesser, BiGreater, BiLesserEq, BiGreaterEq]
268 = pure (IntType ->> IntType ->> BoolType)
269 | elem op [BiAnd, BiOr]
270 = pure (BoolType ->> BoolType ->> BoolType)
271 | op == BiCons
272 = fresh >>= \t1-> pure (t1 ->> ListType t1 ->> ListType t1)
274 op1Type :: Op1 -> Typing Type
275 op1Type UnNegation = pure $ (BoolType ->> BoolType)
276 op1Type UnMinus = pure $ (IntType ->> IntType)
278 ////----- Inference for Statements -----
279 applySubst :: Substitution -> Typing Gamma
280 applySubst s = changeGamma (subst s)
282 instance infer Stmt where
283 infer s = case s of
284 IfStmt e th el =
285 infer e >>= \(s1, et, e_)->
286 lift (unify et BoolType) >>= \s2 ->
287 applySubst (compose s2 s1) >>|
288 infer th >>= \(s3, tht, th_)->
289 applySubst s3 >>|
290 infer el >>= \(s4, elt, el_)->
291 applySubst s4 >>|
292 lift (unify tht elt) >>= \s5->
293 let sub = compose s5 $ compose s4 $ compose s3 $ compose s2 s1 in
294 pure (sub, subst s5 tht, IfStmt e_ th_ el_)
296 WhileStmt e wh =
297 infer e >>= \(s1, et, e_)->
298 lift (unify et BoolType) >>= \s2 ->
299 applySubst (compose s2 s1) >>|
300 infer wh >>= \(s3, wht, wh_)->
301 pure (compose s3 $ compose s2 s1, subst s3 wht, WhileStmt e_ wh_)
303 AssStmt vd=:(VarDef k fs) e =
304 lookup k >>= \expected ->
305 infer e >>= \(s1, given, e_)->
306 foldM reverseFs given (reverse fs) >>= \varType->
307 lift (unify expected varType) >>= \s2->
308 let s = compose s2 s1 in
309 applySubst s >>|
310 changeGamma (extend k (Forall [] (subst s varType))) >>|
311 pure (s, VoidType, AssStmt vd e_)
313 FunStmt f args fs =
314 lookup f >>= \expected ->
315 let accST = (\(s,ts,es) e->infer e >>= \(s_,et,e_)-> pure (compose s_ s,ts++[et],es++[e_])) in
316 foldM accST (zero,[],[]) args >>= \(s1, argTs, args_)->
317 fresh >>= \tv->
318 let given = foldr (->>) tv argTs in
319 lift (unify expected given) >>= \s2->
320 let fReturnType = subst s2 tv in
321 foldM foldFieldSelectors fReturnType fs >>= \returnType ->
322 (case f of
323 "print" = case head argTs of
324 IntType = pure "1printint"
325 CharType = pure "1printchar"
326 BoolType = pure "1printbool"
327 ListType (CharType) = pure "1printstr"
328 t = liftT $ Left $ SanityError zero ("can not print " +++ toString t)
329 _ = pure f) >>= \newF->
330 pure (compose s2 s1, VoidType, FunStmt newF args_ fs)
332 ReturnStmt Nothing = pure (zero, VoidType, s)
333 ReturnStmt (Just e) = infer e >>= \(sub, t, _)-> pure (sub, t, s)
335 reverseFs :: Type FieldSelector -> Typing Type
336 reverseFs t FieldHd = pure $ ListType t
337 reverseFs t FieldTl = pure $ ListType t
338 reverseFs t FieldFst = fresh >>= \tv -> pure $ TupleType (t, tv)
339 reverseFs t FieldSnd = fresh >>= \tv -> pure $ TupleType (tv, t)
341 //The type of a list of statements is either an encountered
342 //return, or VoidType
343 instance infer [a] | infer a where
344 infer [] = pure (zero, VoidType, [])
345 infer [stmt:ss] =
346 infer stmt >>= \(s1, t1, s_) ->
347 applySubst s1 >>|
348 infer ss >>= \(s2, t2, ss_) ->
349 applySubst s2 >>|
350 case t1 of
351 VoidType = pure (compose s2 s1, t2, [s_:ss_])
352 _ = case t2 of
353 VoidType = pure (compose s2 s1, t1, [s_:ss_])
354 _ = lift (unify t1 t2) >>= \s3 ->
355 pure (compose s3 $ compose s2 s1, t1, [s_:ss_])
357 //the type class inferes the type of an AST element (VarDecl or FunDecl)
358 //and adds it to the AST element
359 class type a :: a -> Typing (Substitution, a)
361 instance type VarDecl where
362 type (VarDecl p expected k e) =
