[fp1415-soccerfun.git] / src / Game / Geometry.icl
1 implementation module Geometry
3 import StdEnvExt
5 :: Metre = Metre !Real
7 m :: !Real -> Metre // distance in metre
8 m metre = Metre metre
10 instance zero Metre where zero = Metre zero
11 instance + Metre where + (Metre m1) (Metre m2) = Metre (m1 + m2)
12 instance - Metre where - (Metre m1) (Metre m2) = Metre (m1 - m2)
13 instance scale Metre where scale k (Metre m) = Metre (k * m)
14 instance abs Metre where abs (Metre m) = Metre (abs m)
15 instance sign Metre where sign (Metre m) = sign m
16 instance ~ Metre where ~ (Metre m) = Metre (~m)
17 instance == Metre where == (Metre m1) (Metre m2) = m1 == m2
18 instance < Metre where < (Metre m1) (Metre m2) = m1 < m2
19 instance toReal Metre where toReal (Metre m) = m
20 instance toString Metre where toString (Metre m) = m +++> " m."
24 :: Velocity = MetrePerSecond !Real // velocity in metre/second
26 ms :: !Real -> Velocity
27 ms v = MetrePerSecond v
29 instance zero Velocity where zero = MetrePerSecond zero
30 instance + Velocity where + (MetrePerSecond v1) (MetrePerSecond v2) = MetrePerSecond (v1 + v2)
31 instance - Velocity where - (MetrePerSecond v1) (MetrePerSecond v2) = MetrePerSecond (v1 - v2)
32 instance scale Velocity where scale k (MetrePerSecond v) = MetrePerSecond (k * v)
33 instance abs Velocity where abs (MetrePerSecond v) = MetrePerSecond (abs v)
34 instance sign Velocity where sign (MetrePerSecond v) = sign v
35 instance ~ Velocity where ~ (MetrePerSecond v) = MetrePerSecond (~v)
36 instance == Velocity where == (MetrePerSecond v1) (MetrePerSecond v2) = v1 == v2
37 instance < Velocity where < (MetrePerSecond v1) (MetrePerSecond v2) = v1 < v2
38 instance toReal Velocity where toReal (MetrePerSecond v) = v
39 instance toString Velocity where toString (MetrePerSecond v) = v +++> "m/s"
41 instance zero RVector where zero = {dx = zero, dy = zero}
42 instance + RVector where + v1 v2 = {dx = v1.dx + v2.dx, dy = v1.dy + v2.dy}
43 instance - RVector where - v1 v2 = {dx = v1.dx - v2.dx, dy = v1.dy - v2.dy}
44 instance one RVector where one = {dx = m 1.0, dy = m 1.0}
45 instance scale RVector where scale k {dx, dy} = {dx = scale k dx, dy = scale k dy}
46 instance ~ RVector where ~ v = zero - v
47 instance coords RVector where coords {dx,dy} = [dx,dy]
48 instance zero RVector3D where zero = {dxy = zero, dz = zero}
49 instance + RVector3D where + v1 v2 = {dxy = v1.dxy + v2.dxy, dz = v1.dz + v2.dz}
50 instance - RVector3D where - v1 v2 = {dxy = v1.dxy - v2.dxy, dz = v1.dz - v2.dz}
51 instance one RVector3D where one = {dxy = one, dz = m 1.0}
52 instance scale RVector3D where scale k {dxy,dz} = {dxy = scale k dxy, dz = scale k dz}
53 instance ~ RVector3D where ~ v = zero - v
54 instance coords RVector3D where coords {dxy={dx,dy},dz} = [dx,dy,dz]
57 :: Angle = Radian !Real
59 pi :== 3.1415926535897932384
61 rad :: !Real -> Angle
62 rad x = Radian (normalize_radian x)
64 degree :: !Int -> Angle
65 degree x = rad (toReal x * pi / 180.0)
67 normalize_radian :: !Real -> Real
68 normalize_radian r = normalize r 100
69 where
70 normalize r 0 = abort "Loop in normalize_radian. Mail p.achten@cs.ru.nl"
71 normalize r n
72 | r < ~pi = normalize (r + 2.0*pi) (n-1)
73 | r > pi = normalize (r - 2.0*pi) (n-1)
74 | otherwise = r
77 instance zero Angle where zero = Radian zero
78 instance + Angle where + (Radian r1) (Radian r2) = Radian (normalize_radian (r1 + r2))
79 instance - Angle where - (Radian r1) (Radian r2) = Radian (normalize_radian (r1 - r2))
80 instance scale Angle where scale k (Radian r) = Radian (normalize_radian (k*r))
