[clean-tests.git] / stampedShare / test.icl
1 module test
3 import Data.Func
4 import iTasks.Extensions.DateTime
5 import qualified Data.Map as DM
6 import qualified Data.Set as DS
7 import iTasks
9 //:: SDSStamped sds p r w = SDSStamped String (sds p (DateTime, r) (DateTime, w))
10 //instance Identifiable (SDSStamped sds) | Identifiable sds
11 //where
12 // nameSDS (SDSStamped n sds) acc = ["t$":nameSDS sds ["$t":acc]]
13 //instance Readable (SDSStamped sds) | Readable sds
14 //where
15 // readSDS (SDSStamped name sds) p c iworld
16 // = case readSDS sds p c iworld of
17 // (Error e, iworld) = (Error e, iworld)
18 // (Ok (ReadResult r ssds), iworld)
19 // = (Ok (ReadResult r (SDSStamped name ssds)), iworld)
20 // (Ok (AsyncRead sds), iworld)
21 // = (Ok (AsyncRead (SDSStamped name sds)), iworld)
22 //
24 :: SDSNoNotify p r w = E.sds: SDSNoNotify (sds p r w) & RWShared sds
25 instance Identifiable SDSNoNotify where
26 nameSDS (SDSNoNotify sds) c = nameSDS sds c
27 instance Readable SDSNoNotify where
28 readSDS (SDSNoNotify sds) p c iworld
29 = case readSDS sds p c iworld of
30 (Error e, iworld) = (Error e, iworld)
31 (Ok (ReadResult r sds), iworld)
32 = (Ok (ReadResult r sds), iworld)
33 (Ok (AsyncRead sds), iworld)
34 = (Ok (AsyncRead sds), iworld)
36 instance Writeable SDSNoNotify where
37 writeSDS (SDSNoNotify sds) p c w iworld
38 = case writeSDS sds p c w iworld of
39 (Error e, iworld) = (Error e, iworld)
40 (Ok (WriteResult _ sds), iworld)
41 = (Ok (WriteResult 'DS'.newSet (SDSNoNotify sds)), iworld)
42 (Ok (AsyncWrite sds), iworld)
43 = (Ok (AsyncWrite (SDSNoNotify sds)), iworld)
44 instance Registrable SDSNoNotify where
45 readRegisterSDS (SDSNoNotify sds) p c _ _ iworld
46 = case readSDS sds p c iworld of
47 (Error e, iworld) = (Error e, iworld)
48 (Ok (ReadResult r sds), iworld)
49 = (Ok (ReadResult r sds), iworld)
50 (Ok (AsyncRead sds), iworld)
51 = (Ok (AsyncRead sds), iworld)
52 instance Modifiable SDSNoNotify where
53 modifySDS mf (SDSNoNotify sds) p c iworld
54 = case modifySDS mf sds p c iworld of
55 (Error e, iworld) = (Error e, iworld)
56 (Ok (ModifyResult _ r w sds), iworld)
57 = (Ok (ModifyResult 'DS'.newSet r w (SDSNoNotify sds)), iworld)
58 (Ok (AsyncModify sds mf), iworld)
59 = (Ok (AsyncModify (SDSNoNotify sds) mf), iworld)
62 sh = sharedStore "bork" ({DateTime|year=0,mon=0,day=0,hour=0,min=0,sec=0}, 42)
64 Start w = doTasks t w
65 //Start w = nameSDS (SDSStamped "bork" sh) []
67 stampedShare :: (Shared sds (DateTime, a)) -> SDSLens () (DateTime, a) a | TC a & RWShared sds
68 stampedShare sds =
69 mapReadWrite (fst , \a (_, dt)->Just ((dt, a), dt)) Nothing
70 $ sds >*< (mapWrite (\_ _->Nothing) Nothing currentDateTime)
72 t = viewSharedInformation [] sh
73 -&&- updateSharedInformation [] (stampedShare sh)