process the rest of Pieter's comments
[phd-thesis.git] / top / contexttree2.tex
1 \documentclass[tikz]{standalone}
2 \usepackage{stmaryrd}
3 \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta,shapes.symbols,matrix,positioning}
4 \begin{document}
5 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1em]
6 \node (s1) {\verb#>>=.#};
7 \node (t1) [left=of s1.north,yshift=-3em] {$t_1$};
8 \node (v1) [right=of s1.north,yshift=-3em] {\verb#>>=.# $\lambda v_1\shortrightarrow$};
9 \node (a1) [left=of v1.north,yshift=-3em] {\verb#.&&.#};
10 \node (a1v) [left=of a1.north,yshift=-3em] {\verb#rtrn# $v_1$};
11 \node (a1t) [right=of a1.north,yshift=-3em] {$t_1$};
12 \node (v2) [right=of v1.north,xshift=1em,yshift=-3em] {\verb#>>=.# $\lambda v_2\shortrightarrow$};
13 \node (a2) [left=of v2.north,yshift=-3em] {\verb#.&&.#};
14 \node (a2v) [left=of a2.north,yshift=-3em] {\verb#rtrn# $(v_1, v_2)$};
15 \node (a2t) [right=of a2.north,yshift=-3em] {$t_2$};
16 \node (ld) [right=of v2.north,yshift=-3em] {\ldots};
18 \draw (s1.south) -- (t1.north);
19 \draw (s1.south) -- (v1.north);
20 \draw (v1.south) -- (a1.north);
21 \draw (a1.south) -- (a1v.north);
22 \draw (a1.south) -- (a1t.north);
23 \draw (v1.south) -- (v2.north);
24 \draw (v2.south) -- (a2.north);
25 \draw (a2.south) -- (a2v.north);
26 \draw (a2.south) -- (a2t.north);
27 \draw (v2.south) -- (ld.north);
28 \end{tikzpicture}
29 \end{document}