81 instance abs Angle where abs (Radian r) = Radian (abs r)
82 instance sign Angle where sign (Radian r) = sign r
83 instance ~ Angle where ~ (Radian r) = Radian (~r)
84 instance == Angle where == (Radian r1) (Radian r2) = r1 == r2
85 instance < Angle where < (Radian r1) (Radian r2) = r1 < r2
86 instance toReal Angle where toReal (Radian r) = r
87 instance toInt Angle where toInt (Radian r) = toInt (r * 180.0 / pi)
88 instance toString Angle where toString (Radian r) = r +++> " rad"
89 instance toRVector Angle where toRVector (Radian r) = {dx = Metre (cos r), dy = Metre (sin r)}
90 instance sinus Angle where sinus (Radian r) = sin r
91 instance cosinus Angle where cosinus (Radian r) = cos r
92 instance tangens Angle where tangens (Radian r) = tan r
93 instance arcsinus Angle where arcsinus x = Radian (asin x)
94 instance arccosinus Angle where arccosinus x = Radian (acos x)
95 instance arctangens Angle where arctangens x = Radian (atan x)
97 instance zero Position where zero = {px = zero, py = zero}
98 instance == Position where == p1 p2 = p1.px == p2.px && p1.py == p2.py
99 instance coords Position where coords {px,py} = [px,py]
100 instance toString Position where toString {px, py} = "{px=" +++ toString px +++ ",py=" +++ toString py +++ "}"
101 instance toRVector Position where toRVector p = {dx = p.px, dy = p.py}
102 instance zero Position3D where zero = {pxy = zero, pz = zero}
103 instance == Position3D where == p1 p2 = p1.pxy == p2.pxy && p1.pz == p2.pz
104 instance coords Position3D where coords {pxy={px,py},pz} = [px,py,pz]
105 instance toString Position3D where toString {pxy,pz} = "{pxy=" +++ toString pxy +++ ",pz=" +++ toString pz +++ "}"
107 instance toPosition (!Metre,!Metre) where toPosition (x,y) = {px=x,py=y}
108 instance toPosition Position where toPosition p2D = p2D
109 instance toPosition Position3D where toPosition p3D = p3D.pxy
110 instance fromPosition (!Metre,!Metre) where fromPosition p2D = (p2D.px,p2D.py)
111 instance fromPosition Position where fromPosition p2D = p2D
112 instance fromPosition Position3D where fromPosition p2D = {zero & pxy=p2D}
113 instance toPosition3D (!Metre,!Metre,!Metre) where toPosition3D (x,y,z) = {pxy=toPosition (x,y),pz=z}
114 instance toPosition3D Position where toPosition3D p2D = {zero & pxy=p2D}
115 instance toPosition3D Position3D where toPosition3D p3D = p3D
116 instance fromPosition3D (!Metre,!Metre,!Metre) where fromPosition3D p3D = (p3D.pxy.px,p3D.pxy.py,p3D.pz)
117 instance fromPosition3D Position where fromPosition3D p3D = p3D.pxy
118 instance fromPosition3D Position3D where fromPosition3D p3D = p3D
120 instance zero Speed where zero = {direction=zero,velocity=zero}
121 instance == Speed where == sp1 sp2 = sp1.direction == sp2.direction && sp1.velocity == sp2.velocity
122 instance toString Speed where toString {direction,velocity} = "{direction=" +++ toString direction +++ ",velocity=" +++ toString velocity +++ "}"
123 instance toSpeed3D Speed where toSpeed3D s = {zero & vxy=s}
124 instance zero Speed3D where zero = {vxy=zero,vz=zero}
125 instance == Speed3D where == sp1 sp2 = sp1.vxy == sp2.vxy && sp1.vz == sp2.vz
126 instance toString Speed3D where toString {vxy,vz} = "{vxy=" +++ toString vxy +++ ",vz=" +++ toString vz +++ "}"
127 instance toSpeed Speed3D where toSpeed s = s.vxy
128 instance fromSpeed Speed3D where fromSpeed s = {zero & vxy=s}
129 instance fromSpeed3D Speed where fromSpeed3D s = s.vxy
131 class coords a :: !a -> [Metre]
133 move_point :: !RVector !Position -> Position
134 move_point {dx,dy} {px,py} = {px=px+dx,py=py+dy}
