started to write some things and populate the bibtex db
[msc-thesis1617.git] / thesis.bib
2 @incollection{achten_introduction_2015,
3 title = {An {Introduction} to {Task} {Oriented} {Programming}},
4 booktitle = {Central {European} {Functional} {Programming} {School}},
5 publisher = {Springer},
6 author = {Achten, Peter and Koopman, Pieter and Plasmeijer, Rinus},
7 year = {2015},
8 pages = {187--245},
9 file = {chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-15940-9_5.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/ZSDSIIT7/chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-15940-9_5.pdf:application/pdf}
10 }
12 @incollection{serrano_shallow_2016,
13 address = {Cham},
14 series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}},
15 title = {A {Shallow} {Embedded} {Type} {Safe} {Extendable} {DSL} for the {Arduino}},
16 volume = {9547},
17 isbn = {978-3-319-39109-0 978-3-319-39110-6},
18 url = {},
19 urldate = {2017-02-22},
20 booktitle = {Trends in {Functional} {Programming}},
21 publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
22 editor = {Serrano, Manuel and Hage, Jurriaan},
23 year = {2016},
24 note = {DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39110-6},
25 file = {chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-39110-6_6.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/TJVP6FHF/chp%3A10.1007%2F978-3-319-39110-6_6.pdf:application/pdf}
26 }
28 @article{koopman_type-safe_????,
29 title = {Type-{Safe} {Functions} and {Tasks} in a {Shallow} {Embedded} {DSL} for {Microprocessors}},
30 url = {},
31 urldate = {2017-02-22},
32 author = {Koopman, Pieter and Plasmeijer, Rinus},
33 file = {TFP_2016_paper_7.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/WR3PZNTT/TFP_2016_paper_7.pdf:application/pdf}
34 }
36 @inproceedings{brus_cleanlanguage_1987,
37 title = {Clean—a language for functional graph rewriting},
38 url = {},
39 urldate = {2017-02-24},
40 booktitle = {Conference on {Functional} {Programming} {Languages} and {Computer} {Architecture}},
41 publisher = {Springer},
42 author = {Brus, T. H. and van Eekelen, Marko CJD and Van Leer, M. O. and Plasmeijer, Marinus J.},
43 year = {1987},
44 pages = {364--384},
45 file = {Clean &#x2014\; A language for functional graph rewriting - chp%3A10.1007%2F3-540-18317-5_20.pdf:/home/mrl/.mozilla/firefox/7b4r727h.default-1470981082057/zotero/storage/GCEPPRUJ/chp%3A10.1007%2F3-540-18317-5_20.pdf:application/pdf}
46 }