[fp1415-soccerfun.git] / src / StdLibExt / RangeSlider.icl
1 implementation module RangeSlider
3 import StdEnv, StdIO
5 :: RangeSliderId a
6 = { sliderId :: Id
7 , recId :: R2Id (RangeSliderMsgIn a) (RangeSliderMsgOut a)
8 }
9 :: RangeSliderMsgIn a
10 = RSIn_GetIndex
11 | RSIn_GetValue
12 | RSIn_SetIndex RangeIndex
13 | RSIn_SetValue a
14 :: RangeSliderMsgOut a
15 = RSOut_GetIndex RangeIndex
16 | RSOut_GetValue a
17 | RSOut_SetIndex
18 | RSOut_SetValue
19 :: RangeSliderSt a
20 :== Range a
22 openRangeSliderId :: !*env -> (!RangeSliderId a,!*env) | Ids env
23 openRangeSliderId env
24 # (sliderId,env) = openId env
25 # (recId, env) = openR2Id env
26 = ({sliderId=sliderId,recId=recId},env)
28 instance Controls (RangeSlider a) where
29 controlToHandles (RangeSlider {sliderId,recId} dir width range=:{values,index} f atts) pSt
30 = controlToHandles impl pSt
31 where
32 f` = liftF2 f
33 impl = { addLS = range
34 , addDef = SliderControl dir width state (action f`) [ControlId sliderId:map toLS atts]
35 :+:
36 Receiver2 recId (recF f`) []
37 }
38 state = { sliderMin = 0
39 , sliderMax = length values - 1
40 , sliderThumb = index
41 }
43 action f move ((range=:{values,index},ls),pSt)
44 = f (values!!i) (({range & index=i},ls),appPIO (setSliderThumb sliderId i) pSt)
45 where
46 i = case move of
47 SliderIncSmall = min (index+1) (length values-1)
48 SliderDecSmall = max (index-1) 0
49 SliderIncLarge = min (index+(max 1 (length values)/10)) (length values-1)
50 SliderDecLarge = max (index-(max 1 (length values)/10)) 0
51 SliderThumb new = new
53 recF f RSIn_GetIndex ((range=:{index},ls),pSt)
54 = (RSOut_GetIndex index,((range,ls),pSt))
55 recF f RSIn_GetValue ((range=:{values,index},ls),pSt)
56 = (RSOut_GetValue (values!!index),((range,ls),pSt))
57 recF f (RSIn_SetIndex i) ((range=:{values},ls),pSt)
58 = (RSOut_SetIndex,f (values!!i`) (({range & index=i`},ls),pSt))
59 where
60 i` = min (max i 0) (length values-1)
61 recF f (RSIn_SetValue v) ((range=:{values,index},ls),pSt)
62 = (RSOut_SetValue,f v (({range & values=updateAt index v values},ls),pSt))
64 toLS (ControlActivate f) = ControlActivate (liftF f)
65 toLS (ControlDeactivate f) = ControlDeactivate (liftF f)
66 toLS (ControlFunction f) = ControlFunction (liftF f)
67 toLS ControlHide = ControlHide
68 toLS (ControlId id) = ControlId id
69 toLS (ControlKeyboard kF s f) = ControlKeyboard kF s (liftF2 f)
70 toLS (ControlMinimumSize s) = ControlMinimumSize s
71 toLS (ControlModsFunction f) = ControlModsFunction (liftF2 f)
72 toLS (ControlMouse mF s f) = ControlMouse mF s (liftF2 f)
73 toLS (ControlPen p) = ControlPen p
74 toLS (ControlPos p) = ControlPos p
75 toLS (ControlResize f) = ControlResize f
76 toLS (ControlSelectState s) = ControlSelectState s
77 toLS (ControlTip t) = ControlTip t
78 toLS (ControlWidth w) = ControlWidth w
79 toLS (ControlHMargin l r) = ControlHMargin l r
80 toLS (ControlHScroll f) = ControlHScroll f
81 toLS (ControlItemSpace x y) = ControlItemSpace x y
82 toLS (ControlLook b f) = ControlLook b f
83 toLS (ControlOrigin o) = ControlOrigin o
84 toLS (ControlOuterSize s) = ControlOuterSize s
85 toLS (ControlViewDomain d) = ControlViewDomain d
86 toLS (ControlViewSize s) = ControlViewSize s
87 toLS (ControlVMargin t b) = ControlVMargin t b
88 toLS (ControlVScroll f) = ControlVScroll f
90 liftF f ((add,ls),pSt)
91 # (ls,pSt) = f (ls,pSt)
92 = ((add,ls),pSt)
94 liftF2 f a ((add,ls),pSt)
95 # (ls,pSt) = f a (ls,pSt)
96 = ((add,ls),pSt)
98 getControlType _
99 = "RangeSlider"
101 getRangeSliderIndex :: !(RangeSliderId a) !(PSt .ps) -> (!Maybe RangeIndex,!PSt .ps)
102 getRangeSliderIndex {recId} pSt
103 = case syncSend2 recId RSIn_GetIndex pSt of
104 ((SendOk,Just (RSOut_GetIndex i)),pSt) = (Just i, pSt)
105 (_,pSt) = (Nothing,pSt)
107 getRangeSliderValue :: !(RangeSliderId a) !(PSt .ps) -> (!Maybe a,!PSt .ps)
108 getRangeSliderValue {recId} pSt
109 = case syncSend2 recId RSIn_GetValue pSt of
110 ((SendOk,Just (RSOut_GetValue v)),pSt) = (Just v, pSt)
111 (_,pSt) = (Nothing,pSt)
113 setRangeSliderIndex :: !(RangeSliderId a) !Index !(PSt .ps) -> PSt .ps
114 setRangeSliderIndex {recId} i pSt
115 = snd (syncSend2 recId (RSIn_SetIndex i) pSt)
117 setRangeSliderValue :: !(RangeSliderId a) !a !(PSt .ps) -> PSt .ps
118 setRangeSliderValue {recId} v pSt
119 = snd (syncSend2 recId (RSIn_SetValue v) pSt)