136 move_point3D :: !RVector3D !Position3D -> Position3D
137 move_point3D {dxy,dz} {pxy,pz} = {pxy=move_point dxy pxy,pz=pz+dz}
139 repell :: !Metre !Position !Position -> Position
140 repell minimum_distance base pos
141 | d == zero = move_point {zero & dx=minimum_distance} pos
142 | d < minimum_distance = move_point v` base //move_point (v` - v) pos
143 | otherwise = pos
144 where
145 d = dist base pos
146 v = {dx = pos.px - base.px, dy = pos.py - base.py}
147 v` = scale ((toReal minimum_distance) / (toReal d)) v
149 attract :: !Metre !Position !Position -> Position
150 attract maximum_distance base pos
151 | d > maximum_distance = move_point v` base
152 | otherwise = pos
153 where
154 d = dist base pos
155 v = {dx = pos.px - base.px, dy = pos.py - base.py}
156 v` = scale ((toReal maximum_distance) / (toReal d)) v
158 between_points :: !(!Position,!Position) !Position -> Bool
159 between_points (a,b) c = point_in_rectangle (a,b) c && (toReal dcx) / (toReal dcy) == (toReal dx) / (toReal dy)
160 where
161 [min_x,max_x:_] = sort [a.px,b.px]
162 [min_y,max_y:_] = sort [a.py,b.py]
163 (dx, dy) = (a.px - b.px, a.py - b.py)
164 (dcx,dcy) = (a.px - c.px, a.py - c.py)
166 point_in_rectangle :: !(!Position,!Position) !Position -> Bool
167 point_in_rectangle (a,b) c = isbetween c.px min_x max_x && isbetween c.py min_y max_y
168 where
169 (min_x,max_x) = minmax (a.px,b.px)
170 (min_y,max_y) = minmax (a.py,b.py)
172 point_to_rectangle :: !(!Position,!Position) !Position -> Position
173 point_to_rectangle (a,b) c
174 | point_in_rectangle (a,b) c = c
175 | otherwise = toPosition c`
176 where
177 (min_x,max_x) = minmax (a.px,b.px)
178 (min_y,max_y) = minmax (a.py,b.py)
179 left = c.px <= min_x
180 right = c.px >= max_x
181 above = c.py >= max_y
182 below = c.py <= min_y
184 c` | left && above = (min_x,max_y)
185 | right && above = (max_x,max_y)
186 | left && below = (min_x,min_y)
187 | right && below = (max_x,min_y)
188 | above = (c.px, max_y)
189 | below = (c.px, min_y)
190 | left = (min_x,c.py )
191 | right = (max_x,c.py )
192 | otherwise = abort ("unsuspected error; please rotate with angles between pi and -pi\n")
194 size_vector :: !RVector -> Metre
195 size_vector v = Metre (dist` v z)
196 where z :: RVector; z = zero
198 size_vector3D :: !RVector3D -> Metre
199 size_vector3D v = Metre (dist` v z)
200 where z :: RVector3D; z = zero
202 dist :: !a !b -> Metre | toPosition3D a & toPosition3D b
203 dist a b = Metre (dist` (toPosition3D a) (toPosition3D b))
205 dist` :: !a !b -> Real | coords a & coords b
206 dist` cs1 cs2 = sqrt (sum [ (toReal c1 - toReal c2)^2.0 \\ c1 <- coords cs1 & c2 <- coords cs2 ])
208 orthogonal :: !Angle -> (!Angle,!Angle)
209 orthogonal a = (a + rad (0.25*pi), a - rad (0.25*pi))
211 px_bearing :: !base !target -> Angle | toPosition base & toPosition target
212 px_bearing base target
213 | abs ratio > 1.0 = Radian zero // Corner-cases: d==0 and "large values of 1.0"
214 | v.dx >= zero && v.dy >= zero = Radian base_angle // 1st quadrant
215 | v.dx <= zero && v.dy >= zero = Radian (pi-base_angle) // 2nd quadrant
216 | v.dx <= zero && v.dy <= zero = Radian (base_angle-pi) // 3rd quadrant
217 | v.dx >= zero && v.dy <= zero = Radian (~base_angle) // 4th quadrant
218 where
219 pbase = toPosition base
220 ptarget = toPosition target
221 v = {dx = ptarget.px - pbase.px, dy = ptarget.py - pbase.py}
222 d = toReal (dist pbase ptarget)
223 ratio = toReal (abs v.dx) / d
224 base_angle = acos ratio
226 bearing :: !Angle !base !target -> Angle | toPosition base & toPosition target
227 bearing angle base target = px_bearing base target - angle