[mc1516the.git] / third.tex
1 \emph{A vessel where some chemical reaction takes place can be cooled by
2 inserting two different rods, each with different cooling capacities. Only one
3 rod can be inserted at a certain time. The vessel can be in three different
4 states:\\
5 \textbf{no rods:} then the temperature T evolves according to the differential
6 equation $T'=0.1T − 10.0$.\\
7 \textbf{with rod1}: equation is $T'=0.1T − 11.2$\\
8 \textbf{with rod2}: equation is $T'=0.1T − 12.0$ (so rod2 cools better than
9 rod1).\\
10 A rod will be inserted if the temperature reaches 110 degrees. A rod that is in
11 the vessel will be removed from the vessel if the temperature is between 102
12 and 105 degrees. When a rod is removed, it cannot be used for 20 time units.\\
13 Initial temperature is 102 degrees. The objective is to keep the temperature
14 between 102 and 110 degrees. If the temperature is going up to 110 degrees but
15 no rod is yet available, the system goes into a state Overheating.}
16 \subsection*{3.a}
17 \emph{Specify the system in \UPPAAL. Show that unfortunately it may reach state
18 \texttt{Overheating}. What is the chance this happens within 100 time units?}
20 Figure~\ref{fig:uppaal3} shows our \UPPAAL{} specification of the vessel and
21 rods. It is also included in \tt{3.xml}.
22 Here \tt{t, r1} and \tt{r2} are simple \tt{clock}s tracking the
23 temperature and idle times for rod1 and rod2. When querying for
24 \tt{Pr [<=100] (<> v.overheating)} \UPPAAL{} gives a probability interval of
25 $[0.0486043,0.148433]$ with a confidence of 0.95. The chance of overheating
26 in 100 time units thus lies between ±0\% and ±1\%.
28 \begin{figure}[h]
29 \centering
30 \includegraphics[width=.8\linewidth]{3}
31 \label{fig:uppaal3}
32 \caption{Modeling vessel and rods in \UPPAAL{}}
33 \end{figure}
35 \subsection*{3.b}
36 \emph{Someone forwards the idea that the fact that the \texttt{Overheating}
37 state can be reached is due to rod2 cooling too well, and proposes to replace
38 rod2 by a rod that is similar to rod1. What do you think of this idea?}
40 At first this idea appears to make sense. If rod2 cools too well then rod1 does
41 not have time to recover when rod2 is done cooling. When we replace rod2 with a
42 rod which has the same cooling constant ($T'=0.1T − 11.2$) as rod1 in the model
43 then running the same query returns an interval of $[0,0.0973938]$, so chances
44 appear to have decreased a bit, but there still is a considerable chance of
45 overheating.