[rsss1516.git] / shorts / theorems.tex
1 %&pre
2 \title{Theorems for free!}
3 \date{2016{-}04{-}13}
4 \begin{document}
5 \maketitle
6 \subsubsection*{Summary \& Evidence}
7 %Summary (as briefly as you can - two or three sentences)
8 Wadler suggests that by looking at parameterized functions you can say things
9 about a particular concrete function of that type. The paper also updates the
10 proof for the abstraction theorem.
12 %Evidence (what evidence is offered to support the claims?)
13 The first claim is strengthened by showing a long list of example theorems
14 extracted from just the parameterized type. Wadler shows that there is often
15 only one function that truly matches the type and Wadler shows several useful
16 properties that you can derive from the parametric definition. For the second
17 subject of the paper a full proof is provided.
19 \subsubsection*{Strengths \& Weaknesses}
20 %Strength (what positive basis is there for publishing/reading it?)
21 The paper is clear and also introduces the basic theory before elaborating on
22 the new concepts. This makes it a easy read. The examples are illustrative and
23 strengthen the proposition.
25 %Weaknesses
26 A possible weakness is the abundance of algebra and formulas. While this is
27 very necessary it can be good to express some of the formalisations in natural
28 language before coining the formula.
30 \subsubsection*{Evaluation}
31 %Evaluation (if you were running the conference/journal where it was published,
32 %would you recommend acceptance?)
33 %Comments on quality of writing
34 The paper is succinct, concise and ordered. The goal of the publication is to
35 show the usefulness of theorems that follow from the parameterized function
36 definition which it reaches successfully. The paper is well embedded in
37 existing literature.
39 \subsubsection*{Discussion}
40 %Queries for discussion
41 \begin{itemize}
42 \item The updated abstraction theorem proof seems a little out of tune and
43 could it be a different publication? This concerns Section~6 mostly
44 \item
45 \end{itemize}
46 \end{document}