[fp1415-soccerfun.git] / src / Gui / digitdisplay.icl
1 implementation module digitdisplay
3 import StdArray, StdClass, StdEnum, StdInt, StdList, StdMisc, StdReal, StdString
4 import StdEnvExt
5 import StdControl, StdControlAttribute, StdControlReceiver, StdId, StdPicture, StdPSt, StdReceiver
7 /* A DigitDisplay displayId format size atts
8 is a Controls instance that displays a positive integral number of maximal format digits
9 in a given colour. Each digit has a given size.
10 The following ControlAttribute-s are inherited:
11 ControlPos: the layout position of the digit display control
12 ControlTip: the tool tip text that must be displayed
13 All other attributes are ignored.
14 */
16 :: DigitDisplay ls pst
17 = DigitDisplay DigitDisplayId DigitFormat DigitSize Colour [ControlAttribute *(ls,pst)]
18 :: DigitDisplayId
19 = { customId :: !Id
20 , receiverId :: !R2Id DigitDisplayMsgIn DigitDisplayMsgOut
21 }
22 :: DigitDisplayMsgIn = SetDigitValueIn Int | GetDigitValueIn
23 :: DigitDisplayMsgOut = SetDigitValueOut | GetDigitValueOut Int
24 :: DigitFormat
25 = IntegerFormat !Int // The number of digits
26 :: DigitSize // The size of one digit
27 :== Size
29 openDigitDisplayId :: !*env -> (!DigitDisplayId,!*env) | Ids env
30 openDigitDisplayId env
31 # (id, env) = openId env
32 # (r2id,env) = openR2Id env
33 = ({customId=id,receiverId=r2id},env)
35 :: DigitDisplaySt
36 = { value :: !Int // The current value that is displayed
37 }
38 :: DigitShapeTT
39 = { horDigitBars:: ![RPoint2] // The positions of the horizontal digitbars
40 , verDigitBars:: ![RPoint2] // The positions of the vertical digitbars
41 }
42 :: DigitBarTT
43 = { horDigitBar :: !PolygonShapeTT // The horizontal `true type' polygon shape
44 , verDigitBar :: !PolygonShapeTT // The vertical `true type' polygon shape
45 }
46 :: RPoint2 = {rx ::!Real,ry ::!Real}
47 :: RVector2 = {rvx::!Real,rvy::!Real}
48 :: PolygonShapeTT :== [RVector2]
51 instance Controls DigitDisplay where
52 controlToHandles (DigitDisplay {customId,receiverId} digitFormat digitSize colour atts) pst
53 = controlToHandles digitdisplay pst
54 where
55 okDigitFormat = validateDigitFormat digitFormat
56 okDigitSize = validateDigitSize digitSize
57 nrOfDigits = getNrOfDigits digitFormat
58 customControlSize = { okDigitSize & w = okDigitSize.w*nrOfDigits }
59 initDisplaySt = { value = 0 }
60 digitdisplay = { newLS = initDisplaySt
61 , newDef = CustomControl customControlSize (displaylook (format okDigitFormat 0))
62 [ ControlId customId
63 , ControlPen [PenBack Black,PenColour colour]
64 : flatten [posAtt,tipAtt]
65 ]
66 :+:
67 Receiver2 receiverId receiverfun []
68 }
70 posAtt = case [att \\ att<-atts | isControlPos att] of
71 [ ControlPos pos : _] -> [ControlPos pos]
72 _ -> []
73 tipAtt = case [att \\ att<-atts | isControlTip att] of
74 [ ControlTip text : _] -> [ControlTip text]
75 _ -> []
76 digitbars = { horDigitBar = [ {rvx = dx, rvy = ~dy}
77 , {rvx = 1.0-lx,rvy = 0.0}
78 , {rvx = dx, rvy = dy}
79 , {rvx = ~dx, rvy = dy}
80 , {rvx = lx-1.0,rvy = 0.0}
81 , {rvx = ~dx, rvy = ~dy}
82 ]
83 , verDigitBar = [ {rvx = dx, rvy = dy}
84 , {rvx = 0.0, rvy = 0.5-ly}
85 , {rvx = ~dx, rvy = dy}
86 , {rvx = ~dx, rvy = ~dy}
87 , {rvx = 0.0, rvy = ly-0.5}
88 , {rvx = dx, rvy = ~dy}
89 ]
90 }
91 (hmargin,vmargin) = (0.12,0.12)
92 (dx,dy) = (0.06,0.06)
93 (lx,ly) = (2.0*(hmargin+dx),vmargin+dy)
94 digitshapes :: {!DigitShapeTT}
95 digitshapes = {shape0,shape1,shape2,shape3,shape4,shape5,shape6,shape7,shape8,shape9}
96 shape0 = { horDigitBars = [a,c], verDigitBars = [a,b,d,e] }
97 shape1 = { horDigitBars = [], verDigitBars = [d,e] }
98 shape2 = { horDigitBars = [a,b,c], verDigitBars = [b,d] }
99 shape3 = { horDigitBars = [a,b,c], verDigitBars = [d,e] }
100 shape4 = { horDigitBars = [b], verDigitBars = [a,d,e] }
101 shape5 = { horDigitBars = [a,b,c], verDigitBars = [a,e] }
102 shape6 = { horDigitBars = [a,b,c], verDigitBars = [a,b,e] }