363 infer e >>= \(s1, given, e_) ->
364 applySubst s1 >>|
365 case expected of
366 Nothing = pure zero
367 Just expected_ = lift (unify expected_ given)
368 >>= \s2->
369 applySubst s2 >>|
370 let vtype = subst (compose s2 s1) given in
371 generalize vtype >>= \t ->
372 changeGamma (extend k t) >>|
373 pure (compose s2 s1, VarDecl p (Just vtype) k e_)
375 instance type FunDecl where
376 type (FunDecl p f args expected vds stmts) =
377 gamma >>= \outerScope-> //functions are infered in their own scopde
378 introduce f >>|
379 mapM introduce args >>= \argTs->
380 type vds >>= \(s1, tVds)->
381 applySubst s1 >>|
382 infer stmts >>= \(s2, result, stmts_)->
383 applySubst s1 >>|
384 let argTs_ = map (subst $ compose s2 s1) argTs in
385 let given = foldr (->>) result argTs_ in
386 (case expected of
387 Nothing = pure zero
388 Just (FuncType expected_) = lift (unify expected_ given)
389 Just expected_ = lift (unify expected_ given)
390 ) >>= \s3 ->
391 let ftype = subst (compose s3 $ compose s2 s1) given in
392 (case ftype of
393 _ ->> _ = pure ftype
394 _ = pure $ FuncType ftype
395 ) >>= \ftype_->
396 generalize ftype_ >>= \t->
397 putGamma outerScope >>|
398 changeGamma (extend f t) >>|
399 pure (compose s3 $ compose s2 s1, FunDecl p f args (Just ftype_) tVds stmts_)
401 instance type [a] | type a where
402 type [] = pure (zero, [])
403 type [v:vs] =
404 type v >>= \(s1, v_)->
405 applySubst s1 >>|
406 type vs >>= \(s2, vs_)->
407 applySubst (compose s2 s1) >>|
408 pure (compose s2 s1, [v_:vs_])
410 introduce :: String -> Typing Type
411 introduce k =
412 fresh >>= \tv ->
413 changeGamma (extend k (Forall [] tv)) >>|
414 pure tv
416 instance toString Scheme where
417 toString (Forall x t) =
418 concat ["Forall ": intersperse "," x] +++ concat [". ", toString t];
420 instance toString Gamma where
421 toString mp =
422 concat [concat [k, ": ", toString v, "\n"]\\(k, v)<-'Map'.toList mp]
424 instance toString Substitution where
425 toString subs =
426 concat [concat [k, ": ", toString t, "\n"]\\(k, t)<-'Map'.toList subs]
428 instance toString SemError where
429 toString (SanityError p e) = concat [toString p,
430 "SemError: SanityError: ", e]
431 toString (ParseError p s) = concat [toString p,
432 "ParseError: ", s]
433 toString (UnifyError p t1 t2) = concat [toString p,
434 "Can not unify types, expected|given:\n", toString t1,
435 "\n", toString t2]
436 toString (InfiniteTypeError p t) = concat [toString p,
437 "Infinite type: ", toString t]
438 toString (FieldSelectorError p t fs) = concat [toString p,
439 "Can not run fieldselector '", toString fs, "' on type: ",
440 toString t]
441 toString (OperatorError p op t) = concat [toString p,
442 "Operator error, operator '", toString op, "' can not be",
443 "used on type: ", toString t]
444 toString (UndeclaredVariableError p k) = concat [toString p,
445 "Undeclared identifier: ", k]
446 toString (ArgumentMisMatchError p str) = concat [toString p,
447 "Argument mismatch: ", str]
448 toString (Error e) = concat ["Unknown error during semantical",
449 "analysis: ", e]
451 instance toString (Maybe a) | toString a where
452 toString Nothing = "Nothing"
453 toString (Just e) = concat ["Just ", toString e]
455 instance MonadTrans (StateT (Gamma, [TVar])) where
456 liftT m = StateT \s-> m >>= \a-> return (a, s)
458 Mapmap :: (a->b) ('Map'.Map k a) -> ('Map'.Map k b)
459 Mapmap _ 'Map'.Tip = 'Map'.Tip
460 Mapmap f ('Map'.Bin sz k v ml mr) = 'Map'.Bin sz k (f v)
461 (Mapmap f ml)
462 (Mapmap f mr)