fixed read
[cc1516.git] / spl.icl
1 module spl
3 import StdFile
4 import StdBool
5 import StdMisc
6 import StdFunc
7 import StdTuple
8 import StdList
9 import StdString
10 import Data.Either
11 import Data.Maybe
12 import Data.Func
13 import System.CommandLine
14 import GenPrint
15 import Data.Map
16 from Text import class Text(concat,join), instance Text String
18 import parse
19 import lex
20 import sem
21 import AST
22 import gen
23 from yard import :: Error, instance toString Error
25 :: Opts = {
26 version :: Bool,
27 program :: String,
28 lex :: Bool,
29 parse :: Bool,
30 sem :: Bool,
31 gen :: Bool,
32 fp :: Maybe String,
33 help :: Bool}
35 derive gPrint TokenValue
37 preamble :: AST -> AST
38 preamble (AST fd) = AST (pre ++ fd)
39 where
40 pre = [
41 FunDecl zero "1printstr" ["x"] Nothing [] [
42 IfStmt (FunExpr zero "isEmpty" [VarExpr zero (VarDef "x" [])] [])
43 []
44 [FunStmt "1printchar" [VarExpr zero (VarDef "x" [FieldHd])] []
45 ,FunStmt "1printstr" [VarExpr zero (VarDef "x" [FieldTl])] []]]
46 ,
47 FunDecl zero "1printbool" ["x"] Nothing [] [
48 IfStmt (VarExpr zero (VarDef "x" []))
49 [FunStmt "1printstr" [makeStrExpr zero $ fromString "True"] []]
50 [FunStmt "1printstr" [makeStrExpr zero $ fromString "False"] []]
51 ]]
53 Start :: *World -> *World
54 Start w
55 # (args, w) = parseArgs w
56 # (stdin, w) = stdio w
57 | args.version
58 # stdin = stdin
59 <<< "spl 0.1 (17 march 2016)\n"
60 <<< "Copyright Pim Jager and Mart Lubbers\n"
61 = snd $ fclose stdin w
62 |
63 # stdin = stdin
64 <<< "Usage: " <<< args.program <<< " [OPTION] [FILE]\n"
65 <<< "<spl> ::= <spl> <parser> <lexer>\n"
66 <<< "Lex parse and either FILE or stdin\n"
67 <<< "\n"
68 <<< "Options:\n"
69 <<< " --help Show this help\n"
70 <<< " --version Show the version\n"
71 <<< " --[no-]lex Lexer output(default: disabled)\n"
72 <<< " --[no-]parse Parser output(default: disabled)\n"
73 <<< " --[no-]sem Semantic analysis output(default: disabled)\n"
74 <<< " --[no-]code Code generation output(default: enabled)\n"
75 = snd $ fclose stdin w
76 # (contents, stdin, w) = readFileOrStdin stdin args.fp w
77 = case contents of
78 (Left cs) = snd $ fclose (stdin <<< cs) w
79 (Right cs) = case lexer cs of
80 (Left e) = snd $ fclose (stdin <<< toString e <<< "\n") w
81 (Right lexOut)
82 # stdin = if (not args.lex) stdin (
83 stdin <<< "//LEXER\n" <<< printTokens lexOut <<< "//LEXER\n")
84 = case parser lexOut of
85 (Left e) = snd $ fclose (stdin <<< toString e <<< "\n") w
86 (Right parseOut)
87 # stdin = if (not args.parse) stdin (
88 stdin <<< "//PARSER\n" <<< toString parseOut <<< "//PARSER\n")
89 = case sem (preamble parseOut) of
90 (Left e) = snd $ fclose (stdin <<< join "\n" (map toString e) <<< "\n") w
91 (Right ast)
92 # stdin = if (not args.sem) stdin (stdin
93 <<< "//SEM G\n" <<< toString ast <<< "//SEMA\n")
94 = case gen ast of
95 (Left e) = snd $ fclose (stdin <<< e) w
96 (Right asm)
97 # stdin = if (not args.gen) stdin (stdin
98 <<< ";CODE GEN\n" <<< asm <<< "\n;CODE GEN\n")
99 = snd $ fclose (stdin <<< "\n") w
100 where
101 printConstraints :: Constraints -> String
102 printConstraints [] = ""
103 printConstraints [(t1, t2):ts] = concat [
104 "(", toString t1, ",", toString t2, ")"] +++ printConstraints ts
106 printTokens :: [Token] -> String
107 printTokens ts = concat $ flatten $ map pt ts
108 where
109 pt ({line,col},token) = [toString line, ":",
110 toString col, ": ", printToString token, "\n"]
112 parseArgs :: *World -> (Opts, *World)
113 parseArgs w
114 # ([p:args], w) = getCommandLine w
115 = (pa args {
116 program=p,
117 version=False,
118 lex=False,
119 parse=False,
120 sem=False,
121 gen=True,
122 fp=Nothing,
123 help=False}, w)
124 where
125 pa :: [String] Opts -> Opts
126 pa [] o = o
127 pa ["--help":r] o = pa r {o & help=True}
128 pa ["--version":r] o = pa r {o & version=True}
129 pa ["--lex":r] o = pa r {o & lex=True}
130 pa ["--no-lex":r] o = pa r {o & lex=False}
131 pa ["--parse":r] o = pa r {o & parse=True}
132 pa ["--no-parse":r] o = pa r {o & parse=False}
133 pa ["--sem":r] o = pa r {o & sem=True}
134 pa ["--no-sem":r] o = pa r {o & sem=False}
135 pa ["--code":r] o = pa r {o & gen=True}
136 pa ["--no-code":r] o = pa r {o & gen=False}
137 pa [x:r] o = pa r {o & fp=Just x}
139 readFileOrStdin :: *File (Maybe String) *World -> *(Either String [Char], *File, *World)
140 readFileOrStdin stdin Nothing w
141 # (cs, stdin) = readEntireFile stdin
142 = (Right cs, stdin, w)
143 readFileOrStdin stdin (Just fp) w
144 # (b, fin, w) = fopen fp FReadText w
145 | not b = (Left "Unable to open file", stdin, w)
146 # (cs, fin) = readEntireFile fin
147 # (b, w) = fclose fin w
148 | not b = (Left "Unable to close file", stdin, w)
149 = (Right cs, stdin, w)
151 readEntireFile :: *File -> *([Char], *File)
152 readEntireFile f
153 # (b, c, f) = freadc f
154 | not b = ([], f)
155 # (cs, f) = readEntireFile f
156 = ([c:cs], f)