103 shape7 = { horDigitBars = [a], verDigitBars = [d,e] }
104 shape8 = { horDigitBars = [a,b,c], verDigitBars = [a,b,d,e] }
105 shape9 = { horDigitBars = [a,b,c], verDigitBars = [a,d,e] }
106 [a,b,c,d,e:_] = [ {rx=hmargin, ry=vmargin}
107 , {rx=hmargin, ry=0.5}
108 , {rx=hmargin, ry=1.0-vmargin}
109 , {rx=1.0-hmargin,ry=vmargin}
110 , {rx=1.0-hmargin,ry=0.5}
111 ]
113 receiverfun :: !DigitDisplayMsgIn !*(DigitDisplaySt,PSt .ps) -> (DigitDisplayMsgOut,(DigitDisplaySt,PSt .ps))
114 receiverfun (SetDigitValueIn newValue) (ddst,pst=:{io})
115 # ddst = {ddst & value = okValue}
116 # io = setControlLook customId True (True,displaylook (format okDigitFormat okValue)) io
117 = (SetDigitValueOut,(ddst,{pst & io=io}))
118 where
119 okValue = validateDigitValue okDigitFormat newValue
120 receiverfun GetDigitValueIn (ddst=:{value},pst)
121 = (GetDigitValueOut value,(ddst,pst))
123 displaylook :: ![Digit] !SelectState !UpdateState !*Picture -> *Picture
124 displaylook digits _ _ picture
125 # picture = unfill {zero & corner2={x=customControlSize.w,y=customControlSize.h}} picture
126 # picture = sseq [fillPolygons {x=i*okDigitSize.w,y=0} digitshapes.[digit] \\ digit <- digits & i <- [0..]] picture
127 = picture
128 where
129 fillPolygons base {horDigitBars,verDigitBars} picture
130 = sseq
131 ( [fillAt (base + scaleRPoint2 okDigitSize posTT) {polygon_shape=map (scaleRVector2 okDigitSize) digitbars.horDigitBar} \\ posTT <- horDigitBars]
132 ++
133 [fillAt (base + scaleRPoint2 okDigitSize posTT) {polygon_shape=map (scaleRVector2 okDigitSize) digitbars.verDigitBar} \\ posTT <- verDigitBars]
134 ) picture
136 getControlType _ = "DigitDisplay"
138 getDigitDisplayValue :: !DigitDisplayId !(PSt .ps) -> (!Int,!PSt .ps)
139 getDigitDisplayValue {receiverId} pst
140 = case syncSend2 receiverId GetDigitValueIn pst of
141 ((SendOk,Just (GetDigitValueOut x)),pst) -> (x,pst)
142 other -> sendError "getDigitDisplayValue"
144 setDigitDisplayValue :: !DigitDisplayId !Int !(PSt .ps) -> PSt .ps
145 setDigitDisplayValue {receiverId} newValue pst
146 = case syncSend2 receiverId (SetDigitValueIn newValue) pst of
147 ((SendOk,Just SetDigitValueOut),pst) -> pst
148 other -> sendError "setDigitDisplayValue"
150 sendError fName
151 = abort (fName +++ ": wrong reply from DigitDisplay.\n")
154 // Validate format:
155 validateDigitFormat :: !DigitFormat -> DigitFormat
156 validateDigitFormat (IntegerFormat nrDigits)
157 = IntegerFormat (setbetween nrDigits 1 maxNrDigits)
158 where
159 maxInt = 0x7FFFFFFF
160 maxNrDigits = toInt (log10 (toReal maxInt))-1
163 // getNrOfDigits returns the number of digits to display:
164 getNrOfDigits :: !DigitFormat -> Int
165 getNrOfDigits (IntegerFormat nrDigits) = nrDigits
167 // Validate digit size:
168 validateDigitSize :: !DigitSize -> Size
169 validateDigitSize {w,h}
170 = {w=max 1 w,h=max 1 h}
172 // Validate value according to valid format:
173 validateDigitValue :: !DigitFormat !Int -> Int
174 validateDigitValue (IntegerFormat nrDigits) x
175 = setbetween x 0 (10^nrDigits-1)
177 // Format integer values:
178 :: Digit :== Int // A digit is an int in [0..9]
180 class format a :: !DigitFormat !a -> [Digit]
182 instance format Int where
183 format (IntegerFormat nrDigits) x
184 = getdigits nrDigits (abs x) []
185 where
186 getdigits :: !Int !Int ![Digit] -> [Digit]
187 getdigits 0 _ digits
188 = digits
189 getdigits n x digits
190 = getdigits (n-1) (x / 10) [x rem 10 : digits]
192 digitsToString :: ![Digit] -> String
193 digitsToString digits
194 = {toChar (toInt '0'+d) \\ d<-digits}
197 instance toString DigitFormat where
198 toString (IntegerFormat nrDigits) = "(IntegerFormat " <+++ nrDigits <+++")"
201 scaleRVector2 :: !Size !RVector2 -> Vector2
202 scaleRVector2 {w,h} {rvx,rvy} = {vx=toInt ((toReal w)*rvx), vy=toInt ((toReal h)*rvy)}
204 scaleRPoint2 :: !Size !RPoint2 -> Point2
205 scaleRPoint2 {w,h} {rx,ry} = {x=toInt ((toReal w)*rx), y=toInt ((toReal h)*ry)}