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[rsss1516.git] / shorts / data_types.tex
1 %&pre
2 \title{Data types \`a la carte}
3 \date{2016{-}03{-}16}
4 \begin{document}
5 \maketitle
6 \subsubsection*{Summary \& Evidence}
7 %Summary (as briefly as you can - two or three sentences)
8 The paper provides a method of data types, functions and monads of a restricted
9 kind to create more flexible representations. It shows that by using
10 co-products and type constraint type-constructors one can combine individual
11 parts and using this technology one can create less monolithic monads that
12 better reveal the functionality and purpose.
14 %Evidence (what evidence is offered to support the claims?)
15 Usefulness and proofs are given by tackling several classical problems in pure
16 functional languages such as the expression problem, input/output and the
17 problem of a having a global state. In these problems the function signatures
18 are different compared to the classical monadic approach. The function
19 signature reveals more about the semantics and thus gives more clarity about
20 the function.
22 \subsubsection*{Strengths \& Weaknesses}
23 %Strength (what positive basis is there for publishing/reading it?)
24 As many other papers within this field of research the power of the introduced
25 techniques is shown by tackling classical problems. Researchers from the field
26 are likely to be already familiar with said problems. In that way immediately
27 the practicality of the techniques become clear.
29 %Weaknesses
30 In contrast the paper is very complex and introduces a lot of new abstractions
31 notations and functions which makes the paper a tough read if you are not
32 already deep in the materials. A lot of abbreviations are used which are not
33 properly explained that could lead to confusion and the obligation to reread
34 the parts several times to figure out the meaning.
36 \subsubsection*{Evaluation}
37 %Evaluation (if you were running the conference/journal where it was published,
38 %would you recommend acceptance?)
39 The paper would be a good addition to very specific functional programming
40 conferences or journal. I would not advise to publish this in a general
41 theoretical computer science journal because of the weaknesses described above.
43 %Comments on quality of writing
44 Concerning quality of writing; it requires quite some background knowledge to
45 read the paper but the author managed to have a good build-up to the
46 technicalities. Moreover, it is embedded well in the literature.
48 \subsubsection*{Discussion}
49 %Queries for discussion
50 \begin{itemize}
51 \item Why is the representation really a saviour for the monolithic IO
52 monad. The regular approach does not have that much overhead.
53 \item Since free monads are not widespread and mostly only known in
54 category theory. Do we really have a useful application? Are the monads
55 who really need such a restructuring unsuitable for it?
56 \end{itemize}
57 \end{document}