[rsss1516.git] / shorts / quickcheck.tex
1 %&pre
2 \title{QuickCheck: A Lightweight Tool for Random Testing of Haskell Programs}
3 \date{2016{-}04{-}13}
4 \begin{document}
5 \maketitle
6 \subsubsection*{Summary \& Evidence}
7 %Summary (as briefly as you can - two or three sentences)
8 Claessen and Hughes intruduce an automatic test tool for \emph{Haskell} that
9 can test if functions adhere to certain properties. Quickcheck is lightweight
10 and applies random testing. The properties are functions themselves.
12 %Evidence (what evidence is offered to support the claims?)
13 Evidence for the claim is shown by examples and by explaining the usage of the
14 library. Elements such as parametricity, testcase generators, handling infinite
15 lists, object size bounds and function generation. Furthermore the case is
16 strengthed by some case studies.
18 \subsubsection*{Strengths \& Weaknesses}
19 %Strength (what positive basis is there for publishing/reading it?)
20 The paper is extremely easy and well written
22 %Weaknesses
24 \subsubsection*{Evaluation}
25 %Evaluation (if you were running the conference/journal where it was published,
26 %would you recommend acceptance?)
28 %Comments on quality of writing
30 \subsubsection*{Discussion}
31 %Queries for discussion
32 \begin{itemize}
33 \item
34 \end{itemize}
35 \end{document}